216135Council File No. 216135 —By Severin A. Mortinson _ Robert F. Peterson — ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Milton Rosen— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE O to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is COUN RESOL instructed to issue a City treasury n' the payment into the City tress of the required fees. PRESENTED BY Adopted by the Council January 9, COMMISSIONE + 1964. Approved January 9, 1964. (January 11, 1964) REED LVED: That licenses applied for by the- fo1_Cowing persons at trie be and the same are hereby granted. Cal OtBrien & Violet Peterson 131 University Restalrant it it Cigarette COUNCIL NO.- FILE 9. 1964 sses stated, App. 5573 Renewal u 11 11 Arnold G. Johnson 499Thomas Restaurant " 5926 " It it On Sale Malt ii 11 !' U it Off Sale Malt ° 11 it it Cigarette 11 it it Cig. V.M.Oper. n n n Samuel G., Joseph I. & Rocco T. Crea 500 N. Snelling Orig. Cont. 't 6506 " it It Off Sale Malt 11 11 ii It 'i Cigarette 11 ti Mandel S. Gruesner 900 W. 34th St. St. Louis Park Foods,M.D.P.'W. ii 6513 '1 Ii 't 1 Veh. it 11 u C. L. Hopkins 2304 Como Gas Sta 3P 'i 6519 11 if " Gen Auto Rep !i u n VilIiam & Emil Dey 1215 N. Dale Florist- Nurseryii 6687 " 2 Veh. li It John M. Johnson 555 University Trailer Rental " 6717 1' Cigarette '! Superior Dairies, Inc. 2112 N. E. Broadway, ddls. 1 A'1 Veh. Milk Past Plant App. 6845 Renewal JAN � 19F4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays -Px-"9ft- JAN 3 1964 Holland 'pproved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against U Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62