216161ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF, ST. PAUL F 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 218181 —By Geo– r� $e J, COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM va"°ulis, Mayor, by request — Resolved, That James J. Dalglish, f Commissioner of Finance of the City f of Saint Paul, hereby is authorized to PRESENTED BY i jdelegate_to Thomas J. Kelley-Deputy, COMMISSIONER /�/ —DATE S:iv- ner of Fi d' sal .-T f +ty, "t ary p+nv t:, �Y Yi jr. to RESOLVED, That James J. Dalglish, Commission ,;t;,;,°n z,-I of the City of Saint Paul, hereby is authorized toLUereg -az a� 0, to Thomas J. Kelley, Deputy Commissioner of Finance of said City, the necessary power and authority to act for and in place and stead of said Commissioner in respect of access to any Safe Deposit Box or Safe Deposit Vault in the name of said Commissioner and maintained in the vault of The First National Bank of Saint Paul, for the deposit, removal or redeposit of- Bonds or other Securities, of the City of Saint Paul; and that The First National Bank of Saint Paul, pursuant to any such delegation of power and authority, hereby is authorized to permit r said Deputy Commissioner, Thomas J. Kelley, to substitute for said Commissioner, James J. Dalglish,.in the matter of such access to any and all Safe Deposit Boxes and Safe Deposit Vaults of said Bank; provided that no such Safe Deposit Box or Safe Deposit Vault shall be opened by or made accessible to said Deputy Commissioner unless said Deputy Commissioner shall be accompanied by the Chief Cashier or other Cashier, then employed in the Department of Finance of said City. r r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays w Holland 1 s Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen - Mr. President,- Vavou7 lis 10M 8-82 a r In Favor ,�} 'V Against 30A 141964 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 141964 pprove 19— t� Mayor