216800 . ��.���� ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK � ; CITY OF ST. PAUL �f � � FOENCIL NO. I,ICENSE C0�'�TTEE � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU RESOLUT ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE p�rE Februarv 27�96�. _ RESOLVID: That Application H-8169 for the transfer of On �ale Ia.quor �icense No. 6,450� - i expiring January 31, 1965, issued to the Hotel �ommod.ore, Inc. at 75-79�North �lestern Avenue, b e and the s ame is hereby transferred to PRalcolm E. �aitBnack at the same address. � �i Council File No. 218800—BY Severin �1 S.AT..E I,IQUOR ESTABLISHMENT A. Mortinson—Robert E. Peterson— Milton Rosen— Resolved, That Appl�cation H-8169 • for the transfer of On Sale Liquor Li- cense No. 6450, exPiring ��uaz'S' 31, 1965, issued to the FIotel Commodore, 2'R+�SF'� Inc. at 75-79 North• Western Avenue, G,O • be and the same is hereby transferred � 1� t0 Individua�� to Malcolm E. Cammack at the same Informally approved by Cau.ncil a Adopted by the Council February 27, February 25, 19d�. � " 19 pproved FebruarY 27, iss�. (February 29, 1964) FEB 2'� 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish �EB �� ��6� Holland � Approved 19— , ���� --_ I . n Favor Mortinson r����_ � . ' Mayor " A gainst Mr.�President, Vavoulis ions s-sz , +. _ . , m � �.F .Z/� Soo CITY OF ST. PAI�L} � . . APPLICA'I`ION FOR "dN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE . Application No.._.._.. Name of Applicant_...-`�.lY�..�..C�2L�1��._.r�°71.Y.Y.)..�C�..._..__.._.;... _._.. A.ge�.. _... , .. . . . , ' ..l?.c�.r....._..._........___. Telephone No.._�.�_�.^�..�._....�.__._- Residence Address._._...��b..._.�^...1.�w_U11.?�.___.�`. � . .. ..� Z Are you a citizen,of the United States? .-�P�__..............._...._.___._...____ _.�._ .... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similax nature? .._...._...._..._......_.....__.._..._.._....._..._.._.._...._��._...._.. ............__...__._:._...._�.........._...._.._...._.. Whenand where?_.._....__._._...__ .� __.��.._...._...._..._.._._._....____..�....._....._..._. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation...._.........._........__._.__.........._.::.........._.._. _.__....____ • . .. -,' ._ ; � ", _ _ _.—_ - ,.._._ `_.i, �._ _ When incorporated?...._.__.....__...._ _...._ _..._.....�...�..._..._...�. ._�.--��'{-._......-�:_�_..:._.�.._.__. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._.�:i..._....._..._...= ' _�._...._... How many membera?_..._._._..._.._... _..._ _._.. -: + - 1��� �� Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name a.nd adiiress of genexal -manager ..._........._...._...._....�...�_Y...__.._._. _ _..._..._�.._�`..._...__._....�........._...�_r.._._........._... ....____..__...� . . . . _._...__._.._.._._.____._.._ ._.. .._.._......_._._....._..__...._.._.. .._......._._._..._.........._...._..._..._. ' Names and addresses of Stockholders: � � , . . , _ . , .__..._................_..._ __ � _.._._...... ......_._.r._........ � Give uame of surety company which will write bond, if known.._._.`�?.L..�..��..u.-.�..._fJ..`�'�..�.�'�...9�!:�'�?-.'__�...._...._..� Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets VPard �1 ' �S 5� � 7 ; U,eS-i�,�� . Wc5-f- ; ��o�y : h 1 p h c� v�� . : ; . How many feet from an aca.demy, college or university (ffieasured along streets) ?.....!?'�.�_�'_�!1?__��.h���l�S._ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?.__�'�' �'�`�• �� o��5_ _. _. _ How ma.ny feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?__..._�._._..._._._._ Name of closest schooL.. P.�2..5'�-^�� -�/...�1—.__._.._.._� � __._.. �.._.__ � How axe premises classified under Zonuig Ordinance?__._C.�........�2�5..!_�_.........._....:..._........._._....._._...._.______.._......_. Onwhat floor located? .._..�.____.--•_---.._ ._..�....�..._.._.__....__.._.�._._.__..._...._...----_____._.._..__.___.._....._ Are premises owned by you or lea,sed?_.l,��.�,?.�.....If leased give name of owner._.'.___.._..._..._......_.__..._.__.........___.._ If a restaurant give seating capacity?._.�.___r...�..�_.__..._._.__ ....�_ ._._._!._._.._..._..__........_...___.._.._ If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? ----- W._......._.__. ._.._- - _...._._..� __.._._ . . � .---------.i O Givetrade name-------..�_4_.�-�------��-'_C?.l_M_!�'1.o��'`�c-----------------------------------------•--- - ------------------------------------------------•-- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: _._..._.__.._._._.�..�.. �.�.�....��. . vN►,�,�� r�Q�,...�.��.��.i �z.pr �.±.�1 _.__._..._-____--__.�°��- �.1�0�� S�.LW�...�DmM...'�J.��1...r..ro�lm t ssav-�.� 8-r.,� __...._...__._._.__._...._._f����� ► �-I-a �Z� �hcJ��.�._v.�..._.t�...+2�....�.n.n.e..x_.e.�._...2..._� � ...._..__-----_.-___..._._._....__.-----._._.__...__.._..._.._..�.__ .._.._...____._._.._._._.___ . .�....__. __._. (The intormation above must be given for hotels and restauranta which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel7__.../_�.`tt� _...._...___.._. ....__._...._.._.....__..._..._._..__...__.__.___......__..._.._..__. Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)__.�1.2.�....����n�..h�_kt�..._..I.�r� 1 �Y�ph� Give na s and addresses of three buainesa references:...._......_. _�.. _ -._... . _-__ _..-.-.____...___........_._._��"� � � 1.. _ . _c�..,l:...._�.C..�_�i�v Q c�. _./_� .�.s�..,�a►.....��11.a��_�_._�.�„ #�al(.�_._...____.___...._ . t 2..�-. .. _._�..,f3.�/.:G�..Ir _ .. ..__"-�.�,..�.13'i= ...�1.��._...... ......�s�...V...l..�l��„___.___.........._..__......._.....__....._. 3�"i.�.�...��.Q.�1Q�':���.�.�._.��..._...__._-�-.� .��._.___..._...___._._.__._...___._._._._.__..__...__... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIB APPLICATION; AND � THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE _ , _ ; .