216688 ������ ' Counoil File No.._.....�__.........._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and j?�LISHED �" �-�—�-`� PRELIMINARY ORDER. - Theundersignedhereby proposesthemaldngof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8aint Paul,vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Galtier St. from Sherburne Ave. to Edmund ------•--•-••-•--•---•-------------____.._._...........--------------------......._..............................._...-•---................�..--------......-------------...---•--•-----•---•••-- Ave. aad by.doin�all__other work which is necessary_and..iacidental to camplete__said imp rovement:--._____.....-•------------------••---•---•-----•--•----......_. .........................................._..-•-----•------....---•----•-•--...._..----•-----•-•-- ..._.............••----.................._.._.................------•-----•----.._........----.......---.__..._......................__....---..........--------.....--•---••---.._ _ _...------ . 19th. February Datedtlus................:.......day of...........---.............................................------•----.........., 19 .. _. —, � .................................•--•-----•-- -•-•----•---...----•-•-•--......--•--------------•---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: reconstruct the..sidewalk..Qr�..�q��..�.����_Q,�_.G�1�i��..S.�..__fxs�m..3hex.k�uxna.AvE....to..Edmund ....--------•------•--------•--•--- .,Aye.•._a�d..b3i-.d4���..���...Q�.h��..�aaxk.�hich..is...n.ece.saxy:a.nd.3ncidental_._to..�omglate.:.said-- improvement. ......._--------------°------•.............°---°-----•--.......-------------°- Council File No. 21668�8--By Mllton ....--•--------•-•-•---------•--•--------•----------•............. Rosen— � .......--°--°•--°----°-•-----------°-------°---°---°-^°----°-------• ----------------•-----•-•••••--•--•---•----------------•--•-----------•, VJhereas. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._.._........__._..._.._._�xe�on�tn,ot tne sidewall; on totn si3es of Galtier St. fron3 ��'��rburne therefore be it p.�p. fn Edmvnd A��e,a�:=mc�nt;•��,g eu � ,->.�.�; wnr, r�;:���^�e_cr Ai" �;?�rtt:d in- znc,r �;. ; .:�:i.46 ��s5 7 ���Irrtant, RESOLVED That the Commiesioner of Public OVorka be and ie hereb ordered �� �*��Jt�i�-�'�A k'" .r:�-�s� � Y ��i � i e?. �� 'mL" 3 , s' 1. ,To investig�te the necesaity for, or deairability of, the making of said improveme'n�:�i� '� ,�'�" ��.; ��' h 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eatimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. A�"Y .� � J.�n�. • 3.^ To furnieh a�plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. , � 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council---•--------------------------------_..-------------•--..._��� 19 �9�� YEes NsYs Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh ��� � 9 �9s� Ho1 1 and Approved.---•----._.............. ............................••------------__ ,-:� Loss ' Peterson Rosen ••---.._...___.__ .-•--- ----- - - --- ------ �_......._...__..__ M$. PaESCn�rrr Vavou 1 i s Mayor. a000 �-ss � � � �