216702 v " , ���.7p���j CO11II011 F118 NO.......................» PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �_ � �_6� and �gL�:�IiED PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby proposesthemaldngofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Condemni ng,.and„taki ng__an,.easement i n the__1 and necessary..for._the__sl_opes�___cuts..and fi 1 1 s, ---- --.. .--•- •--......... ........--•--- inctuding__ri_ght._of_removal. of lateral support from sub�ect land or remainder thereof, ............. ---- ----. .... .-•-- -..... ---•--...._._.......--•-----.......----......•--- s�cas.innes�..��r..ex�ax.a�i.ans...�hsr.eaf---Qx---cons:�r_u��ion..of....�1Q.��s.__a.r�._�J��..�.r.�di-n�--�n.�...s�r.f.�ci ng , �i�h..J�x�umi.nAUS._ma�.er.i.al...�h.�..�].ley...i.n..Haml.i.r��..Vi.l.l.a..f.r.sz�!..�i��.�.Qn...�:�....to__p_�sc�1_ St.----- Datedthie........................day of....................._.._....._................................................, 19 . ..--------•--------•--•-••.............___... .-------•--•---........._......--------------------.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the•following improvement, viz.: Condemni ng..and.,taki n�__an..easement___i n._the_1 and..necessary._for..the__sl o�es.�___cuts_ and fi 11 s, -------------------- -- ----- -- 7.��1_44�1.1�g.-.1:.7.9h�..of....C�m4��1.._4f.__1.���,r��.--$up�°�t---from._subj gct---a-�nd__o�..remai_nder._.thereof, oc.casi.oued-•b�r-.•excaa��t���s--�kie��o£-or..--coc►s�r-uct�nn--af.--sluves•-ixs--the--�.r.adin.g__and.swt.f_aci ng wi th__bi_tumi nous..materi al_ the al l ey_..i n__Haml�i ne_.Ui.l,l a_.from_Si mpson..St.___to._Pascal._ St._._._ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..................._.........__..... conn�u Fue rro. zis�oz — BY raiitan ....- Rosen— therefore be it �� � � - M ' � � :� Whereas, A writ{en proposal for the l • making of the following improvement, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public VVorke be and ia hereby ordere .��•� Condemning and taking an easeinent in the land necessary for the slopes, 1. To investigste the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid impro �„� and flii9, ��i„au,g rignt of Te- 1� moval of lateral support from $ubject 2. To investigate the nature, ea�tent and estimated cost of said improvement, 18na or remainder thereof, o��g�onea by excav�tions thereof or construction 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �f Si�rpes .rn ±ne grgaing and 5u�a��e �j bi?�:�.,�h�,� Tnaterial the alley in 4. To state whether or not eaid im rovement is asked for on the etition of thre���.�;�" `�� "niree�Fron .St. ; P P 9x�:y�:.:�;��'.�i �tr''.d`�;�. r`���. 5. To re ort u on sll of the fore oin matters to the Commissioner of �nance: :,,z��''�x;`" J �^g 'q°� ss: P P g g Q ��'� r�W, ,... FE� 2 � Adoptedby the CounciL--•...................................••----------•------•-----...---•----- YEAB Nera �E� 2 O ��� Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h Ho1 1 and Approved-----•-----------------_....--------•------.........._......-••----•----- Loss Mortinson Peterson � � Rosen ---------------------------- --- - --- ---------------- --•----•--•--•-•------------ M$. PRP78IDBNT Vavou 1 i s Mayor. 3000 7-b4 / �