216846 � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK'(, . . A ' � i A���'�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� Y� ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Febrtaaxy 2�, 1.�} COMMISSIONE DATF _ RESOI�iTED, That the Cauncil hereby appromes the awaxd of the Purchasing Co�ittee there�or, and hereby a�rard.s contract for �'urnishing and del3.ver.Lng to the City � i of Sain� Paul Water D�parta�nt, E�ml.ine & Caxroll Avenu,es, Sa3nt Paul, Minnesota., - - '- - � One Prentice PCBL-�+B4 Hydrau]3c-actvated Derrick with Grapple to be installed 'by t�.�� - - . vendor on City of Saiat Paul We,ter Department-ocrz�ed transport trailer, to LAEASS I COffi'ORATTON in accordance wi�th City speci�'ications therefor hereto atta.ehed and , � , . the Formal Bid �9626 0� sa3d LaSass Corpora.tion at a contraet price of $6,51.g.00, such bid being the lrnerer and sa3d ?�eSass Corpora,tion 'being e, reasonable and reliable bidd,er and the Corpora,tion. Counsel be and hereby is anthorized to dra�r sp �the praper form of coritract there�'or and the proper City offic3aZs are hereby directed to execute said contract on behal�' of the City o� Saint Paul. � Fox'ma.l Bid �26. Council EYle No. 216846—By Bernard ' • T. �olland— Resolved, That the Councll hereby approves the awazd of the Purchasing – ' ' - - ' Committee therefor,and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the City oP Saint Paul Water De- partment, Eiamllne and Carmll Ave- nues, Saint Paul, Minnesota, One Prentice PCBL-4B4 FIydraulic-ectuated Derrick with Grapple to be installed by vendor on City of Saint Paul Water Department-owned transport trailer, to LAHASS CORPORATION in accor$-f S' ance wlth City speciAcations therefor I hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9626 oP said LaHass Corporation at ' a contract price of $6,519.00, such bid being the lower and said LaHass Cor- poration being a reasonable and re- liable bidder and the Corporation Gbunsel be and hereby is authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City ofFtcials ', are hereby directed to execute said ' �� ���� contract on behalf af the City of Saint �i1 R �� Paul. � ' L'16a Formal Bid No.9626. Adopted by the Council Mazch 3,1984. Approved March 3, 1984. fr COUNCILMEN • (March �, iss4� � �cil 19— Yeas I�Tays Dalglieh �J�� 3 � Holland - A-proved � 19— �gg Tn Favor Mortinson ` Peterson u Mayor A gainst �os'ea---- � Mr. President, Vavoulis . iort e-s2 . � • , '. DUrLICATE TO rRINTER .� . - � --" , , y �1� •y"� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. � � _ � ''` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY F�UX�U.2�.1"�1" 2�F� Z� COMMISSIONER DATF F'��F�t'�, '1'h.a,'� �he Co�nc��. hereby �x�ves the � �f �he �'c}aas�.ng Ca�.tt�e �her��or, at�rZ 'h�x'�by award� �on'�rt�.ct �'or furnieh3.ng and de�.iver.ing ta the City af S�,irit ��u1 Wa,�er �pa�`t�ent, Hsa�.i.ine 6e Gsrroa.l Av�ues, Sa�.u� P�,u1, �i���ota, Oz�e Fren�3.�� P�B�B1+ �yd�rautt��-ac�ua�tec� �err3ek �r3�h t�ragple � be 3.n.s'h�l�.ed 'by vendor on C3ty v�' Sa3n� Paul Wa'te� Dep�r�mn�+cn�ned t�auspoxrt trai3.,er, to I�SS GOHI��TOi� in a,Gcox�anae w�'� £ity spec�.f3cs.t.�.� 't��refnr h�re�to �.�taeh�d and. -the �`ormal. Bid ��962& c,�` sa3d La$�ss �orpara�3on a,� a carztz�s,c't pricg o� �6,519.40, . av�h bid be�.ng �the 1t�we� �nd s�.�.d L�,ss C9rpQration being e. reaaonabl� anc�. re3�.�.b�.e �idd�er an.d th,e CorpOratic� �ou�e�. be aud hereby ie �,uthc�rl.�ed to dra�r up '�he prpper i'ar� o�' cou�z�a.ct �he�e�o� end. the pxc�per Gity c�3e3�1s are ��eby d3.reeted t,t� execute sa.�.d cant�ract on 'behe.3.F v�' the t13ty o� fia3nt ,P�uJ., P'4r�1 83.� �&�i� . .;.�� :.._�:'. _ .�..=t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish :'�r��� _ Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis lODi 8-82