216108ORIGINAL O CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY FILE NO. • CLERK LICENSE COMMITTED . ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM SSIIONE ATE January 7, 1964 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Sam Unovich 1818 W. Minnehaha Grocery App.5554Renewal Off Sale Malt " " If Cigarette Sam Segal 1346 Thomas Grocery " 5589" a " Off Sale Malt " n If If if Cigarette Catherine H. Amon 974 W. 7th Restaurant 5639" D. E. No Corporation 405 N. Washington Hotel 57R 11 5689" 11 " Vend.Nach.Loc. " " " Ida A. Wolline 569 N. Pascal Grocery " 5823" Frozen Meats " " " Cigarette n n n Pepsi Cola %Catholic Guild Hall 215 Marshall Vend.Mach.Loc. " 5829" Ralph Barnes & Grace B. Smith 1220 W. Minnehaha Grocery 5905" " " Frozen Meats " IT Off Sale Malt n ii n n 11 Cigarette Wesley M. Stafford 850 Payne TV Master 'i 5934" Crown Meat & Provision Co., Inc. 443 Hoover St. NE Foods MPM " 6062" It n Mpls. 5P #335 -339 n n n Oliver Benson RR #2 North Branch, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6103" n " 17#391 1 n n n Nick Bongiovanni & Antonio Stefani 705 E. 3rd. Bakery I " 6113" Wallace W. Stahlke Lakeview Terrace Foods MPDW If 6134" n I'aconia, Minn. 1V #433 If " If COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10111 8-82 Council File No. 218108 —By Severin? A. Mortinson —Robert F. Peterson —' Milton Rosen — Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to ,this resolution be and the. same are hereby granted, and the City' Clerk is instYucted to issue such ll- censer upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council January 7,I 1984. - Approved January 7, 1984. (January 11, 1984) Against Adopted by the Council 19_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK p CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. a-/1 ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE GOMMI'IE� COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 7, 1964 Contd. Page 2 W. L. Radtke n Lester Prairie, Minn. Foods MPDW App.6139Renewal n 14443 n .11 If Marvin L. Hagen 700 Elm Farmington, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6141" if a 1v#445 n n If Dick Korbell New Prague, Minn. Foods Nd'DW " 6142" n If 1V #446 n n n Donald R. Williams 318 2nd. .Ave. SE Bev. A1.&NA1. " 6147" It Mpls. ZV#452-453 a n If E. B. Crabtree Co., Inc. 7900 Computer Mpls. Foods MPDK " 6172" n If 1V#472 n n n Lawrence 0. Eckl & Stanley 'Fiemer 563 Lowry Medical Arts Optician " 6175" American Fruit & Produce Co. 85 Nicollet St. Mpls. Foods MPDW " 6185" If n 14v #4?7 -490 n +1 n Cokato Produce Co. Box 400 Cokato, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6194" " it 2Vf50&@5O9 n n a Schweigert Meat Co. 2603 Emerson Ave. N. Foods MPDW " 6196" Mpls. 8V #519 -526 n n n Julius 'A. Fisher 940 Beech 2V #541- 542(Fds) " 6202" Cliff's Gas & Oil, Inc. 543 N. Cleveland Gas Sta. 6P " 6221" If n Vend.Mach.Loc. n n n If " Cigarette I n n n Northwestern Hanna Co. 1101 Childs Rd. Fuel Dealer ti 6238" Rath Packing Co. Waterloo, Iowa Foods MPDW " 6210" a " 27#574 -575 i *' n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis font "2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 7, 1964 Contd. Page 3 Burns L. Powers 5609 Olson Hwy. Mpls. Tree Trim &V#579App.6242Renewal n n 1V#580 n n n FlorencerE. Schurmeir 130 Bates Catering " 6244" " if 3V #582 -584 a n n Noble H. Hudson 85 E. Geranium Foods MPDW " 62[1.5" If 111 17#585 n n n Russell Miller-King Midas Mills, Milling Divn. of Foods MPDW n 6247" If F.H. Peavey & Co. 860 Mpls. Grain Exch. 6V#587 -592 Rosenberg & Son Gaylord, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6251" n " 2V#602 -603 n n n J.P. Besson PO Box 157 Newport, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6254" n n 2V #607 -608 n n n Frank T. Dreyling 81 E. 9th Gas Sta. 3P " 6256" Gen.Rep.Garage " " " Vend.Mach.Loc. " it " Irma R. Lehman 2008 Grand Beauty Shop " 6259" John Nozel 1754 University Gen.Rep.Garage " 6263" Holm & Olson, Inc. 2080 Ford Pkwy. Florist -N. " 6265" Llewellyn Peltier 2308 Como Butcher " 6275" Paul H. Baber 1089 University Gen.Rep.Garage " 6276" Vend.MachJoc. N.M. & B.C. Rose %Charles N. Johnson 1076 S. Cleveland Vend.Mach.Loc. " 6280" Herbert E. Houske 12 E. 4th Restaurant " 6288" n n Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Tn Favor A gainst Approved 19_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMTTM . COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE .Tantvary �� 7, 1964 Contd. Page 4 Henry W. Harich 697 S. Cleveland Florist -N. App.6294Renewal 11 1Vf 620 I IN n It A. Johnson & Sons 1738 Grand Florist -N. " 6297" n " 1V #627 Emil Dvorak New Prague, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6308" n n lV #670 I Edward B. Sorenson North Branch, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6312" n " 1Vf677 ' n n Thomas J. Boland 68 N. Cleveland Foods MPDW " 6314" n n 1V#684 " " a International Harvester Co. 2572 University Vend.Mach.Loc. " 6333 " J. James Walsh 370 Dayton Fuel Dealer 6339" Guardian Co., Inc. 436 Sherburne TV Master " 6341" Masonic Temple, Inc. 130 N. Smith Restaurant " 6344" Hamm Brewing Co. 720 Payne Bev. Al. & NA1. " 6352" It n Fria Gas P. " " " Skeffington's, Inc. 1602 University Rental Clothes & Attire APp•6365n Paul E. Milnar 201 N. Cleveland Beauty Shop " 6380" Coca Cola Bottling Co. %National Butter Co. 2225 Territorial Rd:. " 0itty- Clover -Dien. of Fairmont Foods 1880 Como Vend.Mach.Loc. " f " 6386" " 6387" Isamu Shijo 523 Selby Ldy.DC Pickup " 6392" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish I Holland Approved 19- Loss i Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ions Fez ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 3� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE oOMMIT,TEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 7, 1964 COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 5 Twin City Fish Co. 501 Lafayette Rd. Foods MPDW App.6393Renewal " " 1VA735 n ` n a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-sz Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved- ' 19— Mayor A -1 Auto Parts & Salvage, Inc. 388 Como 2nd.Hd. Auto Pts." 6396a Schlitz Brewing Co. 211 -9th Ave. So. Mpls. Hev. A1.&NA1. " $428" u a 3V #831 -833 if n a Addressograph- Multigraph Co. 530 N. Robert Cigarette " 6430" Superior Dairies, Inc. 2112 N.E. Broadway Milk Past. Plt. " 6437" it M ls. p 1stV #862 n n a 2nd.V #863 n n u n " 6V#864 -869 n n a Snowland Superior Dairies,.Inc. 110 S. Greely Stillwater Milk Past. Plt." 6440" n " 1stV #872- 2nd.V#873 a n n Ed Oehrlein 999 N. Oxford Tree Trim &V#888" 6454" Ralph & David Ten Bruin St. Michael, Minn. Foods MPDW " 6456" , " 17#889 n n n Isadore & Seymour Rosen Baldwin, Wisc. Foods MPDW " 6468" n n 1*898 n n n Quality Fish & Seafood Co. 227 N. 6th St. Mp ls. Foods MPDW " 6485 " 11 If 1V#926 n n n Monarch Finer Foods, Inc. 500,N. 3rd. St. Mpls. Foods MPDW " 6488" Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. 415 Grove Milk Past Plt. " 6489„ " " 1stV#931 n n n a " 2nd.V#932 n n a a " 67V-#933 -999 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-sz Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved- ' 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 'CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 2I C-3-1 0 FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - L COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Janu ary 7, 1964 r Contd. Page 6 Minnesota Milk Co., Inc. 370 University Milk Past. Plt. Appi$493Renewal " " 1st V +1000 2ndV$1001 n n n 40V#1002 -1039 ° " Cottage Ch.Plt. n n - Cigarette n n a John J. Lynch 1940 Case Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 6500" William Foster 1888 Walnut Foot Peddler ° 6531" Lydia Foster 1888-Walnut a " 6532" Walter S. Carpenter Rt. 1 Box 399 Hopkins Tree Trim &V#1129" 6560" Transit Supply Co. 400 N. Snelling Cigarette Ir 6564" .. James Ryan 1246 University Cigarette 6565" Admiral Merchants Motor Freight, Inc.•2625 Territorial Rd. " 6566 ".` Thohas A. Hurst 1146 Edgerton St.- Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 6567" alsh & A-1 Tree Service, Inc. 276 Front Tree Trim & V +1143" 6576" I o 5V #1144 -1148 JacRZ. Brooks 2160 University C1g.0per.; ° 6592" William Kelm 1872 Bohland Tree Trim & V#1201" 6598" 201202 -1203 m n n David H. Stapf 587 Stryker Mtr.Veh.ir. " 6612" Wm. C. Bresnahan 594 Lafond Junk Gatherer " 6628" Max Weisberg 924 Iglehart i Foot Peddler " 6629" Aaron Linder 1125 Lincoln Junk Gatherer " 665311 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council n n119644 -19— Yeas Nays -rDT"Sit- JAN 7 1964 Holland 1 a F Loss In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson O Against I Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis f 10M "2