216691 ����.`.9�
Counail File No..._..._...._....._.._
PU�LISHED �— ��� `�
Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Ssint Paul,vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of N. Avon St. from Ivq Ave. to Orange Ave.
aad by doing all' other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im-
Dated thie...l9th.....:....day of---•..................February.....................--•--............., 19 64 .
--•• --• �
....---•-----------------------------�---.......... .. -------•-•---._.......----------------- -
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of N. Avon St.: from Ivq Ave. to Orange Ave. .
and b�_doin�._all.other work which is_.necessar�_ and incidental to__com�lete said_im- �
------------• ----•-•----•--- .____---
. ............_.._...---------------•-------._...-°-----...__..----•-_».....-••-•••--••--...--•--°-----°--°----•------...------------••• CouncII File No. 216891—By Milton
� Rosen—
--------------------•----.....-----°----------°---°°--°--------------------------------------..._...-----°---°--.....---°---°--°-...._. .
Whereas, A written pro�osal for the
making of the following unprovement,
hAV1IIg I�eeII pTeeeIIted t0 the COIInCIl Of the Clty of S&iIIt Paul..............._.._._....._______... °fReconstruct tr�e sidewalk on botn
sides-of N. Avon St. from Ivy Ave. to
therefore, be it O"n�e Ave. and by doing all other
ur::�k which is necessary and incidental
RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered6�`.�,��pprsenteddt�the c�ii ot�e
,2Y�st;L�!;int Paul therefore, be it
ti- -' - 1: ��To.inveatigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvernea±, � That the Coramissloner o:
�_ 'b,t be and is hereby ordered
2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the t-S�4�i;.-
� ' � Y•ate the necessity for,
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �' ; ;��f tne making o� s�a
4. To state whether or not esid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or ni8�`�.`'igot�to� said rimprovet
�s , ]t^_kal cost thereoP.
5. To re ort u on a11 of the fore oin mattere to the Commisaioner of �nance. ' .:,,��!'`'T��n,proflle or sketch
P P g 8 ba�, a t.
Q`�tizr or not saR�.;�:�-
D � �pCA [9�3'9�E on the..�'
Adopted by the CounciL_.........-•----------------•----••----••---•----....------��a--�-- �v�s r_ a . �-:
_' YEea NsYs
Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh ��B 19 196�
Ho1 1 a nd Approved---------------------------•-•------._.._...--------•----•---------------
Rosen ---------------------_.........----- -- -•---------•----------- •-•----y•--
M$. P$EBIDDNT Vavou 1 i s � � Ma or.~��_
�C �3000 7-bs
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