216835 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' � �]���� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '`" ;'° `"� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. Y� _ . T,ICENSE CON�"ZI'I'TEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 3, 196l� COMMISSIONE DATE — RESf�VID: That Application H-8137 for the transfer of por.tion of I�.cense No.'S081�, expiring October 38, 196�.� covering Gas �tation (4-pump) issued to Frank Dressely, Jr: and Sam Nakaniski at 1089 Prosperity Avenue, b e and the same is hereby transferred to Roy �. Klingsporn at the s�m� address. _..._..---- Council File No. 218835—BY Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F.Peterson— 'Resolved, That Appl�cation H-8137 for the transfer ot portion of License No: 5084, expi�'ing October 18, 1964, covering Gas Station (4-pumP) issued to Frank Dressely, Jr and Sam Na- kaniski at 1089 Prosperity Avenue, be and the same is hereby transfened to Roy L.Klingsporn at the same address. . AppipVed Ma ch�3, 196g arch 3,1964. (Mazch 7, 1984) • ! � TRANSFER � (Iri.censees) �IAR 31964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �AR 31964 Dalglish Holland Approve 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson , Peterson � Mayor �— A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iors s-aa 1