06-369Council File # �� Green Sheet # 3030400 RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date WIIEREAS, the Boazd of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for properry at 2221 Youngman Avenue, Unit #104 (condo), to the City of Saint Paul for a recommendation; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not determined if the property at 2221 Youngman Avenue, Unit #104 (condo), is a municipal problem; therefore, be it RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul makes no recommendation to the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners regarding the repurchase application for the property at 2221 Youngman Avenue, Unit # 104 (condo); and furtlier RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this Council resolution to the Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center-West for final processing. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom � Harris ,� Helgen � Lantry � Montgomery `" Thune V d f Adopted by Council: Date /�D�// /Cf. c�O.U� Ado tion Certified �b �C S cre BY� P //'//e�i �`/ i� Sd� Approved by ���at � � � By: , �V Requested by Department oL � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � �� -�� 9 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Depar6nenUofficelwuncil: Date Initiated: co �w�,� 11-APR-06 Green Sheet NO: 3030400 Contact Person & Phone: DeoarhneM Sent To Person Initial/Date Pat Harris � 0 oon il 266-8630 p��yn 1 ooncil De a entDirector Must Be on Council Agentla by (Date): Number 2 i Cler For 3 Routing Order � 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loeations for Signature) Action Requested: � Making no recommendarion to the Boazd of Ramsey CounTy Commissioners about the repurchase applicarion for 2221 Youngman Avenue, Unit # 104 (condo). Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Fbllowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad forthis depaAment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current cdy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advanfapes If Approved: , ¢� Disadvantaae5lfApproved: �sOUflCll �QSe�t'C�j (� ��� g �. +�� DisadvantaqeslfNOtApproved: Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted: M1 TransaMion: Fundinn Source: ActiviW Number. Fi nancial I nfortnation: (Explain) - 6� �3� 9 Property B,ecords and Revenne Susan R. Roth, Division Manager 812 Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-1657 February 23, 2006 Shari Moore, City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to three parcels of tax-forfeited land Dear Shari Moore: Faz: 651-26G2210 Enclosed please find a repurchase application received from the prior owner to the State of Minnesota, "Trust ExempY', for three parcels of tax forFeited land. The County Board policy adopted on December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality will document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." The fo,llowing documents are enclosed to assist you: code violation reports and police history summary. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Councii's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax ForFeited Land office for final processing. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651)266-2081. Sincerely, �� _.__� �-�'� �. Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's First Home Rule County pnnted on recycled paper mth a cvmmum of IO%posLCOavcme: content � ��-��9 Shari Moore, City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Bivd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land repurchase PIN: 22-28-23-29-0089 (2221 Youngman Ave, Unit #104) 22-28-23-21-0107 (NE of 2219 Youngman Ave.) 22-28-23-21-0108 (SE of 2200 Stewart Ave.) Police Cal! History Report NONE for all 3 properties Code Violation Report NONE for all 3 properties ; Additionallnformation NONE � FRar�.: C�� — vlP � F�. ae zeei eb:es4r� P? � 14�34 RCAO CIUIL - P.92 (�/�_ �- ApPt�oatiots fn RepuFChasa after Forieiture �� —�II� Cl � R l�-� �nnY' �� repurchase the following described parcels oi land, lying nd bei�ng�n the Coun,y of Ramsey, from the State of Minnesflf8. °T�t Ex�mpC_ kpartrnenf Nas_ 1pq, yp2p,� qQ�A, The Rivers Conda,;,;nlum, ,'�par',mgnt awnership Number 86 P ��: 22-2&-23-21-0689 AddregB; Z?.21 Yaungman Ave #104 _ ��do Fax raa : Lot 24, Bfodc 2, Youngman & lemm's Addi$ort PfN: z2-28-23-21-0107 Address: N� of 2Z19 Youngman Ave - vacant lot Lot 25 and 26, Btock 2, Youngman & Lamm's Add�lon P ��: 22-28-23-21-0108 Addt�ss: SE of 22D0 Siewart AVe - vecanf lots i understand that, pursusnt to Minnesota Sfatutes, section 282.2q1, the owner at the time of forfeitura, Qr the owner's heire, devisees, or represenra6ves, ar any persQn to whom the right to pay faxes was given aY s�tute, mortgage, or other ag�eement, may repurchase any parcel of lard c(aimad by the state to 6e forfeifed to fhg gfate (Or taxes, uniesg eoid_ I further undarstand that the percel of (and rru�y be repurchgsed 1ar the g�m of e11 detinquent taxes and or wou(d he e e cpued�f the parcel Iand had no9forfefted otheastafe,�rtterest, a�d costs fhat accrued I agree to pay ali maintenance cosis accruatl on fhe property white under the management of Ramsey resolu on by the Ramsey C Boa d Commisaioners a epttng thls ppiicafton. edoption of a The reasons and clrcumstances for {he forfeiture of the property are as foilows: � i t_... —r.. , _ i - . —.. . .. n rv �. 's f�1 ��/c r f,t9 F.Y Z � a n"r �.�.. ,._ fio hzc . Paymsnt wil! be made in c8rti£ed funds, payable to "R_ amsav Co�y and su6mifted to the Department of Propar�y Records and Revenue, Rttn: Tax Forfalted Lands Section, 50 Kellogg Blvd West Suite 812, St Paui, MN 56102-1$57, Appiicent information To be fifled out Lly p�ior Owner or Applicant acting on behatf of the priar oWner with statutory authority, n� � .. �� �U� � � ( � �n - �e�dart� a , s e �'�'P _Irz�� (9987-3 �L, iim��� �"'";, "'�;� rnZ WMiN Folders 2'IZ4t tn Repure�ae aner FaAaitura.dx Crea�ad on 1-30-06 and Iast updatad m 2'9J2008 �1� 3� � COMI��IISSIONER DISTRICT 5 N SE of 2200 STEWART AVE. ST. PAUL, MN 22-28-23-21-0108 s � 30` 0 , �^ �ryn��z�,a \ ��n 15 s zi nc. � V 1ffsa- .v � r � Zg � �v .i . Pd �� �l � 15 .s � ,,' �[ \ ,..�� � � .. , �'� . � 2� . % � p0 .to �.. �\'p_1 , ` � , . ��. „s y � (si) \ � �`., 23 �. 22 \ '� 21 �. J� �: ;. J ? > •- 2s .:. 25 '� COMiVIISSIONER DISTRICT 5 NE of 2219 YOUNGMAN AVE. ST. PAUL, MN 22-28-23-21-0107 �, �,� ,�s , � �� -3� 9 N s / `N ��-�� y COMIVIISSIONER DISTRICT 5 N THE RIVERS CONDOMINIUM UNIT #104 2221 YOUNGMAN AVE. S ST. PAUL, MN 22-28-23-21-0089 ,�.es� �<� �a•>3• >,�• „ e < 3 9\� \ \ • \� `. . J � �•. VAG' . �` I •� 3/ `. ' , i , � � �'� 30�;31 .� sz . •���, `� •, �,s, r; y. �z � �� ,,,>\ � <` \ \ 2� • d'' 6 ° � � `:9'14 i �/ 15 a.�nc " �.' �'`�, \ /F � ` `' �9, �'.� 28� \ � � `� 15� �� '� �'�%72 n ' \ �� ` ' � �,� �- 2�.. � �°� �'.s� � ��' � ;'\ � �, s� . � � 2 �' �r' ` . �S o 13 �� \� �26� \:' �' ^° 6 �d� '� . .� j �, \ 21�\. 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