216864 � f + ^✓ / - `V � . . PUBLISf��D ������y'L� � Council �le No......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT� ;1 Flle No. 216864—By Severin A. r.inson, by request-- and . reas, A written proposal for tha a of the following improvement4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. �9:'`•'ur-;r.'`;4�';;'lk ont�e ']i' rtt.':� . �TD .I...: !'�"•t am�U�i •.��du�srfJ, nuoJ q3�.7 ,,?,,�' . �R� .r� Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vis.: re�onstruct„the sidey�alk.oq_the south,_side of Thomas Ave. from Hamline Ave. to the ..____. .......... ............�..............................•----........-----------....-•--------------•-•-- west apgroximately 160 ft. and by doin�_all _other work which is necessar� .and in- ..............•-• -•-- ..... .... ---- ---• ---- ....------- cidental to com�lete_.said improvement.---•---------------------------------•--------•-----------------.....--•--••-`•----•----...._....-----•-- ..................................._..---------..............----•--•---•--.....-------------•----------.._...----•-•---..........-----------•------.........---••---•-=--....---•••--__...._.._. •;. _r. Dated thie.......�8th:_.....day of................................Februa.. .----••------•---........_._., 19 ...64 .......... .. .. --•- - - -.... -- ----•- Councilman. � ,. ' - PRELIMINARY ORDER. �� I r,.�- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of Thomas Ave. from Hamliae Ave. to the ---------------------------------------•---•-------------............-----•-••-•--•-..._..._--•--•--•---•----------------•----------•---.......----...._..--•----------•--•--•------....._._..._.. _.west_approximately__160._.ft_._ and by_doing_all other_work:which is necessary and in-____ cidental to complete said improvement. ' - -- - - � � " � ~ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._.._.......:_:.__....._...._..____._..______......._....._...�.._.._ therefore, be it � RFSOLVED, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the maldng of e�id improvement. � 2. To investigate the nature, extent a,nd estimated cost of said improvemant, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. . - 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council--------•-------•--•----•------•----.�AR-----3-�--•------- . Y�es � NeYs -s Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh MAR � � . . Ho 1 1 and Approved.----•--•------ --- .�._..............................................- • Loss � ' Mortinson � � Peterson � ° A ,.�.� �--�e�e�� ' � � � •--------_.. ......._.....__.___ -------•---- -------------------• - ,--•----------- :.. M$. P$P18IDDNT Vavou 1 i s � . '- • ' -� ��� ' Mayor. -,. a000 �-s� � I