216836 , • -:-: . . �:T . . , .. , ,�, - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ,�„��},.���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ I�ICENSE COMMITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . OUNCIL RESOLUTI N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF March 3, 196 RESOLVID; That Ap,plication H-7927 for Tavern and Darice Hall b>i.censes, applied for by Elmer Hanson at 1175 West Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted. PROVIDID� HOTrdEVER: That no music be permitted on 5lzndays. I � Couxicil File No. 216838--BY Severin.�• MoLtinson—Robert F•�cation H-7927 Resolved, That ApP ���� for Tavern and 7�ere��son t 1�5 aPPlied for bY E� West Seventh Street; be and �e S�e are herebY �'anted: -•. provided, However-�That no music Qld �ocation be permitted on Sundays• Apppa edyMar h��1964 arch 3,1984• (March 7, 19841 RESTRICTIOidS 1+� 3196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council� 19— Yeas Nays ` Dalglish �qR 3 �g�4 Holland A rove 19— �gg in Favor - Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst ''�te8en----. Mr. President, Vavoulis I 10111 8-82