216676 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��.���,L� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATF _ RESOLVED� That the Purchasing Agent of the City of Saint Paul may be a.nd hereby is authorized and directed to accept the bid of Ramaley Printing Company to print the , appropriate ballots for the municipal primary eleation for the year 1964, said ballots to consist of voting machine ballots� sam.ple ballots and return sheets, said Ramaley - Printing Company having submitted the only bid� and, not- � withstanding that said bid is an informa� bid� it is expressly . resolved by the Council and stated herein that an emergency exists at this time as relates to the printing of said ballots. �2 �'-'`� eputy ChSS1rig gent �ve�ou�e�cayor16676—By George J. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent , of the City of Saint Paul may be and hereby is authorized and directed to � accept the bid of Ramaley Printing r�' Company to print the appropriate bal- lots Por the municipal primar'y elec- tion for the year 1964, said ballots to !�+,, consist of voting machine ballots, ASS't " rporation �+vU.r13@Z sample ballots and return sheets, said � Ramaley Printing Company having -��,.,� � submitted the only bid, and, notwith- .Ic��e;sY� J. 1,__.�C_.�iT standing that said bid is an inPormal - bid, it is expressly resolved by the L-`y �-��� �+'��-�f' Council and stated hereln that an emergency exists at this time as relates to the printing of said ballots. �V, Adopted by tpe Council February 19, 1984. Comptrol � T,�. .,� �.:orazp�roller Approved February 19, 1984. (February 21, 1984) MaqOr , �E� 1 g � � COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��B �, � ���� Holland Approved 19— Loss / n Favor son ' Peterson n Mayor Rosen �LAgainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 10A1 8-82