216059ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RES L TI Q O U ON- GENERAL FORM 216059 FILE CIL NO _ i TE RESOLVED, that the insurance requirements insofar as Builders Risk is concerned, contained in the General Conditions of the Specifications prepared by this office for Installation -of Two Folding Gates on the Elevator Hoistway at the Public Utilities Building,. 100 East Tenth Street,, may be and hereby are waived in relation to Minnesota Fence Arid IroniWorks, Inc. 240 University Avenue, Saint Paul, who.have been awarded the contract in the sum of $477.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-62 N Council File No. 216059 —By Frank L. Loss — Resolved, That the insurance re- quirements That as Builders Risk is concerned, contained in the General Conditions of the Specifications pre- pared by this office for Installation of Two Folding Gates on the Elevator Hoistway at the Public Utilities Build- ing, 100 East Tenth Street, may be and hereby are waived in relation to Minnesota Fence and Iron works, Inc., 240 University Avenue, Saint Paul, who have been awarded the contract in the sum of $477.00. Adopted by the Council January 3, 1964. Approved January 3, 1964. (January 11, 1964) JAN 3 Adopted by the Council 19- I Approved 19— or Mayor