216703 } 1 • t ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ^ ����o"� �;� '�-� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL N0. ���� �� � J `� = ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ; COUN L RESOLUTION— ERAL F M � PRE�NTED BY t.. /^� COMMISSIONE ^'� DAT RE�SOLVED� That a compromise settlement has been negotiated as between counsel and the Coun.ty of Ramsey and City of Saint Paul, Board of "�Tater Commissioners, of that aertain. lawsuit now pending , before the Ramsey County Distriat Court entitled The Connty of Rams�y vs. Milton Rosen� Adrian P. Winkel� Mrs. �onald M. DeCourcy� Boarci of `�Jater Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul� a muriicipal �orporation� whieh lawsuit pertains to a claim mad�e by the office of the County Engineer against the Board of Water Commissioners resulting from a dispute over the fiscal responsibility for the repair of Coun.ty Road I subsequent to its disturbanee by defendant in constructing certain water mains� and pursuant to said settle- ment and upon approval by the Board of Water Commissioners herein� the proper City officers ase hereby authorized and direated to pay� out of the �aTater Department F�nd� to the County of Ramsey an amount of mor�e e qual to one..half tY�e expense of sa3.d repair� or the sum of �,878.95• - - , RESOLUTIONS Council File No. 216703—By James J. Dalglish—Bernard T. Holland—Mllton Rosen— ' Resolved, That a compromise settle- ment has been negotiated as between counsel and the County of Ramsey and City of Saint Paul, Board of Water Commissioners, of that certain lawsuit now pending bePore the Ramsey County ._ . � - - r-• - • '° District Court entitled, The County of Ramsey vs. Milton Rosen, Adrfan P. Winkel, NLrs. Donald M. DeCourcy, Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul, a municipal cor- poratian, which lawsuit pertains to a claim made bY�e ofYice of the County Engineer against the Board of Water Commissioners resulting from a dis- pute over the fiscal responsibillty for the repair of County Road I subse- quent to its disturbance by def@ndant in cbnstructing certain water mains, and pursuant to said settlement and , upon approval by the Board o4 Water / Commissioners herein, the proper City FQ � •p officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of the Water De- > partment Fund,to the County of Ram- sey an amount of money equal to one- hali the expense of said repair, or Corporation COUI1SPr� the sum of $4,878.95.• Adopted by the Council February 20, 1984. Approved February 20, 1964 �' � (February 21, ,1984) � ��� �� {nCA t3�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays r ' Dalglish ��� �� �9� Holland .„ Ap ed 19— I'Ogs Tn Favor s �- �' Mortinson,� � � y Peterson A ainst � � � Ma or Rosen g ' , , Mr. President, Vavoulis � . . �' . • iont s-sz � ; CITY OF ST. PAUL No.��— � 'C�FFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS :� .. . `��� RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM �� C MM SS ONER ROS�ri DATF Januarv 2�, 1964 RESOLVED . That a compromise settlement has been negotiated as between counsel and the County of Ramsey and City of Saint Paul�Board of Water Commissioners of that certain lawsuit now pending before the Ramsey Coun�y District Court entitled� �The� County o� Ramsey vs. Milton Rosen, Adrian P. Winkel� N1rs. Donald M. DeCourcy� Board of Water Commissioners and the City of '�aint Paul� a municipal corporation� which lawsuit pertains to a alaim made by the office of the County F,ngineer against the Boerd oY Water Commissioners resulting from $ dispute over the fiscal responsibility for the repair of Countp �Road I sub��- quent to its disturba.n.ae by defendant in construating certai.n water mains, and. pursuant to said settlement, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and direated to pay� out of the Water Department I�nd �o the County of Ramsey an amount of money ec�ual to one-ha�f the expense of said repair� or the sum of �4,8�8.95. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Rosen ;��� � � 196'� President Holland IAg?pRTANT �E�'LT� �D ZkT7N'UT'E'S �'TLE �G%i�L ��c%�� In favor�— Opposed�_ �O ASST. SECY. 1M 7-61