216088ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRE;" TED_ST COMISSIONE COUNCIL 21 -6688 FILE NO. — .mcil File No. 210088 —By Milton osen- kiereas, It appears to the City CO City of St. Paul that the Y u ter desl`ribe,l 'zould bel Axu�1& r MUM Whereas, It appears to the City Council of the City of St. Paul that the streets hereinafter described should be designated as "Municipal State Aid Streets" under the provisions of Minnesota laws of 1957, Chapter 943; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, By the City Council of the City of St. Paul that the streets numbered and described as follows, to -wit: (Route 159 Extension) 'LEXINGTON PARKFTAY - V'a lyke Ave. to East Como Blvd. (Route 132 Extension) • FAIRVIEW AVENUE - Minnte laha Ave. to Pierce Butler Rt. (Route 222) SYCAMORE STREET - Rice St. to Cofrtland St. (Route 223) BRAINERD AVENUE - Arkwright St. to Edgerton St. (Route 224) ARKWRIGHT STREET - Maryland Ave. to Brainerd Ave. (Route 180 Extension)- PELHAM BLVD. - Mississippi Rvr. Blvd. to St. Anthony Ave. (Route 225) FILLMORE AVENUE - Wabasha St. to State St. (Route 160 Extension)• MARION STREET - University Ave. to Como Ave. (Route 226) MILTON STREET - M3nnehaha Ave. to Pierce Butler Rt. (Route 216 Extension)- BURNS AVENUE - Etna Street to White Bear Ave. (Route 227) MIDWAY PARKWAY - Snelling Ave. to Hamline Ave. (Route 149 Extension) -HIGHLAND PARKWAY - Mississippi Rvr. Blvd. to Snelling Ave. (Route 166 Extension). MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULEVARD - Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. (Route 181 Extension) .PRIOR AVENUE - Pierce Butler Route to Sasota Ave. (Route 228) PARK STREET - Aurora Ave. to Como Ave. be, and hereby are designated as'"Municipal State Aid Streets" of said City, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. Be It Further Resolved, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays l6 Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 0�2 JINN 7 SA Adopted by the Council 19— ^ Approved! JAN 7 1984 19- 1LJ Tn Favor L) Mayor A gainst l, ` January 7,s, 1964 State Commissioner of Highways State Highway $uild3ng . Sto Paul 1,. Minnesota Dear sirs The city C A,`directed aye to send y certified copies of Council File Noy 216U88, ad y,, reference to Munic3,pal - State Aid Streets$ subject app Very truly yams,, City Clerk DUPLICATE TO PRINTER _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. G _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM I PRESE�TED ¢} Y COM14 ISSt'O N ER MUM DATE Wherese, It esappearB to the Clty C0ma031 of the City Of St. Paul that the streets heureitrafter described should. be daeigated as 44=101pal State Aid Strestow undaw the provUions of Minnesota laws of 19570 Obapter 943; HOW, Therefore, Be It Resool fired o By the City Q=oll of the City of St, Paul that the setreots nmbered and described as follow, to--vit t 1% fttension 132 fttension� 222 lao ) %n ) 160 Extension) 226) U )lion) 166 xxtensidn.. 183. Eeion 298) LEXVGTOH PARKWA'f - iaalyke Ave* to lket Cteao Blind. FAIRY33W AVID 4 Minnobabs Ave, to Pierce Butler Rt. SYCAMORE STRM Rine St.- to Courtland St. WAN= AVEM ,,r)wrigt St. to lagertm St. ARE MIGHT S - Maryland Ave. to Brainard Ave.. PELF M BLVD. - Mississippi Rvr. Blvd. to St. AnthorW Ave. FILIMORI AVM= — Wabas ba St. to State St. WMI STROT VP University Ave. to 0=0 ATIN. Mn" 83RIMT - Minnebraha Afire. to Pier" Batler Rt. BURRS AVM= — Itna Street to White Beer AV*. M3-LDWAY PAMAY - Snelling Aire. to Hamijus Ave. HMELUM PARTWAY M3.ssisisslppt Rvr. BC1.ird. to &iell.ing Ave; MMS=VP1 RJR BOULIVAIM — (asTeland Ave o to Cretin Ave,, PRIOR ANEW - Fieroe Bwaor Rosa$ to Xasota Ave. PA.RX SMM' — Aurora Ave. to Como Aim. be# and hereby are designated as %miaipal State Aid Streets" of said City,, essubjwA to the approval of the GcomUsioner of Highways of the Stlate of Minnesota.. Be It Further Resolved, That the City Mork is hereby anthorlsed and directed to forward tvo 04Wtified copies of t him resolution to the Camisssiono of Highways. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 11alglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOri 8-82 JAN 7 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— AN W Approved 19_ In Favor 0 Mayor Against