216774 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 'J +J �3���� _,;._� '� �s,� CITY OF ST. PAUL cour,c�� ��� g � �� �� �y . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY p�3L15��ii'�D � � � � � COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, Comptroller� s Contract L-6566, Hurcon Incorporated, c ontra ctor, f or t he Grad ing an d Pav ing of HOI�dER STREET fro m West Seventh Street to ,Shepard Roa.d, has been completed, and �YHEREAS, said Contractor requests that a portion of the 15� retained under the contract from estimates for work done, be paid in advance of the final settlement of the contract, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works approve the` payment at this time of � 13,000.00 of the � 1��850 .00 retained, there,fore be it � RESOLVED, tha.t the proper City Officers be and th�y are hereby authorized and directed to pay an estimat e im the amount of � 13,000.00 of the re tained per centage of � l�,850.00 to 9ai d contractor, and be it ; r • , � FURTHER RESOZVED, that this resolution shall have no f c�ce or effe ct unless the sureties on the contractor' s bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller . , Etl File No. 218774—By Severin r Tdortinson, by request— i��reas, C�mptroller's Contract L- �'Hurcrn tncorporAted, contractor, ��'ie G���c..�y a r;?F�ving oy gOMER '�� � ''!' " •�� '.�t•enth Strcet to' f'��toait.n'1� ;. .n � �n,,:�etrS�, anf, ' �BQt'.v,�{r:.tls7' <r, •�jlhiti:- ' ,�•,d.'.iH .t Q�Iti+.i•}? , _ 'r;� �Izoi� ' :� ti,�iu64 i2"•-:a-y �iJTG'� "' FE'� 2 6 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �:EB 26 �g�� Holland proved 19— �gg Tn Favor � � � Mortinson � Peterson (� Mayor A gainst °'�vsen—, Mr. President, Vavoulis � _ iont a-sz � DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER ���'�1�L_ .. � '" ° CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �'�' _� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ A COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMI551 ONE� DATF �JIiEREA�, �ompt�roi7.er+ s Contra�� L-6�66, HurQOn �ncorpQrated, aontrs�ator, f or t b�.e Gr�,d.ing en.d �'84 ing of �i0��1ER STREET frp an YYe�t Seven�h $tre�'t �o Shepard Rc�,d� ha� �een vompleted, �nad �rHEREAS� �a3.d Qontr�ctor reque�t� thst a port3on of ��� 15� ret�a3�ad under th� Qan�ra.at from ee�im�►te�s fOr work dvne, be paid 3,� advanae of the P3nal �ett].emen� of �he Qontract, and . W�ER£�AS, The Gomm3 s�3 oner snd �hief �ngineer pf t�ie De ar tm�n t of Public �forl�a approve �he p�yn�n� e.� th3.s tim� o� � 13,Ob0�00 �f t,he � �d 85�.40 re't�.�ied, �herefbre be �.t RESQT�VED, tY�t thQ prpper �3�y OfFicer� b� �n.d th� are hereby a�thori�ed and c1ireQted �o p�.y an ea�3.m��� in the canzount of � 13,�OOO.QO o�' �he� ret�Snad p�re�nt�,ge of' � �.;854.t?� to ���.d oontreataa�+ affi be i� FURTHER �SOT�VF�, th�.'� thi� reaol�.tioa ahall havm no f arae or e�fe at unlea�e th� aur�t�e� on �h� ¢ont�avt�r�+� bond �on�ent t�.eretc� and file suoh oonaent 3r� wriiting �l�h the C3ty Gomptrol3.�r. �EB ;; � 19fi4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��`� � � ���� ' Holland Approved 19— �gg , Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst -3�ose�. • Mr. President, Vavoulis 10:11 6-82