216899 ORIGINAL TO CiTY CLERK a CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��� �--���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM 551 N DATE March 4� �964 RESOLUTION OF ANNULMENT In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the East and �lest alley from the East, North and South alley to the West, Plorth . and South alley and the West, North and South alley from the East and West alley to sims Ave. all in Block 26, Charles A. Weides Sub., also construct- ing a public sewer in an easement to be obtained on, under and across the south 4' of Lot 29, Block 26, Charles A. 4leides Sub. RESOLVED, That atl orders in the above matter be and the same are . hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinded anc! all proeeedings in such matter discontinued. Council File No. 216899—By Severin A. Mortinson, by request— RESOLUTION OF ANNULMEPTT In the matter of grading and surfac- ing with biturpinous material the East and West alley from the East, North and South alley to the West, North and South alley and the West, North and South alley from, the East and � West alley to Sims Ave, all in Block _, . 28, Charles A. Weide's Sub., also con- — " � y - - -- - � - structing a public sewer in an ease- r "" ""� ' �` ment to be obtained on, under and across the south 4' of Lot 29, Block 26, Charles A. Weide's Sub. Resolved,That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinde�l and � all proceedings in such matter dis- continued. Adopted by the Council March 4,1964. Approved March 4, 1964. (March 7, 1964) — - - , . � . MA� 41g�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �pR 4 ��� Dalglish Holland Approved 19_ Loss ,--- Tn Favor AR�„F;.�..�. PetersonL dctir�� M�yor gainst Ih~�� �G� ��� Nlr� Presi e , tij iont e-sz '