216694 ������ Council File No......................_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �[�I,18I�p a- �i- � PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement bythe City of Saint Paul�viz.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Laurel Ave. from Arundel St�__to,Westerq_.___ ......................----- -------...--•---------.........--•--------•---.._......-----•--••--•-----------.._.....-•-•---......._.._..-•----•-- Avet_.and.by„doin,g�all._other work which ie neces$ary„�nd„i�ci�le�,tal._to.,complete__said improvement. ........................•-------••-...--•----•---.....----------•--..............._...---------•-----.......------......------••---•---•-•-••-------•--•-- ..._.......................................•----------.........................-•------------•---------...--------•-•---........-•----•------•--..._......-------..............--•••--__...------ Dated thie.......19th......day of.........................February-••-•-----•-----•-----............., 19 64. .......... .�y� �---L� ---•---•-----------------••-----••---___-•-----------•----...._........-------...---•--............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: reconatruct the aidewalk on both eides of Laurel Ave. from Aruadel St. to Western .Air�...._aad...t��r..dniag..al7...r,�thex..s�nrlc..whirh..is..necassaz.y.--and..incide,ntal...:ta__�a�ap.l��e..t,�ais�.: �im�rovement. -••-•-•--Co' yncil Flle No. 218894—'By Milton ---------•------••-•-•------------•--•----•-------•....----•--•----•....._--•......................•----------------.....---•--•-----..._ � Rosen— y -°---------^--°-...__...°---------°--°-°°°------°--------------°-°------- Whereas. A written proposal for the °--...-°----°--------°-----------------------------°-... making of the following improvement, having been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._..__.__..__.__._..... °Re�o„�tru�t the sidewalk on both sides of Laurel Ave. from Arundel'St. therefore, b@ lt 4Western Ave. and 1.,�� ;'yi��all other •rk�yhich 15n�cFS:,p?�q g�{,�incidental ,frO°�'.�l.t� 5?�.��i9 e'Cf�'�ci�t ha��?'4 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and ia hereby ordered� :dn,r��r�,�,�.,,;e�,., �� •;,� 3 0, i.„1�, .`ll�,'� b�:�t:��t 6'�,�,nu,r ,; •ao, +,'� 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the maldng of eaid improv�,�9�it A�&' ° �. 4� 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. � 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.__._....-•------------------•---------...---• ��� �.9 ��� , .............................. YEes Nsys ' Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh ��� � 9 1��.� Ho1 1 and Approved---•-------------------•--------------•-----------------•••-•._.........__ Loss - Peterson � Rosen `' �... ----------------•- •------ - ----•---•-- -._........Y-•--_..__ M$. P$EBID�NT Vavou 1 i s c� � Ma or. 3000 7-bd