06-349conncit File # ��� �� �
Green Sheet # 3 �� �� 03
. crnr
Presented by
Committee Date
7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the "Cit}�') has been advised that the Port
8 Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authorit}�') intends to establish a
9 redevelopment tax increment financing district including the 5.5 acre site generally located
l0 north of Seventh Street East and immediately west of Duluth Street North and south of the
11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad line to be laiown as the Phalen-Atlanric Area Business
12 Center (the "DistricY'); and
14 WHEREAS, prior to certification ofthe District, the City Council of the Cityof Saint
15 Paui (the "City Council") is required to make the findings required by Minnesota Statutes
16 Section 469.175, Subd. 3, including the reasons and facts supporting the determination that
17 the District meets the statutory requirements for a redevelopment district; and
19 WHEREAS, the City has been fixrther advised that, prior to certification of the
2o District, and for health and safety reasons, tl�e Port Authority intends to demolish the former
21 Globe Building (the "Building") located on property to be included in the Aistrict; and
23 WHEREAS, as set forth in a resolution adopted by the Port Authority on March 28,
24 2006, a copy ofwkuch is attached hereto as Exhibit A(the "Port Authority Resolution"), the
25 Port Authority has determined that the Building is "structurally substandard" within the
26 meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, all as described in greater
27 detail an the Port Authority Resolution, and in the SEH Report attached thereto; and
29 WHEREAS, the City has made its own independent investigation of the condition of
3o the Building, and a staff report sets forth the findings of the investigation ("City Report");
31 and
33 WHEREAS, the City Council, in reliance on the inforxnation provided to it by the
34 Port Authority, including but not limited to the SEH Report attached to the Port Authority
35 Resolution, and its own investigation and the City Report, concurs with the Port Authority's
36 determination at that the Building is "structurally substandard" within the meaning of
37 Minnesota Statutes, Section 469174, subdivision 10; and
39 WHEREAS, the purpose of this acrion is to set forth the factual findings of the City
40 Council before the Building is demolished, which factual finding may then be relied on by
a 1 the City Council at such time as the City Council considers whether the proposed District, as
42 a whole, meets the statutory requirements of a redevelopment district;
44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint
45 Paul that, on the basis of information provided to it by the Port Authority, including the SEH
46 Report, and the City Report, the City Council finds that the Building is "structurally
47 substandard" within the meaning ofMinnesota Statutes, Secrion 469.174, subdivision 10, for
48 the reasons set forth in the City Report, SEH Report and the Port Authority Resolution.
so Adopted by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on , 2006
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav �/
Bostrom ,/
Harris �
Helgen i /
Lantry �
Montgomery �
Thune ,/
Requeste y Depattrnent of����i °��
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date /7,��i% /� a�/
Appxoved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
BY� O�l �i .�502
Approve M 'o Date `�'"'�� VV
By: 'l� �
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
�e��.�e_.,_s_,__..__:,. ��.e,_�:.�a. ��— 3�.`I
Pq — PonAUthoriry
��� Confact Person 8 Phone:
� Monte Hflleman
' Must Be on Council Ageni
� ,
Green Sheet NO: 3030303
ueaaranem aenc � o rerson mma�
0 PortAathoriN DeoartmentD'vector -� �
I ' laonine&EconomicDeveloo !DeoartmentDirectar
2 (.l'NAttomev i 6riAttomev
3 �Mavor's Ofiice � Mavor
4 Cooncil CiN Coucil
5 I riQinatine Deoartme i
6 � I
7 i
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Adopt findings of fact related to the demolition of the Globe building located in the proposed future Phalen-Atlautic Area Tax
Increment Finance District.
itlatlons: Approee (A) or F
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
CiHI Service Commission
1. Has this personlfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department�
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
currerR cify employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete shee4and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniiy (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Redevelopment of contaminated site of the former Globe Building Materials.
Advantaqes IfApproved:
Clean up of 5.5 acres of a polluted industrial site for business expansion and job growth.
Disadvantages If Approved:
DisadvanUges N Not Approved:
Lazge barrier to reinvestment on Eastside of St. Paul remains.
fotal Amount of $O
FundingSource: N/A
Financial Infortnation:
Activity Number:
April 5, 2006 4:08 PM Page 1
� ° Dl�- 3 ��
Resolution No. 4161
[Pkalen — Atlantic Area - Prelimivary Approval]
WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authorit}�') is
proposing to create a Redevelopment TaY Increment Disirict (the "DistricY') pursuant to Section
469.174, Subd. 10 of Minnesota Stahztes, including the 5.5 aere site generaily located north of
Seventh Street East and immediately west of Duluth Street North and soufh of the Burlington
Northern Santa Fe raikoad line (the "Pazcel"); and
WHEREAS, for safety reasons, the Port Authority intends to demolish the building (the
`Building") located on the Parcel prior to final certification of the District; and
WIIEREAS, it has been proposed that, prior to demolition of the Building, the Port
Authority make certain facival findings supporting inclusion of the Parcel in the District; and
WHEREAS, Section 469.174, Subd. 10 states that, when estabiishing a Redevelopment
District, a parcel of land may be treated as though it is improved with a structurally substandard
building if (among other things) (a} the parcel was occupied by a structurally substandard
building within 3 years of the request far certification of the Redevelopment District, (b) the
substandazd building was demolished or removed by the Port Authority or the demolition or
removal was financed by the Port Authority or was done by a developer under a development
agreement with the Port Authoriiy, and (c) the Port Authority finds by resolution before the
demolirion or removal that the parcel was occupied by a structural2y substandazd building and
that after demolition and clearance the Port Authority intendeds to include the parce2 wifhin a
Redevelopment District;
VJHEREAS, the Port Authority Boazd has reviewed the Redevelopment Eligibility
Assessment prepazed by Short Eliiot Hendrickson, Inc. ("SEH") and attached as Exhibit A(the
"AssessmenY') related to the Parcel; and
WHEREAS, the Port Authority Boazd has also reviewed the opinion of Leonard, Street
and Deinard attached hereto as Exhibit B to the effect that the fmdings made in the Assessment
are based on a conect intexpretation of applicable Iaw; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 4120 adopted by the Port Authority on March
15, 2005, authorizing the acquisition of the ParceI and Building, the Port Authority has advanced
approxnnately $530,000 for acquisition of the Parcel and Building and related costs; and
WHEREAS, the Port Authority Board has also been advised that the Port Authority has
received a grant in the amount of $1,000,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA
Grant'� to be used to create a revolving loan fund to be admiuistered by the Port Authority and
used by the Port Authority in the first instance for the demolition of the Building and remediation
of the Pazcel, and to be repaid from talc increments generated by the District; and
W$EREAS, the Credit Committee has reviewed and approved this resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the Boazd of Commissioners of the Port
Authority of the City of Saint Paui as follows:
1. The Port Authority hereby finds:
(a) that, on tke basis of visual inspections by Port Authority personnel and the
Assessment, the Parcel is "occupied" by buildings and other improvements within the
meaning of Minnesota Staxutes, Section 469.174, Subd 10, which requires that at least
15 % of each ta7c parcel be occupied by buildings or other improvements; and
(b} thaf, on the basis of visual inspections by Port Authority personnel and the
Assessment, the Building is "structurally substandard" as defined by Section 469.174,
Subdivision 10 of Minnesota Statutes.
Z. The Port Authority hereby finds that the Building constitutes a public nuisance
and danger and should be demolished.
3. The Port Authority hereby declazes its intention to include the Pazcei on whick the
Building is tocated in the District after demolition of the Building, and Port Authority
management together with its advisors and legal counsel, aze authorized to make arrangements
for and proceed with the demolition of the Building.
4• Port Authority management, together with its advisors and legal counsel, are
hereby authorized to proceed with the prepazation of the proposed District, and to negoriate,
draft, prepare and present to this Boazd far its considerarion all further plans, resolutions,
documents and contracts necessary for this purpose.
5. Port Authority management is hereby authorized to finalize arrangements for use
of the proceeds of the EPA Crrant and resulting revolving loan fund for the demolition of the
Building and remediation of the ParceI , and for the repayment of amounts advanced for that
purpose on the temis set forth on E�ibiT C to this resolation.
, � � ' �b-3��
6. Port t�uthority managemeni is hereby fiuther authorized to provide for the
advance of Port Authority fwids, as needed, to pay costs that are necessary to complete
demolition of the Building and remediation of the PazceI, to the extent that funds in the revolving
loan fund aze not sufficient for that purpose, and to proyZde for the repayment of any such
advances, together with the amounts previovsly advanced for the acquisifion of tiie Parcel anc3
Building and reIafed costs, from fa� increment generated by the District, or other sources.
Adopfed: March 28, 2006
Secr ary
By �
Its Chair
��- ���
Redev�lt�prnent Eligibiiity Assessrneni
• ... -.
' - ss �
� � � � 4 � � * ♦ h"
' ��L3�, ��
��s��r}� �1, 2(��
Sh�crt�€�¢c��t i��r�cr�icksrss�, tr�. t5�1��
�2�� �t � ��r�c $2 c��zt, ��i�� 1 d�'�
Rc?�E�::SYer. �'[� Stit)C�fs
S�'�C:4a. �-�°C�'�'�;t3�a�J2.�€}
t?vieaCi°L.� ;ranwte t^.�.mce.
?r���d se�!a�t�� $s� ns�e tih� ?T� ��ars_
� �.
, �
Port Authc�rit?> of the
City oC S�L Paul
Globe $uilciin<= Materials
I 1D7 — i i�i7 ?� Str�,'et East
TIF Diatrici
Januan 24,2flOb
, �.�
Shorc Eltit�t# Hendrickson, Inc. (SFsF�} w�s hired by klae I'art Authc�zitu af the Gity o£ St.
Paui, �+tir�n�a, tc� �urvey and evaCuate tl�e p�pezty with3n €he proposed T�c �ncrement
�nanczn� �Tt� Ttis�zic# lora�ed at � 1 p? — I 147 7�' S EasY� '� pmpo� slistri�t is
ge�,�raSly 1 ntrrtl� t�f 7th Str�ei E�2 a�d i�ed`zately west af I�aluth Street �Iarth
and �aizti� c�f'the Iit�rlir�gton Ncrrther� Sarrta 3^� Railraaci raiT 3iue zn St. �u4 .' esttta.
� p s� of our wc�rk was ��depea�dently �.sc ' vvh�ther th� quatiiacatiou tests
fc�r taac ir��rememe�si eli�bilit�� � re�uire�l ucader ' e S�atut,�„ c.4utd be m�t,
�n�3.ings �anel�ion� drawn I�rean � seale3p fc�c i� e eaf tax incratn�i
e[' 'bi�itv �re rtat in� d tci bc us�3 c�utsi� the sea�e+of 2his .�ntent.
# ° 1t 1r �^
The pz��as�d .. ct ' ts tsf 3 is c�f £oi3�w�ez� s�rf
ir�tps�r: er�ts: `sI �a rv u� to e�n �
p ts ' �adiz�g ' im�sres�a �s#s.
< I` a i; `. aµ
ir�er��ar � `c�r s�n�ni �et� For ��i3da�z�.
�a�re '�"es� — 3 t�f 3 #ies g cou � witt� 3 la co ge.
° � ��'7�'�r � �ov �e req ' er�t.
��diper� �t' �u�d` T � t — t!� p�� t e�f � � '1� � � —I �f � "� gs - e
faua3d t�'�e "strszct�zral�� subst�c�rd" ��rlt�n s:e�s�s`sz�ira�; � c�e�ci�nci�s �nd s�tfrer
z3��iciet7eaes caf s acfent toi�2 �i�n9fieancs ua justi�y sula �al ren�+��t�tsn crr ��ea
{, s���nat�u� s�f"strreac �y substaza " xis fc�l�c,w�). �'�zs e� t�s t}�e �`c�z�ftia�on cr�'
E�sail " g�'�est re�ay c�ver �U°✓a s�f��ild" aarat ittcl�' a�a€bsu�&cizc��-�s°, must be �v
"s-tcuctur�l;� su�ast�„r �
�' •!! ! :
t�sr surve3��r�g �s�ci �walu�€€u� �f Che p�.s��tae� wii�s ttus p��c?sed t��veiopm��f
�tr�a� a�zz� �°u�Y� t� ia our �rr�fe�� a�ai�iou ��res ��a� �� ��stc�c# �ble
as�der t� sta�t€�r� c.rita�;��i� �rad �'c�rr�u��.� f€�r ��e� la�cr�.�t �i�a�c'srag
��seeict (St�t� �i�a� �.17� Sra�sd, l D'}.
���������� ������� �n����a
Site t?cci�pied�'Suilding Snbstancl�rd t)etermi�atinn table
TIF Assessm�ni maps: Buildings tlnz3er Study�, Occ�apied Snrfaccs, Percent
�sset Summary Report {one �r buildiz�g)
PRi�CEE3URAL i��t�U1R�M��T�
The properTies w�.� surveye�i and �i•a7u�a�d an accorciurcc svaih zhe fp(tauin�
reyuirements under M�nnesaia Sfatute Sectzan 469.174, Subdivision 1{3, clawe {c} ;uhich
I�Eeriur Ins�rec�ion —"`"S"l�e muuicipatit}° may not rnake such detesrr�izlation [t�x tlxe
k�uilc�i� is strucfnr�liy st��staric�aard] wi��i�ut an inter4�rr inspc�tion oft�e properry...�'
Ex�riar k�s��etioa aud {kher �vl�ans — uAn interior i�spc�tac�n c�ft�ae pro� is nnt
rec{u" , if tkae me�nzoip�i� �ruls that {i) t�z� znu�i�ip�lity �r �u�reity is uraabl� t�s �ain
ss to �e ps�p ;�nd a#�er usin� i1s best et`�'urts tfl " perrn3ssie�n fs�tn �ttac �
t o �r Is the �ru�se�y; and (2) evvd e o '�e a re�.s�a�ate
�cs�elusiott # fhe buil�i� is siruc ty su � ,"
' _ ! , � °^ 1� � � �t ` t► ..
�#. F'ac�l Pcr�t � �ty° vitied ��a �a°t� 0 1 ed i�s t�� �ii 'c#� S�k�
�ndx �5 � E en mt�t �+f�£�?�, t1n int�resar '�r `. i�c�n
� `pn w� caa�pl fo€ t�e 'Id"
�'car �l subj b�aiid' ' rrf>�. F*�I �crwa 'es sri �11 avail�ble bui�d'z�
its �at� x� rd �`z�r �s°i�w b� S�H, 7'#��se �rerrm�ts ��c�vide a �c �fl "gstian a�f _
v£�earlc rnp( far �c1� q>ermat (Bui�dar�� EE�ei�s , c�r l'! '�, c�f j
in ca , �a ��lue rsf � to t� c€�pl . Addi ` [ly, i�s erf
pa ' �ts bti�'sl�' � zc�� �€s � stsa prr�vi #'�r �t b�ilci if
�v ° �. In s s, 1 d ap�ara��cl mrrcctians are �zo�d tsn eh� ris_
Axaitl��iona� `� ` a c�stl ed #" pubtic t�x�yer i�f' �ti€�s� �v� E�btc: fr
R�rasey Ce�aar�ty. �3ui�dice�; d�ata �r�rs� C�s� � i� � � cesmb�z�:d cuitl� �
r�ui��ed a��tirisc int�rrn�9�t�s� ���! ir� � f�ld.
a : # . • i� _
'€`�e prsrperts�s �� re� e4atuat�d �c� �.s i� v.•, her qua�if�c��i€�r� t
�`c�t t�.� irs �t �li�abilitp f�r � rede��!�p � t s�istri�9 unti�r the f�]lau�ixi�
?�i�vss�srs2a �t�ut�, cc�uld ta� mct.
�t�iaane�ota ��iate S�;ctiorc �i9_ t 74, Subdivisitan ){}, claazse (a) �1} rcquir� �wo tesls f��°
accu�siec� ��s;
I. �Q�r� �`est — ` ts �vnsastin� c�f?ti �,e �t aft�� af �e t3�:s#rict
cicc `�y buiidizags, �;taii2ies, ��r°ed c�r �r� `�g ta� ar sizs�il�r
� �tu€�s . . : '
� � / �� �
\otc: 7�he co�erage re�uired b�° the parcei to be conside�d c�ecupizd is dafined zuider
�5innesc>ia Statute Section A69.17� Snbdiuesian 1{7, claus� �e) x�hich �Tes, "Far
pur}�ses t�£this subdiyisian, a parcei is nc�i occup#ed by buildings, streets, utiiitees.
paued or �avel parking lats or ather similar struckuzes unless i S°1A c�f the area nf the
�,arcei contains buildings, strccis, util)ties, pa;�ed or �ra�el pazkin� lofs ar other
�iinilar siructures." y
?. G'ondiiion of Builrlinas'�est _�: ... and more than SD perecnf of r�e �uildiags, nat
including outbuStclin�s. �re siructvrali� subsiandard tn a degree requirin=_r �abstaniiai
renc�uatit�r� c�r cleauanc:e.°' u
7hs t�rru `stn�ct�rai�y substandard' as useci �� fhe prec�dir�g para�raph, is defined by
a two-step test:
C�r�d'a#ioas T�st: T3nc�er the i� incr�ent taw s�Secifcally �°tint�esa#a St ,
acctioz� 469.�34, �ubcTivisic�n 10, cSause �#r3, a buil ' is str� �!y
sr�bstam� if ii r�antairts "defects in struc ei�enis ar �z cambicsa�ca� af
�9e�z:ie�sci�; in esse�stzai uh(i�ace� �nd £acil'sti�s, li�st and ve�tiiataors fi� xcYi�ss
a���udin� adec�u ��ress, lay�ut d ez�n�lzt%aa afirst�riar �`ri , ear ,- '�r
�'ac2�, w�i�c�i �l�f� c�r c�iadeta�� �re af s�cient �at� �ignificanc� tz� ju��y
substan€ia1 re�ovatic�a� a�r el�ctc�.°=
e�t'�f: 2*�c� 't�s •`�� f�se�ain#�, an esat �asv, "�c�lY,
�r1i � taa � � � t� 9�.174, ��bc�zvis` l� c�� � {�} a3�s ��?vi � �a�
e buitcFi� rt3sy m€�t �€� cuc��id� �firu€:i�crally �t��ss�az�d�rd if �t: ". ._ is �a
cc�mplittaace s��i� k�eaiiclaa�� c�cle �p�lic;atil� t� n�w b�aa�di��;s rac c�d 3� madi�cc�
�ri ssrisf}� tbe blrilc�ing code ai a af ie�s �Saia 1� er�� sa#'t�a� csast c�f
'n� � c�u.re c+fibe • e sq � f � ou si2�."
B� t�n ilze ��e en�, su c��t issatBerst ofa `e
3sual '� is a� � ss; fc�re, f"n�� t��' kt .�a i d o�'
h cather and m��as€ be 'slaed 'sn arder f€rr � htti�cdia�� i� t� 'fa
st rt���y subs . lt is ra�t •ien� tc� ��1uz1� a bui�rag �s s a�r�t��
substaaaz��rd �crE�l� �as�aus� th� G� Z'est is ����"t�, Ii is t��reaically g�ssik+le �'czz a
inait � ta �irs ex�ra�i�re v��vt� �t �+rder � t� ut b�il �� cc�d�s t?�
siill nat t�a�et tEre raza�ra otit�e ��tzdi3ic�€� T�d.
�'�zfih . re, c��i�ier�ei�s izzcl c3 's� the Gca�di�i T�st ra��y or may nat ir�I�cie
i�c � d���i��i�s � 1i�t�d in �e ��¢tc� �"�. dr� �� ca��, ci�c buikii��
ccu� z�ficiez��es �y Sv��1 canir�b�at� ta it� data ��trich s��r�rt� sa�i�;n� tt�
�a '�sans'T`�si; e.�rrv�rs����, it is ce inl� �ihle t�t i �i{� � zar c�e
d��i�i a�s ���i��Z ca��i E�e ie��l `an C'.�ndi�atar�s T�t c� rnat n�e r'sl}
co�29t�€te �x� �, ' '� cade ds�fc�aen�ies. �3y t�e ���a�, :ra . � af �e fia�4
st�p� is sii;�i�y c��esent, 'I`�e t�ca�tda�ir�n.� Te�t is z�sar� sarbj€et� wks�as €�e �cads;
`t'� is an z�b,j�c��� t�sE. {'cr��atic�� °�"�t d��c��tc�s arc Lc�s t�:.�a aaad
s�r:�ss�rily a�e�sutable tt� tFi� s�e e�te�it o�`tt�e €�� d�i�i�ncie� in t&�C C'� "f'�st.
,.�,,:.:: _. � _a,f,� . � ,. , � , �
_..�..� _ .-.�n. ...� _:..r. .r_. _ .�.:: ...._ „- , �.. ��
V�/�� \
To the end thai ie.chnical, measurable bui3ding ccade deGcicncies suppc>rt the
�tis(�actic�n of the less 2echnical ��ndirions Tc�t ih�: fvllaKing cade requirements are
deii�ed in terms thai _o bes�ond the technicai reauirernenis of tiae codc asd
den�anstrate iheir relevance in terms of" ... deficiencie� in essentiai utitities and
facilities, l��t �d ventila�ian. etc. . ."
[niernati�za] Iiuiidin� C`crde (l�Ca: °I'3�e pur�se ofthe II3C is to �,roiide
mi�€mum �andards to sa�e2uard publee heal€h. safet}� and g��eraI w tlxra�k�
struclural strengih, means �rf egres.� Caeiiities. stxsbility, sanitaiion, edetquaTe lia�st
and ver�tilatic�n, ener�y consez�ation, and sa3'ety ta 3ife ar�d pro�rt� from fre �nd
other I�azart�s attributed tc� tl�� built envirar�ment j1BC l{31.a}. A deFicier�cy in ih�
bualding ��de �inseaf�cient n�anber �f buildfn� exits, insu#�icies�t da€�r E�ctcl°an�
area etc. j adversely af�`� c�n� car mc,re of the �bc��e st�ndards to s�fe
`�aut�iic ne�ltt� ...�nd saf�t� to iife'; t4�ccrefore, a �iefici�ncy in th� bai4din� ctade is
czrnsid�re� a c3eficie�tcy an c�sFe ar �aore `esseeatiat uti3itieF and facili4ices. ti�at �d
Y&Ri.1�c`i�7OY?, 64C."'
PvTi�ne � a�c .�bi�s`ty e. Ch�pter I3�1: ` cl�peee the �q��sea�t�
f�+r �b�bi�ty ta��t] b�i9�g o�eatp�raci�s. °I'h� 1�z�n�ta �s�c�ssit�aili2� '�
cEas��v ��av� �t�e �1xn�it�s �a2h t?is�bi�ities �� ��.�i"r��z#� �uad�l��s
{�Jr�A.G�, ��}a ;� t� ��liz�s � �cc�ss�bilitv ��s ���ces caf pc���
acraaz�c�t'sc�ns �d efl�erc��l �`��lieies as �eq�ir�3 k�3� r9�e A���ss ?�rit�
Dis�biiit��s �c ��U1�� ct�` ��. 'i� �A is � f�3e��1 �t�-r3���t� s��t�
c���d tca r�me+ve t�rr��rs ik��t p�u�n2 qu�ilz�d t`a�#evid�ls wi�a t�i�ili€i�.s
&�am c�s,#s���� tF� ar� avaida�l� ta ,� svi�#a�ea�
ds ilities { � I d ). �s '�31�, a c��c� }j i� �r�e4`�si�siiz�r
� �f � ��al ex ° �at sde°xrs a� p, lack c� zl� � ar� �t � �ilet 1�� �
etc.} r��ts an � discrssniza�ias� a��nst disabl�d individuals; F3te��;�`are. a
cB���i �v i�s �tae � `b"€iidy � is cc�pss � ei y in "`es �i��
`�iti� d f�a3i�ies".
�i'� sofa � . C:'�a 4b�(: 't`�is c is �sst'+arc� fi�y th� �' c�ts
rt� t af �de�itb d is ��r�ilaz t�t th� is� �9 *.�i ` i m
sraaa� ir� �-�£`� gu�ti� ts "s�°s a s c�f'�b€i�t m iai f
�Zre atica�e. A e��ci�ztcm� xz� tka� fc�ead (� cf €��€�s- �nt ��€E t�r cea�arr�
fi�is�e�, it��k of ta sink, et�.l �e� a sandi€i�,ra €c�r gr�t�ta�3 c�zat k t��an csf
fv ` t}s�re�as� � d�£��ienc� is� �h� fcsctc! c i� �tt�i€� a de��i - in
'�fza9 t�tz��is� ��� t - '?�Ci��'_
;�€�it�( �i�ctric C�€� '��C' : T'� �u.z�st� of tt�e �vE� is tE�� pr�,�sea1
s���d'z�� �zFg�rse��� �cl p�s��r � l��°x.� �.a�i�r�� �rc�� �e �as� zr�
e��c�cit�. �'�e I�� �rsta�s ���is��s� ��at;;r� eaas�€�e� a��s� �c�r �e;}^
f �+3�E` �{3-1 �a) �nc€ (�}). ?3 d�.fts:�c nev �zt tt�e ek�ctri� c�rtic: (snst�#��c�nt �l�tr�r�4
se�ic:� aazt�, �taa�r ��izis�, �_� � 5es a taa�ar�£ 8�orn a�� �rf
�I�frlcit„�; �.�f�r� a c��ici�z�cy ir� e�e �3�ctric ��� is �sas�s"�ez� a�caez�c�° i�c
"��r�i�a1 tstiliti� �nd ��"s3iti�".
Internatianal Ntechaniwal Cc�de fI�3C); Tl�c �urpose af the IivIC is tc> �ruvide
minSmum sta�adar�s to safeguazd life or 3irnb. health. �ropert3� and pnblic welfare
by rc:eu9azing and co�trollinu tlae t�esi�, cor�st�uatia�, insiallaiior�, qualit� af
materia7s, 3acatian. o�r:�ation. and maintenance <�r use of inechasucal systems
{I�iC 7�31 _3), Thc t�l� se�s spzcific requirem�:nts for bu=3din� ventilat�on,
e�ausi, inlake and r�laei; '1'#�c�se requitem�nts transiate into a specified number
of �ompiet� etea� air cxchan�es for a buiidi;�g ha5�d ��� =`.is occu�asxcp ty�e ar�d
accupant la� � rie�iciene} i� the aiechanical ca?cie a�i�e�s€Iv a#3cets the `laea9th .
_. a�d p�blic w�ifarz' c�t a huifding's ocaupa��ts; there�ure, a de�cie�i�:}• iz� t�e
mechanical cede is considerad a deficiency in "lig�t aud venti3atic�n".
�ds�tc; T�a abave list represents same of the n��r� c�msz�c�n �aatenti�l cadc
�eficie�tcies consi�red in ths �..�ess�nent t�f che buitdia��� in tha prc�posed disrrict.
T7vs tist does nQi n=4ccssarily ��1ude every factor inc€ i.n tkre data used to
s�tisfy �h� conci�tic�rrs test for a particular bui3ziing. 1��ger to indivirJual bui�din�
T�61#S �C.AF �Ct�C �lA�it2�u,
Finaflt}�, the t� incnrn�nt ia�v provi �hat mz�tzcip�it�; may fi�u3 tt�at a b�vtding
i� €�a�t zEs�qua�'�£'iect as ctvr�dly �u srsi u r t§�� �'oc4�'i`est c�� ihe b��is e��`
"c� biy avail�ale eva �, �c1a �s siz.�, t�pe, �d ��� af `�ting, t3��
a��ra�� vf�rl b' ,� i�, ar 'rs, c�r r�t��r sis�i�ar a��hie
e�ir��. �€e�s.s af e;��Eezaee �z �rp�rt such a�ancl�a� ��hac 2� b�azl� as
�trc��ars�ly s ] i�cl end t��e c�r p�li ` ct��ans, c��-sit� �rzc ty
a�s�; '�s �zr �ausixag �srs �it��s, �t ' �v�d��c� of dc `r�r��tia� €rr �at�e� sz�9�
r��" Ec €:�z ce."
� » t � , ,. ,� �
�t�t�� 7^
5�13 �tili a ��� ��"rea��phic z� �tacz�a �ystesns) �vst�an ri �r�se, a�ail�ble
t �a� � sec �auatty ar��t Lhc �iiy e�f ��. P�ui, �r� c� �'t� " iv�lt�i prr� i
zr�fc�z�ma2iz�n. '�'}� £"r$S svsEer€z �arst�rz� �aphi� a�ioran�tti€r� {Pro�y P�ccel skapes) �a�d
n r�ca�i s2a� a� e��rs�tv fi�x rds. '�'hi� infc�rm�tan w� u; �ay a fox t�
�zc ses t�i ' ax s t.
I`�a� uktal �zs�e fc��t ac4� �a� ��c�3 w°a� c?�=iai�� �rarrc ����aty re���rt3s (�i5)
g�€ s�te �E�a�#'s�an. `TY�� �� �ter:t �f �tc ir��r�� �ra�s €�n ��zc:1a t �as
di�l�iz�zt frcrzza z�ez�d �esi�� �a�to�l��. �4te tcs� squ� fQa�a�e c�t �ife aua���z�se�ts
�� tf�r� s�i�ifa€�e zr� tzrec� zi c��fzrsuec� k��+ ��e�sl sit� ��ri�caiiQr�.
"1"he ie��sl pere��z� z�t ccss=��� c�� e�ch par�eY ��e �r�a�c��cl �o c�e�er�r�ine i�`tl�� � 5°.��
r€:c�uir�m�at ��s rcz��,
i'(e re�`er tcs ��che� m�pss C3c�u�:'ed Si� � zr,a� �td ��rc�ni C}�u�e�fl
7�e ta�al area nf al l qualifrir��; parcels was �Qrr�pa�d to th� taTa3 area af a!1 parsei� to
cieTern�ine i£thc 7{)"!o requi�3anz was �uct. 17ie arca accupied b}° p�blic ri�hfs-czf-wa�°
has not ticen considered i� the cai�era�c tc,�si calcul�tir�ns. ��? of 1he gublic righ�.�-r�t �a�
are imgroieJ. If all afzhe public r��his-af=�-at �;ere treatec� �., a��ael linr t� purpc�se os
cc�ti�era=e tcs*_ c�cuiatiors. ahe ?4°s;, re��:3rament o� t�e cv��e=:��� t�t vrc>u1d stili t�e rne4�
�onr3ition of t3ui/din�? Test
�2etsiacemcnt t'ast �- the cc�st nf cansiruciin� a nc�` structur�: o; ti3e �ame sire anr3 c�ge nn
R. S �fearcr Sz�uare �rre�t C°�rsts {Z��tb} was used as the "snd��stz� s#aatdard �r base
rcc3s� c;atcu�ations. R. S. :�err�.r i� � n�ibn�tly pubtisixeci refere�c iot�i �`c�s
ce�n.�.ructst�n c�# cia2�. �e bc�k is �pzlat�d vear3� and c�ablisht;s �z "natit��a3
�vera�e" f�rr ras�ste�ia4s �d #�}�� pric;� fc�r ztl types afba�aldi�s� ea��tructit�m. Th�
iaa� c�sts deriw�ed from A. S. �.f��»s were r�vi�+ed. ar�zi m�ciiE'�� if a�plica#�2�.
a�ainst mur praf�sia�a.1 iuttgment aud ex;aeri�nce.
A ��t w�s c���rl�t�d b� �� �biis ' g�?uelding eg�� bui�d'�
c+�z�stru�ti� tv�, �ncl r�z��an �t�iiy l�ve1(s�sit4�a�zial aera�tav�fi�zxz) to
,�Fs€�in � �rr�riate �.Re�s �'t �rer ss��� fe�t= '��s c,�st ��s �nnutti�Iiee! €it��s
#9s� iu�ilc�ice�� ;�v�� f��� �aa r�bta�n � ta�2 re.�p3:��ess�*.nt cas� �or an i�ad'z�ziva3
bui[d���. �s�dit�an�lly, t� ac�+a�t fc3rr reg,� U€ocal gricir��, ��rasz f� r 5�r�
i#�, �he tsl� c ��c . im� tc� �.ka. AR�tnas tai���, �3�` ,�. �. �� s,
a 'a�s � ��SS tauilz�iss�; y� b�a��in� '° , d�€s ctizzk
�'�e; � �for�. �st sr� � �a �aas� � �E a �e� � et �ri�i v�
Suil " L}�'�aci�uca�� �a�ditzc��as �'�t ��v itic}n I3��caenc��s�— det 'r,ir�
�o��bi ti�n oi def �r d�t�i��aies �f �` t tot� sz=° '��rsce ta ju�taty ::ubs ta�l
rern�vati+�n �rr cie r�.
-�3t� a;a�ap � s- F��.�+ta��a� tsFe�� buat€�i�t� �� -�e by t�c iev�n�
�ir�i�3sit znFarsz�izcsrs f�tz� cit;r r�eczxds �zsc� raa�ia�� Ea�tce�t� �r�'ar cxta;�is��
� 'ans, �s �z�z�sl, sc� t��xe� �i ` tca p�ksi�c �. t�e�c�c�ca� i�
s c i���� -° �����a��€Aii��� � '�iia�s,�a��t. d,��sa€i���t�s�„�r�
�rat�c�i�z i�abludi� as�s���ate ��s, ��;�c�a�t �?z�D �za�ta� �� ss��r�"s€�r p�t"sans. c�r
sizn's3ar faetars, w�x� �ot�� by th�, e��Ixaa��s.. Co�di�zc�n I�ecfAeie�i�s roa} �r rrs�y
r�c�t i�acleatie Coci�; ��icie��cies a�� ��: �Irsw. ��za��� t�p�� c�.^ ��:e
r�� e�r�is��� �'c�$ �ae � �es cs� c#� �` 'ra� �c��dit��a� �e£�ci�rzcies.
�e�cie�i�s �v�r� cc�bir!ec� �ad �au�.�xe�3 f�r �c� #s�i�c��s� i� �r�cr tc�
d���r�z`sn� th�stt?t�i ss�ni�i�,ae�.
�3u�ldin� ��`ic��ncs`�. C:r,� T�� Cad� I3c�c's�s�ci� —€I�t�r�i�is�� te�i�r�i�c( ccs�3etic�srs
�a�t �a� ��t �z ccsz�p�tan�� �+.°i� �arr�st kn:ak3i�s� c� ��rpl����,e tsa,��u i���'sl�s �� €��
cc�� �a u�rr�ct =�re �e��aer���s:
�� J ���
L3n-Site z�tialaatiotts - E��aluatizr� oi� ea�h buil�ki�� ��as made by re� iewivg
a�°ai�ak�le in�ormauar� 2r�r� citti recards and making �ntcrac�s ara��r�r extersor
c�a!uat;om_ as nfltc�ci. sametimes limited ta �ublic spaces. C3n-site c;�aluarions
kaer ccacn�lezzd u5in� a sta.tzdard c�eck?isz ferma�. "I"lt� si. r,:�a�d ch��.I;�isi tiv�s
derivec [rom seseral standz�d buildi;�g code plai� re��ica� che�kiists and i3�a>
zntencle� to acldr�ss tlae mast caatimnn, c2sily� i�entifiabte c+��le cletacieniaea.
VJeci�anical Fngineers, Elcotri:.al i:aagineers. and Bu�Idi:�g �c�de C3tTicials weze
a;sa consahed in tl�e deti�elnpmena of s�h� chez �list.
i3�ficiencg�:s ��em �enerally gaen�d int� �s� #atlo�?in� c�tegar��s �c�te�ary
nar,i� are fatloa��e� bs° iis app�ic�ble bailding r,odcj:
. [3uildir�� aceessihility -'��nesaa2a ficcessfbilit3= Code
* Builcling e�ress, bs�ilding eorsstr�tia� °�ernational �uiit�z� C'odv
. Fi� �rt�x�cti€an sy�t��r�s - ibtcrn�icrr_a3 B�ifldang Cacle
• �'c�+ad service - *vlisu�esr,�a Fex� � uzlc�
• At; (t�ea�ir��, uesetilatittg air cesndit�srning j- Inte �irrnai
�ie:.�ianic�i Cade
. �SUCt�tica3 svs��nrn�-;�a�osa�9 �3ectri� �; �.s�d S�ii . Ea+�ner�y
> r�� u �s�ap�i -- �S' scsia ��s�} C'
Far �e.; afc�� i�" � C � 't'��t (�ad� U��i�i _ ci�}, �.� �
ce�raa���e a� �e�;�t �aaaas� ia� c�it�i�.�'�# �se c�e�ign Q#`�megca] p� c��'�
rnaj��ztv esfa 6�%t�3�'� mys��ca�;. 'I"3� ini�eecsT c�f�z�� cri�� i� t�r �rresv#de a a���zs
��ar � � �� �'I�n� duc��a3laty � per ' ' � e�a � � v ��i �� ti�an
g 7S a�a,�l t3f3�. `i'�e ezt�r�y c� �kd�s,�s �t;�e�al ba;u'��g c.o�astrru�c�an j�l �'€�rzs�s
z��' �n��y �isrrtis�s� �n �n e�tericar b�4ct't€�g �srr�I�� -� w?ail�, a•azrfs, �rr� �nd
�a' zr�vv�, �tc.} �zi �ea°� u�m by ii�tin� m� '�9 sys�rris. A
a��i�s�� in �sr - (a � in. "a�, �oa�-znsml� m�ri s�
sg�srn�, �}�pc� �sar i���ati���r�t����s, �.� r�z�s ��cr�,�� et�se��t
c��,�ra� �€v s � � �� � �s �id��g s} a � �r; t� � " .�� " � t�f � de��`sr��
an th� �:r�c.'r�y � is �n��t ta� cx�iri�as?� t� � c-��sd�ticsr. z�quir�ng ���nta�
r��c�va�sc�u a� �t��r�ace.
��s� c��al��atua� -�o���tt� tk� an-s�te e� �ra�ia;�, �i bi:il�i�� w;�s t�n
r�vi�wed. �es� �a:� sa�-s��e ctaa�a, age �s�`c�a€s�tzcxcts���, �aui��irt� ¢�� aad
cu�:z�p�as�� �,�az� �rust��, a€� ��asv°n i��arc�v�z�ts ��e��� �uz�`�3i.� �n��t ��e�.
�n€� ar: �srr�e�at u as a�aad� rc�ict� ce��s��'��� ��ai3� ��rr.,r�t mec�a�a#,
�#�ct�?t�I, snd �n�r�v �ti�. A �,�i� z�� ��vie� �ra� �As� c�n�� r€��i�s�
tI� �st�i�:�l nee�l frzr a�iti+as�a� �:�e�s �i�aset��t staira��; ss, fur �xa�crsp4�:},
��rri�k�r sas��s�s, �a� ���vaz�€�r�.
'�; anfzasm:atiran azt€� d�ta cz��tecte�i fr�zn st�e �ie�d i� efars��z�d arsd �xitered w"sthi�
SE:�i p �etary sc?ft,�ar� pt i�� �`irrs��nv�t� F`aeidit,��idi tsarrs {4'����}.
3�e�'�:��z�cy � os� - C;�s��s gz� "t `sd "�� €i��iei�ncies i�re clit iaae� �Y
€�si�� R. x� ��rrrzs £ a� �3e�t�c �snd vur grt�� °ia�� a .�za; �,� �a+ �eza��. CB�Zr
�� � ���
4I=A partner Int�med u�eb�i"t� l�as a r{;ai-zime l�tcrnez 3in�; €t� ihe K S. �lec�ns C?,sa
1�aar�. in ger�eral, � here s: veral items a1'v��ing quafity were availat�le for
sciccuan �a �c�.reci a�e£ia%�cy, an item of a�era�e cost Ka, us�, as appn�pri;�te
fc�r typic:�3 evmmerua3 or resic3znci� applications. Ach:�I canstn�eti�n costs are
affac:ted e�ti m.�}� fvct<�rc fbiddin� c9stnate_ si�e aC�roject� eic.i. T�ua lo the �a3ire
�1 ?�is �,cessr,��n�. i�e �.�«�ere i�n9} ac� _�ener�ii7e E�z swne a� uork fc�re�ch
iarseczic��; that is ?a sz�= that detailed p[ans, c��antiti�s. �nd qualiries o? mater3a)s
c�eze nc�t }xissible Yc� be kaar�n, t3�rr ap�aroarh to this ir�aticr +�:as ta c3etermi�� a
p�lirninau}° evst p�e�iectipn sui€able to the leve3 af detaii that is k�awa�, 'This
prcyeess wa� sitnaiar to our typical approach for a cos> pmj�ctian that mas be �is�
t� aas owner duri��g a sch�m�tic de�gsa stage safa pro�e::E.
C'a�sts ao ec�rrc;ct �f�i�cies u ere rz�mput�� f�r c�h bu�lding � eos�s�red fc�
she buildin� r�;placement eost tc� decern�inc if �e 1�°.�� ieq��xement s�ras met. ��ck�
ansiiuidual As�t S�rnrn�ry �i,e�rt cz�sttai�s the �uiresns�ut� �z�e�.
'�ie Re�uirem�nts I�dex is the ratzo caf Kequire�e*�ts {C�rde �7e�ci��z�ies} div3a���I
by �c�z��t sepl�cemen� ���3ue.
�csta3 nt�€ra af b��t ° �Y i � t� " €s� �y sasb '> �Sy s " �rias�
�SC,t�a t§� � '`c�e�s `�` 3 the C T 3n ihis �a ee �� tc? tat�
tt� t�f 'ld3 int�� �ii ' �� �ts`n�'sf` S�D°�`� ' z�ent �;
�t t � �ry �, ��ic� d� ' s �ts� �r�lel�' C die`s 32� -' ezats
t��z� srae�t s��i�� c�ad� d�fZeie�ie� is 'Ial�Pe fs�� res�ie�r �i c��"i t� �i�° er�
St. �uI T'va� �t� 't}r.
°�' c�� t�io�s sa�i —��e #'t�I1�wz�� Izs�# r� ts cu t iaz�iic�en� �s
`�+1� tc� ssew'o��E:fis�gs u_ iu ��titdiaa� �?e�ici�a�e;+ revz�:
2 � Y AaT' . �t� a ����t3�tt� �
��}fl �e�r�aat�� ���� �as�
��f �iter�aei€��ei �oresi� L'c�
;"�1?v ��4� -- �as�s�� :�c�i�i3ie� ��de, C�a�e 13�1 �I�J�
2t�Q �tinsu:stata ��er�y Cc�€ic, �h�`s 7�a7�, ?674, ar ?6?6
� �vs�€ic�rral Ele�;t�sz: C
2 ra�ation�l ��� `c�1 C�ad�
��£�J��'�` �"�e��»
�t.c�r� ��rns��a�, Prc�j�e: �1�na�sz�r
Cr��d i����r, Sr. 'C�c�ci�€c�
��} �
� �d, w
�t � m
� �
� �
t5 � u. �',
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4asdsfics Cundizia�,s Test �ur Strecr-�r,�tiv Substa�durd BuiSziin�; Y"
Satisiies Gz+tle Tast 4ar St�'tcturzl�;- Su�asta�aiasa Sui2�iag. Y
Sm:c:icra.l�; Sc.�stzn.dart! Bi�iiding jYFi4}. Y
Caadatia:�s T(st
t3rnier che Xa.e irsc�r.tsm ?��, spcceScaEly� \4inncsota St�t�atcs. Scctzon �69.174, 8aba�ni�ian 1{Y, a 3zniicling is sirusnixnii}
a:r�standarc! ifitcaniains de�'ce�s in stc^acctsnE elec�ujcs zzra ccxaabinztr�n �f defie��nciz� in assenti�t uti3ilics arn! fascidi€�c�
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which def'cer5 aralo�c:�cies zrc z�'s:.t7ieicnt acst�3 �S�n��;caace tc+justity sub �ie�9 renac�tion s� c3ea
`L3� abt�ue bu99ditrg, bace� upa� acivai iat�rior a:�d extcriar i't�gra-ges& and revicw t+f b¢%�fiiug peeavii zecard�, e�hibACi Uae
faftasvi� dc�ecica�ics t1�n€ a�irztrit+asle ta jus29fye� s�zbsleutial �novat4� �.du�rn�c:
Si� L3r.mez�s:
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�+rz�l and �e�r"sn� �aes s3uaw cvidcr�ce af setzlcmer�& arsdts, m�r jpiats missdng}#ae>se vo?� fn brick �r�ait, cracks s�'ing
:a r�ncrete at v�ev� t�acadians.
�niia#'�3&akitics � �`ucF3itics:
cicx�i i€� i'srakitii�s S�r '.. blc�: SACk cf a �€b4� 4�dtte°„a� an isstecinr � s�f � ���ing ci ��a� a.��'
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�.��Z �'Y�.�,tican
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�fi�;aae2'rr, .�#nz� � '^�I �� : rcc�¢taacl� Sa�c'aas. ��stacls a, ,, as�d'�w�'sriR� ae� rua��; IDi�st waY4i cua,c�t
Flta Pmti s�iGS� �e�S
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I�...�g�:, �.�ip, �teoaia�ms �a�l �usrc#r�@t�: de�,ci�rt ees?e:�+:�v ii�khd=;cz�. Fze� tt�s Ga�.°� �s zatir� ���xiraz�ar,
I.a.yo�u�;an�it[rrsa r� 1m�!iar PmTiti�sm
C:€�`a�eted ucaft,t�r t�asna�f dn,°w�t ir, a fen l�te�ar��. �umertrufr rri�ping h�z*��S sn<s 6�tck cr� �u�sxi raiSs:�a 41rs�.a� o}�zv��,
�.�p�eeut �;�?his n�a.szrt .
",?'3P3t?iHIY $'3GtZ'tcfii
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p�."�sn�; att �k:�a' u�si t�e?tzsan�. Fa�c��, �e�im �r_rice, .�i�dc�� it� tse�i oi �r�nsef. d..- r�rsta3 �°`.�'s�� r��
�cie; =ac��' �.�e iu�k�lan exisc,e; zr�r-damaged c�ii"�zrg �,:as n�°ed m E� cepE&cee!; nss�.' ��.r,cri€a� rsetai ckw�s. A.�t�crc:s
ar,� �ea�a 6�xds teav� �i�e� tder�t%�Ced nnd is cu�zsuie€��T criaica3 les�l ir� va�sous 3oc�arss
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vlb;asrdara if it is in con�3?iazrce x4Lh ih� ftuiidin, eode a�tpli�}�le to neu- kfu�Idings er uw[d �. �eodined io ;ati>fr thc
curmr,z buiidia� codc at a eosi of icv ihan t Saf, Af thc cast nf cunstructing a ncsa� bui3�ia� oI ihc sam:, y�uiz Cca�ta�c and
:ypc: un atc s+aie site.
t�imstcu cost u£ oea• bailding af sarne s3xc a»� cygz STotal Repiacc'�zse�x Cc�s�): 58,3='4,a 7?
Esti�aesi ecesc at eoznxrian of ca�'-e dc#ieienci�s (Total Dctieda�tey �wtj_ S I,731,7&9
Perccntage QECade i?eficiz�ey to 8eplace�nc�n3 Cast� 20.32�f.,
Rcfer w the fuito�ruag rcquir�sne.mt� far r3ocumen4atinn af specifie ta� d�fi�iesacies.
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3eardware - T+f?�t
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Meeting of March 28, 2006
FROM: Monte M. Hilleman
Lorrie J. Louder
Kenneth R. Johnson
March 23, 2006
SUBJECT: Substandard Building Findings for Tax Increment Finance District for
Phalen — Atlantic Area
Resolution No. 4161
Action Requested:
7he Port Authority Board of Commissioners determine:
• That the building at 1107-1147 East Seventh Street, the former Globe Building
Materiais, is substandard and should be demolished in preparation for the creation of
the "Phalen — Atlantic Area" tax increment financing district and redevelopment of the
• Authorize the continued work by Port Authority management toward creation of the
tax +ncrement financing district and the use of tax increment and other funds to pay
costs associated with demolition, remediation and site improvements.
• And, authorize the use of the Port Authoritys EPA Revolving Loan Fund to pay costs
associated with demolition, remediation and site improvements.
Pubiic Purpose:
The redevelopment of these blighted and contaminated parcels along East Seventh
Street wi11 resuit in a minimum of 80 full time living wage jobs, given the Port Authority
minimum requirement of 1 job per 1000 square feet of building. Actual results at Great
Northern Business Center— South and North, Westminster Junction and Wil{iams Hiii
Business Centers suggest that the total number of jobs at this business site could reach
120. The sites sits immediately south of the new Phalen Boulevard and is a barrier to the
private investment seen further west along the roadway, including the Port Authority's
Westminster Junction Business Center. When redeveloped, this new business site wiil
generate private investment in a new building and equipment, and additional property
taxes for the City of Saint Paul. The business site wili also provide employment
opportunities for Saint Paul and Eastside residents, and generaliy eliminate biight and the
underutilization of industrial land.
Business Subsidv:
Page 2 SPPA-#36072-�2-Board_Memo TIF_Findings_Globe_Building_Mafs.DOC
The Saint Paul Port Authority acquired the Globe Building Materials parcels af a
bankruptcy auction in May 2005. Since that time the Port Authority has investigated the
site and found it to be heavily contaminated both above and below ground. The site has
been entered into the MPCA's Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup program with the end
goal of securing a Certificate of Completion and delivering the site to and end user as
described above.
in March we are asking the Port Authority Board of Commissioners to review the report of
Short, Elliot, Hendrickson and opinion of legal counsel, regarding the Giobe Building
Materials parcels and find this property meets the requirements of Section 469.174,
Subd. 10 of Minnesota Statutes for inclusion in a Redevelopment Tax Increment District.
Specifically, that the property is 70% improved and the buildings are substandard as
defined in State law. Making these findi�gs will qualify this property for a 25-year
Redevelopment Tax Increment Disfrict, which yields the most funds to pay project costs.
The Port Authority Board by making findings described above is not approving a TIF
District, but only making findings now so this property can be included in the TIF District
which we will ask the Board to set up in the future. We will ask the Board to make similar
findings on other properties that may be acquired in the fiuture.
The requirements as contained in Section 469.174, subdivision 10, of a Redevelopment
District are briefly:
Parcels consisting of 70% of the area of the district are occupied by buiidings,
streets, utilities, paved or graveled parking lots, or other similar structures, and more
than 50% of the buildings, not including outbuifdings, are structuraify sub-standard
requiring substantial renovafion or clearance. To find that the buildings are
structurally substandard the buildings must confain "defects in structural e4ements or
a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation,
fire protection inciuding adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions,
or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to
justify substantial renovation or clearance." In addition, a building is not substandard
if it can be modified to meet the building code app{icable to new buildings at a cost of
less than 15% of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage
and type on the site.
In order to make these findings, the Port Authority has retained Short, Elliot, Hendrickson,
a reputable architectural and engineering firm who speciaiizes in, among other things, the
inspection of buildings and property in order to meet tax increment finance guidelines.
The person doing the work is a registered architect with significant experience in this
The consultant made a thorough interior inspection of the building. A significant amount
of notations and photographs were generated during this inspection. The consultant
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Page 3 SPPA-#36072-d2-Board_Memo TIF_Fi�dings_Globe_Building_Mais.DOC
inspected fhe building and determined where there were building code deficiencies.
These buiiding code deficiencies were then assigned a dollar value. The buildings
construction cost was then estimated and the deficiency amount was compared to the
new construction cost of the building to determine if the deficiencies equal 15% or more
of the new construction costs.
With regard fo these parcels, specifically, the consultanYs findings are as follows:
• Coverage Test - Parcels consisting of 100% of the area are improved by buiidings,
streets, and utilities, paved or graveled parking lots or other similar structures.
Therefore, these properties meet the requiremenfs that buildings, streets, utilities,
paved or graveled parking lots, or other similar structures occupy 70% of the area of
the district.
Condition of Building Test — One of one buildings (100%} meet the statutory
definition of substandard by using the methodology described above. This exceeds
the test standard whereby over 50% of buildings, not including outbuildings, must be
found "structuraliy substandard".
• Also, a letter from our legal counsel of Leonard, Street, and Deinard supporting
these findings is attached.
The demolition and site work to prepare these parceis for redevelopment wili be
presented and contract award for said work recommended in a subsequent board memo.
We recommend the Port Authority Board of Commissioners determine that the building at
1107-1147 East Seventh Street, the former Globe Building Materials, is substandard and
should be demolished in preparation fior the creation of a tax increment financing district
and redevelopment of the property; authorize the use of the Port Authorit�s EPA
Revolving Loan Fund to pay costs associated with demolition, remediation and site
improvements; and authorize the continued work by Port Authority management toward
creation of the tax increment financing district and the use of tax increment and other
funds to pay costs associated with demolition, remediation and site improvements.
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1900 Landmark Towers
345 St. Peter Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota
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April 3, 2006
Mr. Tony Schertler, Acting Director
Planning & Economic Development Department
1300 City Hall Annex
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Tei: 657-224-5686
Toll Free: 800-328-8417
RE: Substandard Building Findings for Tax Increment Finance District for Phalen — Atlantic Area
Dear ertleN. ' �' �
We submit for your review and referral to the office of the Maydr, City Council, and City Attomey's o�ce,
Substandard Building Findings for Tax Increment Finance District for Phalen —Atlantic Area.
At this time we are only seeking to certify the �lobe building as substandard prior to demolition for possible
inclusion in a proposed future TlF District. We are currently undertaking further analysis on other sites for
possible inclusion.
In addition to the staff memorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council Resolution
and a copy af the substandard buifding findings that were approved by the Port Authority's Board on March
28, 2006. City Council action is requested at its meeting on April 12, 2006.
Your expeditious handling ot this matter will be appreciatetl. Thank you.
Kenneth R.Johnson
cc: Mayor Christopher Coleman
Lorrie J. Louder, Director Industrial Development
Monte M. Hilleman, Vice President Redevelopment