216686 Council F�le No..������
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and � PUBLISHED__-�--a
Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.:
Dated thie...19th..........dsy of.................Februarl'.........--•-•---•--------------....-•-•----� 19 64 ,
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WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
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improvement. ' ._____�co,��� File No. 216686—By �con
------ ------------------•--......---•---•--------••-------...�_..----•---•-------------.............._................---......--------
r Rosen—
� Whereas, A written proposal tor the
------------------------°---------^°----•----°-------°°--....---...__-------------.......---...........-°---°-•-...._...-----......-----��king of the following improveme�;�
having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..................... Sia scof A bert St �om E��a ��
to Thomas l�ve. and by daing all other
therefote, be it work which is necessary and incidental
to complete said impravement, having
RFSOLVED That the Commiseioner of Publie OVorks be and ia hereb ordere been presented to the co,�n�ii o4 the
� , , ;� y City of Saint Paul there4ore, be it
�•• ��e Resolved, That the Commissloner oi
1.� To inveatigate the necessity for, OT des1T&blllty Of� the mB,kiIIg Of eSld impTO Public works be and is hereby ordered
I and directed:
2. To investi ate the nature extent and estimated coet of said im rovement a 1. T° investigate the necesstty for,
g � P � or desirability ot, the making oi said
3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. z. To investigate tae nature, extent
and estimated cost of sald improve-
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of t�m3nt To furnish�a plan,pro8le or sketch ;
of said improvement. �
b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commisaioner of Finance 4. To state whether or not eaid im-
provement 1s asked for on the petition I
� oi three or more owners.
EB 1919fi4 5. To report upon all of the fore-
AdOP�R(� by t�18 CO11IIC1L................................................�.._._.._.._..........._. Finance atters to the CommLssioner oi '
Adopted by the Council February 19,
YEes NeYS ' ' 1�.
Approved February 19, 1964 .
(February 21, 1964)
Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h ��� �� �9��
Ho1 1 and Approved__---------------------------•--------------.....----........_.._....._--
Peterson �
Rose n � --------•-----�-•---._.---- •-----------•--------•-•-------------------_._....�..__.
M$. PEEBIDffiNT Vavou 1 i s � � Mayor.
s000 �-ss