216742 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CO L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 11 COMMISSIONE DATF , 196�+ Councll File No. 218742--By Robert F. , Peterson— Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install i pole on Kasota east of Bartlett Court; 1 pole west of West- minster St. south of Geranium; 1 pole on Scheffer west of Flnn; 1 pole on Water St. southeast of,W. Indiana; 1 pole on Cleveland south of Wabash; 1 RESOLVED Pole in alley east of S. Wabasha south of W.Fillmore; and 1 pole in alley east of Victoria south of Sherburne with necessary guys, anchors and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when That the Northern ►S't8,�2S Power G'OT[1 8,I7 requested to do so by the �ommon P y Councll and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company, be given �YRII1SSlOT1 "t0 install 1 pole 19�dopted by the Council February 25, Approved �February 25, 1984. (February 29, 1984) on Kasota, east of Baxtlett Court; 1 pole west of Westmin�ster St. south of Gera.nium; 1 pole on Scheffer r west of Finn; 1 pole on Water St. south- east of W. Tndiana; 1 pole on Clevelan.d sout�i of Wabash; 1 pole in a11ey east of S. Wabasha south of W. Fillmore; and 1 pole in. alley east of Victoria south of Sherburne with necessary guys, anchors and wires. Poles and wires to � be removed when requested to do so by the� Co�on Council and cost of said , removal to be borne by the Northern sta-�s Pow� com�. � FEg 2 519�� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' � Dalglish y��,�� ��� " � '9�� Fiolland �� �.� 2�� Appr ed 19— �gg ' �n Favor Mortinson � � Peterson � yor ' ` �,,..__ Against ' ( ._ � 7 � . �_ � Mr. President, Vavoulis __. � � iorz a-sz � / � �: