216133le"Vinai to City Clerk 3 0-11 DINAWCE � COUNCIL FILE NO. } PRESENTED BY ay"__ ORDINANCE NO. If —% An ordinance prohibiting parking of any vehicle upon any street or alley in the City of Saint Paul for more than twenty -f our (24) hours. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No vehicle shall be par, ed on any street or alley for more than twenty -four (24) hours. Section 2. This ordinance shall be a part of the City bf Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be inserted in the permanent edition of the same at the next revision thereof becoming a subsection of Chapter 144.04 (10) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. q1r 0 � Stion Caunse� Yeas Councilmen Nays _D&k4@__ Holland Loss n Mortinson CJ Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk laz 6.62 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Council File No. 216133 — Ordinance No. 12644 —By Robert F. Peterson — An ordinance prohibiting parking of any vehicle upon any street or alley in the City ot, Saint Paul for more than twenty -four (24) hours. This is an emergency ordinance rendered nec- essary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 No vehicle shall be parked on any street or alley for more than twenty - four (24) hours. .I SECTION 2 Thiel ordinance shall be rl ;.art of the City of Saint Paul LeeZ ",,alive Code and ' all be inserted it � +ermanent edit 1 of the same at F41141;-' - evision the ':.' becominq a sil' Chap- ter ,'.04 (10) o: tie r 3' „i Y Legis- bi XL .. X;�:1t .,•Y G: Y�C';'1`� Vii' -� •. T4 7E. P.l1r '10 �• l Passed by the CouncilJqjN 2 4196 Tn. Favor -' MULTI -CLEAN PRODUCTS, INC. FLOOR AND RUG MACHINES CUSTOM CLEANING CHEMICALS MULTImCLEAH INDUSTRIAL VACUUMS PERMANENT FLOOR FINISHES 2277 FORD PARKWAY • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, 55116- AREA CODE 612 — PHONE: 698 -8833 • TWX: 612- 551 -0932 January 20, 1964 The Honorable George Vavoulis Mayor of Saint Paul Minnesota Dear Mayor Vavoulis: RECEIVED SAINT PAUL, MINN. In MAY ")4'S OFFI•` JAN'9,1 19 4 M M`` � �I$t�Iiolul»I>iI$I�I4iais I The City Council is to be congratulated on the fact that they are doing something about the so called "snow birds ". I hope that the enactment of this ordinance will be followed up by strict enforcement. It is always of concern to me to see someone leave their car parked in the street when they have provision, either single or double garages, for off street parking. The cars are plowed in by the plows, and the windrow of snow, which becomes ice, is left for the rest of the winter. This is an inconvenience and, in fact, a hazard to the dozens of motorists who pass that spot. It seems unfair that the convenience and safety of many people should be jeopardized for the convenience of one person. I, for one, whoffieheartedly support this ordinance. Yours truly, A EN J. N L ON WJN /bc FORM 5112 P Ct.y. -of` SainUTa'u i EXECUTIVE . DEPARTMENT"' f ' - �`• O F�F_I C E: 4 FJ = T-H?E x ; WAY Or.R= _ '. _ _ ' ,r t 347 CITY HALL AND:, COURT HOUSE z '► " , ST. 1AUL- 2, .MINNESOTA '�- .+ .y -fir: f ... - ._ - t, ,�. i r' •e. _. � � _ r�`� - �' •f r`. January 21; 1964 ' ' Mr.. �]a.rren .'.,PteIson , �••_, : _ -: = :: . r c /'o P u].ti: =G Qair ' Products,% ��ic. :�• : t =r - '. 2 2,73"• Ford Pa rkWay .. St.', PAu1 v Minn_ eSota jj , 55118 =j.. Dear `Mr: ; Nelson d 8: acknoWled r -ett r` January 20th which wil] . p s ted to he C ,F' Y,•rt J• a ouncil. 3. - ' • = f• _ t it is m ntr'th =a .'c3 tiz n:. ike' y: a _w ate. yY . to ,Qubl c ft•cig'l -an h ke r oughts kno n: t h k 0 ='for" wry' ' -'- �`; f.=Y ;- - .. J ' .- • �� " - , • - .. _ r - - •Sneerel �z; J _� .. -:. �� . " • �� _ �=tF • QORC�..J'.' _VAVOULS ' - .F ' T • •.. r ' .�itA .� -s -f�x _ ' «r�,: • tr .�.-' � �' •� q -. - -'.J'j �� - - •• � i -, � •- `- tc ..fir ��` _ is -- •• . - -_ , . • 1 •tr - ' `{ . '➢,y, .�. '_ �+� - '-�1 ..,. •3: •'r ;.. fl ., � • f ._ ,a, _:.1'- j t5r,, . �' - t •.�" i, # { r '"' - Y- �s 1 "`- f s: _ - , - ` - r.� • RECEIVED SAINT PAUL, IVIINN. In MAYOR'S OFF), A M JAN 16 1964 P �, 9 10 11 15 1 2. 4 u 6 1223 Palace Avenue I.I. I,I,i,),);i, St. -Paul, Minnesota 55105 January 14, 1964 Honorable Mayor George Vavoulis City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mayor: With reference to Commissioner Peterson article of the 10th,inst., in the St'. Paul Dispatch, I am in complete accord with City Council Commissioner Robdrt Peterson that we should have an ordinance to bar "Snow birds" parking on our city streets.- - I am of the opinion that the majority owners of these cars are not even tax sayers of our city, and I would like to urge you to institute an ordinance to prohibit this kind of parking. In the interest of good City Governmdnt, I am Yours very t F. Engf er A 4 Anti -Snow Bird Law Passed on 0 3d Reading A new ordinance to prohibit parking longer than 24 hours on any city street or alley was approved as 'to form by the City Council at third reading today. The measure is intended to clear the streets and alleys of "snow birds" — cars that are left for days at a time. Commissioners discussed the effect of the measure, due for final adop- tion next week, and Police Lt. Ray Anderson was called upon to explain what the po- lice department intends to do. "We will use it to get rid of these long parkers, but we intend to find the owners first and ask them to move such cars," he said. "If they fail, then we'll have to m o v e the cars our - ,elves." That will be done by a towing service under a con• tract with the city and the owner will be charged for the towing and for storage, plus a traffic fine. Commissioner Robert Peterson, replying to a ques- tion =by Mayor Vavoulis, said the towing fee is $7, of which the city gets $1 to pay for the paper work and other details connected with the tow -away deals. Peterson also said snow plowing costs go up substanti- ally if equipment has to plow around cars and then go back later to clean up after such cars have been moved. When Commissioner Sev- erm Mortinson asked how the police department will keep tab on cars that may be park - over 24 hours, Lt. Anderson said police will check them, is 1 �� 2nd 4,q Laid over to 3rd and app dopte Yeas Nays Yeas Nays - &09tmF Holland \8e}g�ialr� \Holland Lose Loss Mortinson � ortinson L Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen. Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis 8 216 r) 1,j3 PUBUS= � fi �'