216717 C ORIGINAL TO C�Y GL RK , , {y�,�J 1!, •_+"�, ��L� D 1�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N�, t� s' � " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �_ ,� _ ( c�, COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORI�jb�LlSi�•� - PRE,S�Ni�D BY 1. COMMISSIONE DATE F���Y �-7l�-�-�`�' �,SOLY�D, That the �ouncil here'by approves �he ac�rard of the Purchasing Ccmm�.ttee thereYor sad hereby awards contracts �or �'ux�ish3ng and delivering Disc Type Cold Water Meters to the Water Department, Meter �hap,�289 No. Hamline Av�ent�, Saint Pau1� Minnesota� as follaws: ncll Flle No. 216717 —$y Bernazd . � �, Holland— �O: � � ��,����v ,CC�� �':solved, That the Council hereby �a;,��r� Y;e award a°';,he Purchasing 1 p , • ".t�.�� �,��rr:Eor r = h . . 35 - 1� $aclger Model SC-SOT , (�� 3.�2.78 ea. � k"etr'��•cards �7 77 3 `�t:';'�N• 7�;,ni��,'�t• ��i�a�;'���s:t•ir III�C� 8IH1013I1�'. O� CCll't',I'AC�'. _. ., ., 2 . 0 s�so�'.y rf. ;lm.`.s.• c1 's.�.-_; �^:A ,bin�d et( 3ne�9�ab' 1r� tih�' tzr . .-..a. ,�nr 0.^. !f .r�r,-. + - �JY:��/I �v,� To: ROCI�FSLL MANtTF'A��-�(�'ANY 35 - ��e11 Type 6 - 2" � � �183.18 ea. � making a�xant of contract . . . ,�+11.30 (Board o� T�tater Commissioners resezRing the �;opt3on of increasing orders not to ty per cen.t), all in accorclance with City specif3.cations therefor here�to exceed #ren attached and the Fori�al. Bid #9622, such bids 'beir�g the lvwest and said co�mpan3.es __; .. _ - _ . 'be3.ng reasonable and re73able bidders and the Corporation Cen�nsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the praper �orm of co�tract therefor and'the proper City c�Pficials hereby are authorized to execute said cantra,ets �n behalf of tY�e City of Saint Paul. � ' Fonnal B3d �9622. , .,. f FEB 211964 ' COUNCILMEN� Adopted by the Council 19— �.' .� Yeas � Nays Dalglish •- �' �Eg 2 � �9 Holland p oved 19— ' �g� In Favor Mortinson � Peterson Mayor � Rosen gainst • , Mr. President, Vavoulis - lODi 8-82 C t. � „ DUPLIGATE TO PRINTER •� •_ � ��DT7�1'� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESFHFf� BY F�b�.y. �? ��2,l, COMMISSIONER DATE � � �J `�lQ.'r. 't�e �i0'uI�T,C�.l �t@2'@17y 8�'prOV�� 'thE �W�,T�. c�' 'frh!! PL�`hP.uBitlg C0�"�'fC6 '�}.���OT �f�. �t,���' �8 CC�3'��C!'�8 fOP $'1�'Y3�.8�T3$ St�.�. �3.�.T1'f33`�.T�', �.150' �� �it�� W�,�r 2+�e�ers to �ie �T�,ter D�x�erit, I�ster �to�, �39 �'o. �aml.3ne Av�enus, �nt �au1, l�3nnesQ�ha, es �o�.].acre:. To: B�D(�R � �A� f?�9.' 35 ^� 1� �8'�r M�d.c�1. �-� � ��.`j� e�.. meking at�unt of con�rac�t . . .� �+,297•30 Tos R4Cffi�i�LL ���t�C[��' 35 - �ocktitell � 6 � 2" � �18�.�,B ea. m�ng a�u�.t c►�' eo�t�^act . . , y�31.�0 (�c�,rc�, o� 'Wa�r Camm3�a�id�a.sra re�r�l.ng �th� 'a�it�o� 4�` 3na�e�,sir� oxrl�ra na� to �xc�ec,� '�,r��r �ex e�t�� all in a�cox�daace �r3.th City s�tai�.c�:t�.otas '�hex�or hexe�o a�t.ached ar�.d �, �'ox�.l. Bid �622, su�ch bic�e beii� thc 1.��et �,nd �aid oo�anie� b�i.�g ra�et�sblt �,d re13ab3:e ?b3ddt�x� �uud '�G Ccrr�re,'t3on Go�un�� be �d Rie�eby is sii.�eot�d: to dr�r u,� the praper far�, of con'�.i'�,c� therefor aud �th� pro�er �i�y c�'�.c3als hereby � �,uthoriz.ed �o exa�u�t;e g�.id casn�r�.a�s asn behe.lf of' tY�e C3.ty o� S�t P�.u�.. Foz�a,1. Bi� �9622. FE,� � ; 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �=�� f�+r ���'� Holland Approved 19— Loss � In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iors s-sz