216175ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK w _ _ I CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE O. COUNCIL SOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 2ose- 16175 —B y Milton n JVhereas, Addition which might n flATF :`� tea �_.a to,be . necessary _ n in the imrnnn_ . • a.a11]2L =F'R. -S F 'ontract L -` litl;i't, Cozp ZT 29:Ii no bi Whereas, Addition which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the BURLINGTON HEIGHTS SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, Comptrollers Contract L- 6593,, Peter Iametti Construction Company, contractor, has been provided for in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Addition: ADDITION: To maintain drainage from an existing culvert at Station 1+65, between 'Manholes No. 1 and 2, it was necessary to replace 8.5 lin. ft.*at new grade: labor and Material: 8.;5 lin. ft. of 18 inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe ®. $3.86 = $32.81 and Whereas,'The total net addition is $32.81, now therefore be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the stmm of $32.81,'said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L -6593, and which amount is to be financed from assessment against benefited property. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $32.81 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. JAN 141964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by t e Council 19— Yeas Nays egg - - - JAN 14 19F Holland App oved 19_ Loss 6-Tn Favor t Mortinson f Peterson Against Mayor Rosen, Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `1 6 �- -L _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY N �'' uton n„_.,, COMMISSIONER sw�i�i DATE _ Ubereae, Addition which night prove to be neoellseary in the bkproveiaerrt, described- ao the BBB EMU= ��� $VM MTMI, (kmtraot L-6",, Peter lezetti c_=0Uuatlm qompw r., 0mt )met0 r: iae 'lam provided for In the if3oati r and Vhex aj, It has been found nooeseary to i4ake tbae following Addit e ADDITIONt To ma3nt in dminaga from an oxisting mlvsrt at Station 1+65, between Noftles No* 1 wd 2� it wise neoeeseary to repl.acs 8.5 x,in, ft, at ntw grdeiz Tabor and Mte7rUl t • $, 5 11n. ft* of 1S inch Rainforftd Mmftsto Pipe IS 0* 86 =, $32.$1 and Nhafter. The total net add9,t 1s #32.$1` now therasl'ore be 3t Resolved, That the City of St; .Paul tk 3! t $to City Qouao 2. apptov®ai the foregoing add�tioa made in acoorduos with the 9p+ 1fioatims in tbo ease of $32681* maid amount to be added to the lump ea wnsidemt1ph rained In the oWtraoto knoWli as ('mptroller's Contract 11,6593, szd xhiob exo=t is to be financed from ass+ isamt against bebefiW property. the 0madmalmor of PW4ic Works has agreed with the above named CoctraotOr that the ett of 02.81 is the amveet amount to be aaddg4 to the above o ntraat, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-82 JAN 141964 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 141964 Approved 19— 0 Mayor r