06-347Council File # � Ip 3� �� Green 5heet # '3Q� �29 RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT P by ESOT 1 WHEREAS, the Hmong people became refugees and 1eft their home counhy to escape persecution, 2 and, since 1976, have made the City of Saint Paul their home; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Hmong people have become citizens and residents with meaningful participation 5 at all levels of life in the City of Saint Paul, and have made significant cultural and economic contriburions 6 to the city, region, and State of Minnesota; and WHBREAS, since 2004, the City of Saint Paul has welcomed more than 5,000 Hmong refugees from Wat Thamkrabok monastery in Saraburi, Thailand, where they had lived for more than 20 yeazs; and 10 11 WHEREAS, there is substantial evidence that, since October 2005, the Government of Thailand 12 has allowed the desecration of at least 900 Hmong graves at Wat Thamla�abok after most of the refugees 13 had left for the United States. The remains of the refugees' relatives have been dug up, dismembered, and 14 the bones carried away to unknown locations; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the desecration of Hmong graves at Wat Thamkrabok is based on a long history of 17 discrimination and persecution against the Hmong in Thailand; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the mass ea�humation of Hmong graves, many of which were on plots of land 20 purchased by the refugees, has been carried out without the notice, consent or involvement of the relatives 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 of the deceased in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the burial place is a sacred and integral part of traditional Hmong culture. Graves aze sacred sites where Hmong manifest their spiritual and religious beliefs and where families pay respect and honor to their ancestors and loved ones according to tradition; and WHEREAS, the desecration of Hmong graves at Wat Thamkrabok violates the fundamental rights of Hmong Americans of the City of Saint Paul, including the right to be free from discriminarion and the right to manifest one's religion or belief. These are rights protected by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Govemment of Thailand's actions at Wat Thatnln are a clear violation of its obligations as a State Party to the International Covenant on Civil and Polirical Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, including the right to culture and the right to family. The Government of Thailand's failure to protect these rights also violates customary law as set forth in the Universal Declazation of Human Rights; and WHEREAS, the gruesome desecration of Hmong graves at Wat Thamkrabok has caused untold anguish, misery, and pain for the Hmong of the City of Saint Paul who have left deceased loved ones in Wat Thaulkrabok; and ��-��� 43 WHEREAS, the State Deparhnent of the United States sent a communique to the Government of 44 Thailand expressing its concern regarding the grave desecration, but no further actions to stop the 45 exhumation of the graves by either govemment have been forthcoming; and 46 47 WHEREAS, the deseeration of the graves continues and the locarion of the remains of the deceased 48 belonging to the Hmong people of the City of Saint Paul aze srill milaiown; and 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council urges the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, under its full authority and with all possible speed, to pursue appropriate actions to work with the Government of Thailand to put a stop to the further deseeration of Hmong graves at Wat Thamkrabok in Sazaburi, Thailand; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council urges the Minnesota Congressional Delegation and the State Department of the United States, under their fixll authority and with all possible speed, to pursue all appropriate actions with the Government of Thailand to identify the remains of the deceased and return them to their relarives living in Saint Paul; and BE IT, FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council urges the Minnesota Congressional Delegation to work with the United States Ambassador to the United Nations to request urgent actions by the United Nations Human Rights Council and independent experts to eliminate racism and to promote tolerance of religion or belief, to demand that Thaiiand fulfill its international obligations and take all appropriate actions to halt further exhumarions, to investigate the whereabouts of the remains that have been disinterred and to reriun those remains to family members. Benanav Bosffom Harris � C/ � Thune Adopted by Council: Date Absent I Requested by Departsnent of. � Form Appro ,�d by City Attomey !� B °� �_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �ii/v �/Li,�S�ir__i Approved b "�4 /""W wl.� By: � C Form Approved by Mayor for Submission w Council By: �G�n����a� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� =1�� DepartmeMloffice/wuncil: Date Initiafed: Mo -�rots«�� ��R.� Green Sheet NO: 3030298 Confact Person & Phone: -' Ktis Fredson �� Assi9n Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number For Routing Order ContractType: RE{2ESOLUiION Depar6nent 0 iY1 'sOffice I I 1 SVI oYsOffice DeoartmentDirector 2 'N Attornev i t 3 voYs Offi MavodAssistant a a 5 ' Cler Ci rk Total # of Sig re Pages �(Clip NI Lowtions for SignaW re) Action Requested: Approval of resolution urging the MN Congressional Delegation to pursue appropriate actions with the Government of Thailand and the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations to put a stop to the fiuther desecration of Hmong graves at Wat Thamkrabak in Saraburi, Thailand, and to retum [he remains that ttave been disinterzed to family members in Saint Paul. Recommendatio�s: Appm�e (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee _. GNI Service Commission Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er v,rorked under a cwdract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm e�er been a city employee? Yes ' No 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill rat normally possessed by arry curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoKunity (Who, Whaf, When, Where, Why): Advantages IfApproved: DisadvantaAeslfApproved: DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financia l lnformation: (Explain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Apnl 5, 2006 3:Q4 PM Page 1