216900 � �'�, PUBLISHED 3- 7- � `f- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � �AN � � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �����' �''�'' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUN�IL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM E�.�o Nb,�requ�estBy Severin a�s, Additions which might PRESENTED BY , ' be necessary in the I�prove- COMMISSIONE DATF -'scribed as the Widening and / ='=r#��� of IiIGIiLAND PARKWAY ' ':��':.rig Avenu�rto Hamline l�ve-— - r�iJs: �'('�CiTREni, AVENCiP fron � 'LiL:)�.,..ac_,•c_• I,`+,?r•:jc., �n,Dt' a '11J 3f:U� 'f•'.r,;,p - � �.': ..If^ '�t Arta� �FlRI_.�'CLW�"'-�;�G 8.: WI�REAS, Additions which might prove ;�to be necessary in the Improvement described as the Widening and Surfacing of HIGHLAND P�iRKWAY from Snelling Avenue to Hamline Avenue and MONTRE,AL AVENUE from St. Paul �Avenue to Fairview Avenue, Comptroller � s Contract L-65�6, Ashbach Construction Company, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications, and WHERE.AS, it has been foursd necessary to make the following ,Additions : AI�ITIONS • .2 - No. 1 Manholes, 6.0 feet and 11.5 feet , in depths, as junctions for Catchbasin Leads and Sewer �ains . . . . Lump Sum . � 1�02.50 1 - A & B Ca�sting 9ssembly replacement . . . J�8.00 _ _ _ , _ _ 17.0 Cu. Yds. of HE-�E Concrete leveling . �course . . . . . . ' � -- - r . . � � 25.00 . . . .00. . ,�� ' _ ., ,_;�, - � , : - - '1'Ot&1. $ . �� &riC� ,.,.:,.�• _ __ . I . • _ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public GPorks has agreed wit,h the ._. above "n�ned contractor that the sum of �' 875.50 is ths correct amount �to be added to the above contrac t, there�'oro be it �.. - RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul through 3.ts-C�ty Council approves the foregoing .Additi on made in acc ordance with the specifications in the amount of � 875.50, said amount to be added to t�ie consideration named in the contrac t, known as . Comptroller� s Contrac:t L-o516, and vahich amount is to be financed from M.S.A. Funds and from the City� s Share of Local , Improvements, Code 0920-701. I , I �� • � 196� �IAR � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays Dalglish / ��, ;� ���'� ' Holland � pproved 19— - Loss . � In Favor Peterson - ' , ' . n � ��gj�� Mayor —1Against , �'� • _ Mr. Presiden , ��vIIn�' ��rl�i`�J �I . .,� _ . ionz s-sz " ' DUPLICATE TO rRINTER , �y �7 ' ./�' « 1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��� '`'' --� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF — Y�HEFtEASr Addit�.ons �hioh might pre>ve to b� �nem�ssary ir� th� Improvement deecribed e�s the Wid�ning �nd Surfacing ot HTGHLA�D PARK�AY from SneYling Avent�e to H�mline .�eenu� �nd I�OI�TR�Ay AVENiJF froia St� PauY Avenue �o FairvS�w Avenue, ComptroSler� � Con�raat L-651b, A$hbaah (3onstruatlon Comp�ny, aontractor, have been prov3ded for in the epecif'iQation�, and WF3ERE�8, it haa� been found nece�asry to m�ke t� �ollow3ng Addltion� � AID IT IOAS 2 - No� 1 �anhole�, 6.0 te�t anc� 11,5 �eet in depths, s��+ �unat3on� �or Catahb�sia Lead� and Ser�r �ai ne . , . . Lump Sum .� L�.02.50 1 - A d� B ���eting A��embly rsplaaex�nt . . . �.8.00 17.0 Ou. Yda. of HE-� Conarete lev�ling cou.r�e . . . . . . . . � � 25.00 . . . .00 Tota� and WHERE�B� the Qommi�eior�er o�F Publia qPorlsa ha.ffi Qgreed w3.t,h the above naned contr�e�or that th� ewn o�' � 8?5.50 is �Y� correat amount �Go be added to the above eontr�ct� �herr:ora 'be it RE�S�LVED� th�t the City of St. Paul t,�rough itg CSity Council approve$ the �orego3ng Addi�I on msde in �zxi ordanae �uith the �p4cifica.tions i,n the amount of � 875.�0� g�id umount to be �.dded to fihe aonsideret3o� nam�d 3.� �h� �ontrac t, known a� Comptroll.�ri � �on�rac�t Z-653.6, and whiah amount is to be fir�.naod fi'rom ?d.S.A. Fund� and from �he C3tyt a �h�,r�e o� Locel. Impravement�, Gode o920-701, , --tin = ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays _ Dalglish � - Holland � � Approved 19— Loss '�--� � . ° ,. In-�;Favor ' `` r �` :~ ' � Mortinson . , � - ' ��� "'� ' � ' .:� . , , . •'` Msyor . ' r Peterson ' .� ; � - • � ''� 'ti�; Against . - I�o�sEir—_ .'": s. •.,�,� � . : . f ' � ,t. �_ � _�4 �� Mr. , � . , r-yb„ , '� �, ,3. r� . • �z ' ' �� '• ' s` �_}' � r'v�.�;A 1oHi 8-82 . . r - • � � , _ ,� .,`�� • � r , . � k � � . ' -�y'. < � - . . • ` , ' ,. < < '�� • .