216226' O ^IGINAL TO CITY CLERK A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CPUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONE DATE L-11 i - WkeAea,d, die Comm &- w,ioneA og Li6AaAi.e_d, Aud-UoA,ium, and C.i..v i.c Bui ldin." Aar AePolrted -in accoAclance wiA Section 53 o� the C4 C wLteIL, die existence og an emeAgencry duA ina Sze pelLiod g om YanuaAy 1 to YanuarV 15, 196th, wlzi.cA &endeAed nece.4,daliy Ae em- plorymeni og ceA Lain employe-4 4 die DePa/Ltmeni 4 L.i6haA.ie4, Aucutoluum, and Civic Au,i..lddi.np �oA moAe Aan e.i� Aou&4 peA dark oh. goAty AouLz PeA week in doing Ae �o,Uow,ina woAk: hecem, a4y goA maintenance and opening og 6aildi.ng at Aun.icipa, S .tadi.um. And, wkenead, to emeAgencry aAode 6y Ae"on og tke �o,llow,ina �ac t j and c iacum.4 .tance.d : Could not 6e Handled 6y untrained pe- ,u onne,l. 77LeAe�oAe 6e .i it Ae-zolved, Aat Ae pAopeA c iy ogiceAA are AeAe6a autAoAiged to paou Ae emp loryeA AAown on die attached Ll j i wAo peA�ohmed 16'ucA wolih Zn accoAdance wi A Ae pAowb i.onj o� Ae Co unc Li �,6 " oAdinance, l Vo . 04go . COUNCILMEN Yeas I Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortlson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10111 6-82 Tn Favor A gainst Council File No. 218226 —By Severin A. Mortinson— , Resolved, That the proper City offi- cers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Libraries,, Auditorium, and Civic Build- ings, for extra employment as de- scribed in the resolution. Adopted by the Council January 15, 1984. Approved January�15, 1964. 1 (January 18, 1964) Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Name Raymond �. (fa/z.Lery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis font "2 Ti� C10dr: - &,ai.neeA (Aurz,cc ya, Stad r:um) In Favor Against No .f1Aj . Rate Amount 12 Adopted by the Counci $3.26 $39.12 JAN 15 1964 9— Ap oved SAN 15 1964 19_ Mayor