216681 : ' 3�, i /4+��p��
. ;—By Frank L. �
. -� •--°'' CITY OF ST. PAI�L • °�rsuant to u�e
�e Zon�e NO.
� �' OFFICE OF THE CITY �`'���K ��1 Fund, ��.,
+ ct premises'
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COUNCIL RESOLUTION—r� ,rRf�� - vl�'� , ,,,,:.;t
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_ y - - ' .t�PUBLISHED
RESOLVED� upon and p�rsuant to�.;the pertinent Appeal� under
the Zoning Code� by Baptist Hospital Fund� Inc. � as Owner of the
sub�ect premises situate in the City of Saint Paul and described
Lo ts 6� 7� 8� Block 27� Suburban
I�ills Addition;
(said premises being zoned in A'�C�d Residence Distric�t)�; that the
provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied
as and to the extent ne�essary therefor and the building setback
; line applicable to said premises in respect of the main structures
of the proposed hospital building for construction therein, shall
� be a line drawn across the same parallel thereto and 8 feet distant
3 from the line of Thorn Street upon which said premises abut and
p the building setback line for the proposed canopy extension from
� said main structure affecting the west 12 feet of said I,ot 8 and
°L the east 30 feet of said Lot 7� in respect of the said line of
� Thorn Street� shall be coincident with said line of Thorn Street;
and that otherwise said Appel;lant shall make due compliance with
all requirements of applicable municipal ordinances� state statutes
and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance.
COUNCILMEN �� Adopted by the Council_�G�t ti q 196419—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Ft g 19 1964
Holland p oved 19—
�gg Tn Favor �
�'�^ivsvia99i1---� � `
Peterson � Mayor
• A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis .
lODi 8-82
� � r
City Clerk ,
Council Recorder
386 City Hall and CourF House
$t. Paul 2, Minnesota
Feb. 13, 1964.
Mr. Donald �, I�ais,
Corporation Counsel,
Dear Sir:
The Council requested that you d raw a resolution grant3ng
the attached appeal of Baptist Hospital Fund� Inc., for permit to
construct a hospital building and for the establishment of a zero
foot building line on Thorn Street for a canopy on the building.
Very truly y g,
� L�fLG�-�L�, ,
Cit Clerk
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""' .�.�•:�XIRN.SI.QJ;}:451-132-139 1713 CIT7 HALL AND COURT HOUS[ ' SAIHT�AUL]�MINN�80TA �
February 11, 1964
Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell �
City Clerk
Dear Madam: .
This is in reply to the referral of the appeal of the Baptist Hospital
Fund Incorporated to the Board of Zoning for a recommendation on their
request to construct a new hospital building on property located at the
northwest corner of Frank and Tl�orn Streets and which is described as
Lots 6, 7, 8, Block 27, Suburban Hills Addition. The property is zoned •
' "�' sidence. -
�__ __
The new hospital building will be four stories in height with a possible
fifth story in the f uture. The entrance to the proposed building will
� have a canopy which will extend to the property line of Thoxn Street.
However, the wa11 of the proposed building will be 8 feet from Thorn
Street. The requested zero (0) foot setback for the canopy will apply
only to the west 12 feet of Lot 8 and the east. 30 feet of Lot 7. Council
authorization is required to construct �a hospital in a residential zone
and also for •the building �ine setbacks as requested. ".
The Board ,of Zoning considered thistrequest at their regular meeting on
January 9, 1964, and after hearing the staff report and the applicant,
found the requests to be reasonable and in keeping with the purpose and
intent of the .Ordinance and therefore, recommends the granting of the
appeals as outlined above. �
�, ,
B. �R. Teig,"A. I. P.
Acting Director .
Approved � c '
BRT:FGI Member Board of Zoning
Z. F. 5387
CC: Mr. Janes
, " � �
' . . �. --• �� � �
• ' �
506 PIONEER BUILDING �/^ � f/�']'/',
' ✓ /
CAPITAL 2-63B1 �//
January 2, 1961�
Honorable Mayor and Council of the
City of Saint Paul �
Court House
Saint Paul 2, Minnesota
The undersigned respectfully appeals that your body
permit the erection of a hospital buildin�to replace
the present Mounds Park Hospital in a "Cn residence
district on a part of that tract of land„in the area
of Thorn Street, Frank Street, Earl Street and Burns
Avenue and sets out the following: The f�ill name of
the applicant is Baptist Hospital. Fund Incorporated
with offices at 1.700 University Avenue, . Saint Paul,
which owns and operates Mounds Park Hospital. ._
The legal description of the property involved is Lots
6, 7, and $, Block 27, Suburban Hills Addition. _
The street location is on the North side of Thorri
Street between Earl and Frank Streets. The tract is
presently vacant property and part of the general
tract of the present Hospital. The proposed use
of the propertp is for the construction of a hospi-
tal consisting of four stories with a possible future
fifth story.
The purpose of this appeal is to s,.,,,�cure authority to
erect and construct a hospital_ thereon in keeping with
Section 0: an o con irm as compliance with present
requirements a set back of five feet along Frank Street
on Lot $ in Block 27 and the building line set b_ack
of zero feet. lon Thorn venue on e ast thirty
feet of Lo� 7, Block 27 and a uilding set back of
twenty-one feet. for the remaining part of said Lot 7
and the East seventy feet of Lot 6 of the within de-
scribed propertp and that the_ regulations in Height -
District No. 1 are met by the plans submitted.. The
ap.peal is necessary in order to comply with the law
under the present�zonin�. The �ections of the
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_ Honorable Mayor and Council of the '
• - � City of Saint Paul . � � _
- �-Page 2 �
January 2, 196�. , . -
. 1 - � . _ . -
- _ ' ordinaxice appealing under is Legislative Zoning Code�
Chapter 60.1� and Chapter 61�.03, Section L and Para-
graph 2. _ _ - .
I enclose herewith and submi.t to you in connection with
this appeal two site plans that contain the following.
information: The property lines and dimensions, the
status of the p�esent and proposed grades in relation
to street and location and size of the proposed build- _
� ing; the type of the proposed use; the area of the
proposed off street parking and the plan is drawn to
scale showing over all dimensions with North arrow
scale, your applicants name an,d date and the legal
� description, all in accordance with the requirements
of this� appeal. � -
On the pTan herewith submitted, your attention is called
. to the parking area as outlined. Together with this
appeal is an application for off s�reet parking in keep-
ing with the plans herein submitted.
_ Respectfully submitted,
- � B . �_ . .. • - --- �
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- �� s 9 • , Attorney_ or -
�..-� _ ; , � _�'` Bapt ' � ,Ho�pital ,Fund Incorporated
_~`�:,���� ` � `:���� � 505 oneer Building . �
;=�'��= - --� - � _- Saint Paul 1. Minne so ta
- ` �`= Capitol 2-63�i1
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113 Court House 55102
Jarruary 31, 1964
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
File 16297� Page 1
You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St, Pau1 will
consider the matter of the application of Baptist Hospital Ftiind Inc,
for an appeal to construct a new Hospital and to establish a zero (0)
foot setback from Thorn Street for the entrance canopy and a minimum
8 ft. setback for the building wall from Thorn Street for the west
12 ft. of Lot 8 and the east 30 ft. of Lot 7� Block 27, Suburban Hills
Addition on the following described property; Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 27,
S�iburban Hills. The property is located at the northwest corner of Frank
Street and Thorn Street.
A public hearing wi11 be held in the Counci7. Chambers of the Court
House and City Hall i.n the City of St. Paul� at 10:00 a.m. on
February 13� 196t�.
Connnissioner of Finance