216877 �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ����� /' 1 • - ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � �`�' 6' e ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ ` � C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,r n �� ' \ COMMISSIONE �`�"'� DATF — RESOLVED, upon due consideration of the pertinent application by Klass a.nd Grodnick, owners of the sub�ect premises situate at the southwest corner of Sixth and Exchange Streets in the City of Saint Paul, particularly w:�:; :_� �_ ._.� described as follows, to-wit: Lots l, 2, 3, �+, Block 5, Rice & Irvine's Addition, that a special permit hereby is gra.nted unto said applicants and their successors and assigns, for the installation, maintenance, and operation of a 100 car capacity off-street public parking faplity on said premises, in accordance t•rith the approved plan therefor dated Februaxy 26, 196�+, herewith filed; provided that said special permit hereby is limited so that the same shall expire Maxch 15, 1966, and that the same shall be conditioned upon due compliance by said applicants, their successors and assigns, with �all appli- cable municipal ordinances, State statutes, and rules and regulations of . public authorities having cognizance; and ' � RESOLVED FURTFiER, that nevertheless, this Council hereby reserves the power and authority to extend or renew said special permit beyond March 15, 1.g66, by its subsequent resolution. Council Flle No. 216877—By Frank L. Loss— Resolved, Upon due consideration oP � the pertinent application by Klass and Grodnick, owners of the subject prem- ises situate at the southwest corner of Sixth and Exchange Streets in the City oi Saint Paul, particularly de- scribed as Pollows, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, �_ 4, Block 5, Rice & Irvine's Addition, ' ' ' — --' — '— — that a special permit hereby is granted unto said applicants and their succes- sors and assigns, Por the installation, maintenance, and operation of a 100 car capacity ofY-stfeet public parking facility on said premises,in accordance . - _ with the approved plan therefor dated February 26, 1964, herewith flled; pro-, vided that said special permit hereby is limited so that the same shall expire March 15, 1968, and that the same . � shall be conditioned upon due com- � � y pliance by said applicants,their succes- i �, sors and assigns, with all applicable i r '� municipal ordinances,_State statutes, {� �and rules �and regulations of public � � authoritles having cognizance; and �+ Reso�ved Further, That nevertheless, this Council hereby reserves the power �� �,��J and authorltg to extend or renew said special'pernut beyond Mazch 35, 1968, rG�d� by its subsequent resolution. �%��' Adopted by the Council March 3,1984. Approved Mazch 3, 1964. � � (March 7, 1984) • MAR 3�1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish MAR 31964 Holland � Approved 19— �ss Tn Favor � Mortinson • Peterson � ayor A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis • ions s-sz O F F I � E• O F ,C i T Y C'L E R K ,�,�����g���MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL Ci+y Clerk BUREAU�',OF REC�RDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Couneil Reeorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota • � � �� �� �� F�e �„' �g6� �,v,� �v�,,,,,�:1. C�RppRA �I February 27, 19164 i t � Mr. Donald L. Lais ' Corporation Counsel , Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested �hat you prepare a resolution gianting the application of K]ass ar�d Grod.nick for a permit to �nstall and operate a 100-car public parking lot to be inst,alled on property at the southwest corner of Sixth and Exchange Sts., on Lots l, 2, 3, �+, Block 5� Rice & Irvine's Addition, in accordsnce with plans dated February 26, 196�+, sub�ect to the condition tYsat the permit be limited to a period of two years With Council approval required for a continu�ance A beyopd that time. � VerY trttlY . s� � , . ` "�" ° � a . `3 City Clerk � — �� � nnuH��� •�• M��• ��i •�• ���• �� � -' N• �:.. I i r. � . w ' 1111l.. �� Illf ���1 ' � � nu "' �� � , • � � � 1 •�• Y ! ,� � �� � �� � /r ` :l� ' � �� �� � 1 � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8� _ � ........:•:�:::::. �:: _ � ;::;:;::::::��`,>::�3:�:;,�:R D O F Z O N I N G, C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L •••• ••`' •:�}ix�Wsfoe�:ssi-ssa-ssa 1713 CITT HALL AHD COURT HOUSE SAINT�AUL 4,MIHNISOTA .......... ...... � February 25, 1964 Mr. Harold J. Riordan � City Clerk j Building ' I Dear Sir; � This is in the .matter of the application of Klass and Grodnick for a permit to install and operate a 100 car public parking 1ot to be in- stalled nn property located at the southwest corner of Sixth �and Exchange Streets which is described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 5, Rice & Irvine's Addition. The property is zoned commercial. I , The subject property is the former Armory site which is now cleared having a frontage of 150 feet along the west side of Exchange Street and 240 teet on the south side of W. Sixth Street resulting in an area of 36,000 square feet. The Planning Board staff and Traffic'Engineer have reviewed the applicantts plan which indicates one drive�way off Sixth Street and one driveway off Exchange Street, both now existing, and recommend approval. • . The Board of Zoning considered this application at its regular meet- ing on January 23, 1964 and recommend approval subject to plans dated February 26, 1964. However, it is recommended that the permit be limited to a period of two years with Council approval required for a continuance beyond that time. Sincerely, , B. R; Teig, A. I. P. Recor.ding Secretary Approved BRT:FGI • Memb , B ard of Zon Encl, Zo F. 5392 CC: Mr.Janes j I I I I �/ � �� .� ° ° , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224-4612 �� � February lt�, 1964 Cwity Clerk ' 386 City Ha11 , St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Fil.e 16301�� Page 1 • i You are hereby notified that �he Council of the City of St. Paul will consid�r �Lre :natter of. �r�e application of K7 a;;s an:� Grodnick for permit to install and operate a 100-car c�:`'��-street pL�blic parkin� lot on follo�Tin; described property: Lo�s l, 2, 3, 1�., Block 5, Fci.ce and Irvines Addition. The property is located on thc southwest corner of Sixth and Exchan�;e Streets. A public hearing t�rill be held in the Council �hamb�rs of the Court House and City Hall in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 a.m. on February 27� 1964. JA.1`7ES J. DI�LGLISH Commissioner of Finance j � � � � • ° SOUT�jW�S7 �br� ►�� � � i ��2� i �.� ; ���� A�1?L1.0 �"F�,G�? �.�XcE►�,NC�� � �, �►xT a� �+5, � � � . � � _ b� �_: j�l .I� �- A�J % '.�.� *' � z � �REE STANDING `_^ � l� ' ' �FF�ck U�tiPEe F[ � r c � �, . T c�, v � J � - - -___ - _� � _ �..�i���T ��` � ° ? z 3 � �- �� � � � ,°� � ��5 l, , , �r �3 LoC�c. 5_ _,._-- - .___'ti� � _ ��Ld�,�/� .��C�_ � IRV�N �S � • __ _- - - — .T�j,� � ������ �.�__ �- -- --- - ,. t,��,' _ a � r — �. � � �; � � � -- ' � � � - � �. I ' o x 8�� fi�� co �, � v- �-'- I � � wN E4 57u�s � _N � t • � . r � , . �LO�j_ Pl..��� .I _ ` 3 j � ' ' 35 ' - 4 ' 3�' -�d • � I -- -_ ,... l �2EE S7wtiqNc�r „ _ � �,?uMPtR FEWc� . ��u�,r�ut, Nb7� � I —-- -- -- --�- -- — � " _ ^- - �' 7_E.�� �.'7��_ I 9�X vQ� S pAC ES+ (��JIA�+Dl14D HGT H�- `� � � C�awE�� ���tE E�. • , �� I S O' �E F.:�t �,CiosE Ex�sr�N� C�r�a�NC, As S�vN , ,� . N, EXCH�ING� ST. 1. D��veWny EN'i2iwCE To R� �� C�ASS�A�' CoNc. ;cti � �"� 60' Z, DR.IVL-W►aV �NTIZANCt Tu C�� 22� V`��DE. .� - - - - - 3. CAPR�ITy -T� (3E Ia0 CARS. ' "� __.• _ • � , . q , �. _ . J _ . , _ _�_� � Z—` � S?U ��T �UM P t R F EUCE 7o I3 E SE� IN CCNC � , :`.<--�' : • _, �, SUQf��1NG SHPt� R� �[�lAL Tp 3��z�� BITU�Ir�UM I�i_� .�--- CN STACILIZED G�AyEI- PASL- • , D � • � � � � � � � V •. 3x�Z T�t�nAeR (3o�Teo To P�7 ' _s,� i FE B �; 1964 F�N`�PNE? �iTUr��NOUS Su2FAc�r�G • . v� i6r�. ____..._ .� �1TY P�iti��lNG t��U� ��w.+t PA,�I. �/liuneaata 3 ° �'xe''woon posrs ' � � y �� � , M �.����T� �tltkL p�.A� � � '�g�1 V ,� �_�� ���`'/�`'�� � / �1 �.��.�h•T . • �� 1 � / �� �� � . Ap � �uMPE�- ��bT, ��-r.�c� �t7a��. (�o ScA�E ' � ' � . pt��.. �� , � 9 �3_ • � FE �. Z�, � 9�4 .