216784 z � 6� • -� - _ `pUgLI�I3FfD � ������ Counoil File No.-----�-----...._.._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �A MortinsonNby reque�st—B9 Severin . Whereas, A written proposal tor the and ��� ��f fhe followin� improvement,�'"= t' '� �3T3i3.�`fO�it11.I�f8Tx�i'�2T ,�'� ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. r Theundersignedherebq proposeathemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vis.: Condemnin� and takins an easement in the land necessary for the..slopes�_ cuts and fi_lls, ......_------ -•-• --•------ •--•- ----- ---- ----- ....... in.clu�l.ing.--r.ight..rs£_r.emn.Yal---n.f...1�t�r.al._.suppnr.�..f.r�m.sula.3.e,c.t.._1_and..ra.r__.r.emai.nrJ�r.._.thar eQ.f., oc c��i o�?�d..�X--�x�.ax��i.4n�..th�r_eQf...Qr..._�.an�tr._u��i.sn..4.f...s l_Q��s...i.n.._�h�.._g.ir.a�i.n�..�n�.-��r'--- faci n� wi th._bi tumi nous materi al the al,l.e.y._i n_ C.,,A. Mann's Sub. and BI ock 8� _Lyman _ ----- ._... ._.... ......... ................•-----•--•---.........-•----- Dayton addition from Hope St. west to turn around. Datedthie........................day of....--•--..........------•--......------- ----•-----•-------------......... --, 19 ..---.. .-- .. ... ...... ......... ..___ _ .. . ...----•------------------- ` �Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning..�nd..tal�ing._an..�easement.._�r�._the-land--necessar-�...£oX...tl�e..slo{�e�r--cuts..�nd...f i.11 s, i.nc.l:udi.nr�...r.:i.ght..n.f...r�emr�.ual...af...later��__su{zpnr�__f Xam..sub j.e.c.t_._l.an.d-.ra.r.._r.�emai.nder.._.the.r.eaf., occ�si oned..by__.exc�y�ti ons_.thereof or._�o�_�tru�ti.on__of__�.1_o�es..i.n.._the_�,.���i ng..�nd,_sur-__ faci n�_ wi th_bi tumi nous materi al _the _al_1 ey_.i n _C� _A. Manr�s $ub. and B1 ock $�_ Lxman ____ ------• •--- -• ------ -- -- ------- ---•----•-•----------------•---•----------- Dayton Addition from Hope �t. west to turn around. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._..__.__.._.________....__.____.__....___.___.....__..._......_..._._ therefore;,be it .� ' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1.-�To�znveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not esid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon a11 of the foregoing mattera to the Commissioner of Finance. , Adopted by the Council.------•---•-----------------•--1C�Y�..�:7..�96�--------•-•--- YEea NeYs , Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh ��B �''� �g�4 Ho1 1 and Approved-----•---••-....------••-•----•-•-••-- ---------------•-------.._.....___ te�-s— � Mortinson i F�e-�e�rgcrr . R.c�s�et�— ..----------__ ..._..... . ... ---•---....------- ....__�_ .... _ ._. .. _._.. Ma. PaESin�rrr Vavou 1 i s � Mayor. a000 �-ss � � � - - - - - T