216668 9 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ������ , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. I�ICENSE COT�'II�'�TI'EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RES LUTIO —GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY J DATF Febnzary 18� 19b� COMMISSIONE RESOLVED: That licenses appLied for by the following persons at the addresses stated� be and the same are hereby granted. Louis Srnith & Jack Beugen �.83-•5 St. Peter Pkg �ot 25C App. 7293 New Neta Loc. Glenn E� �,endberg 31� N.Dale Grocery " 7695 �� Old �� �� �� Butcher u n n u n ° �� Off Sale 1`'la1.t `� �� �� �� �� �� « Cigarette u �i ir �� �� Auto�a-�ic Snack Bar of Minn. % Jansen Electroru.cs� Inc. 2233 University V. M. �oc. �� 7916 +� 11 „ ' Jansen Electronics, Inc. �t Cigarette U 7917 �� �� `A Donald L. Brown 23� N. Snelling Gas sta 2 P « 7920 �� u " Roger $. Denne 1775 E. 7th Gas Sta !.� « 7925 " �� �� �a a Gen Auto Rep u �� n �� �� Country �lub Markets, Inc. 688 E. 3rd Grocery �� 79�.0 « `� " ° " Butcher �� �� ►v �� '� n '� Off Sa1.e Malt " u ,� +� n �� �� Cigaxette �� fe » '� �a Richard M. Pottsmi.th 500 N. Western Gen Auto Rep " 7956 �� " �� Paa.l J. Gissinger 959 Sherburne , M. A. D. (1) 't 797� '� William A. Perkins 1823 Grand Gen Auto Rep �� 8009 " '� " � Cole-Sewell Engineering Co.756 Pelham G�igarette u 8023 �� �� " .� Council File No. 216668—By 'Severin � A. Mortinson—Robert �. Peterson— Milton Rosen— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are herebY �'�ted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such u- g 19�4 censes upon the�payment into the City ��p � treasury of the required fees. D COUNCILMEN isa�aopted by the Council February 18, he Council 19— _Approved February 18, 1964. Yeas N8y8 (February 21, 1964) ' naigli$h - �IEB �8 196� Holland pproved 19— Loss Tn Favor ' Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e-ea