216663 , ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ' ���-J CITY OF $T. p C�SSil File No. 218883—By Frank L. _�'L,l� �� " OFFICE OF THE CI Resolved, s9+�e Council oP the ci� �• � of Saint_Paul, upon aad pursuaat � , :a � � OUNCIL RESOLUTION— � =Pertinent Appeal. ,�aer �e zon- ' �-- �� • E b�"; Jode by River Ridge Associates, as �ntative of tkle owner of the sub- PRESENTED BY �,, .�, �, �/ ,� �c�.hises situa+� in'the City of COMMISSIONE � �"� tzc��;,��• 1 an�i ties�:^:',.� : a follovys: —��.R;,;;;,i.,&.,'ir�:'�'°.:.,k.:!awson^s - d,.ty��..; ,slltoYq,•.Bf;c rt�+--��.�5 � .� ' — .,_ ,} ,. .J� e�..- '.�,yL�e" , . , p. �� .1� I "'� Pvsifsr�n �-�i— G yc RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul� upon and pursuant to the pertinent Appeal� under the Zoning Code by River Ridge Associates� as representative of the - Owner of the subject premises situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as follows: Lots 23� 24� 25� 26� Block 5� Dawson' s 14ddition to Saint Paul� Lots 1� 2 � Block 13� Olivler' s Addi tion to �Te s t St. Paul� also a strip of land 5 feet in width lying easterly of and adjoining Lot 1� Block 13� Oliv�r' s Addition to West St. Paul; � that the density� min.imum area and other general requirements and provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied� in application� as and to the extent necessary therefor� and herebp a special permit is granted� unto the Owner of said premises and said Owner' s assigns� for� •the construction� maintenance and operation o� said premises of a� 48 unit apart- ment building an.d a 50 car eapacity off-street' parking facility in con�unction therewith and to consist of a� 29 car capacity basement garage and a 21 car capacity open��;,�r parking lot; and that the Owner of said premises and the Owner' s successors and assigns� in respect of the same� in the exercise of said " - special permit shall make due compliance with all applicable municipal ordinances� state statutes and r�xles and regulations of public t rities having cognizance. ' .-. _. ' �_ — -�- . �, '� ZONING APPEAI+ � � h az�in ge will beb�eld before the C tY • Council at `10 A.M: on February 13,. 1984, in the City Covncil Chamber in ,� •the GYtY Eia11 and Court Iiouse;•in the ,����� �� ��� matter o! the appeal of River Rid�e $ 196� Association, under Chapters BO to 84, inclusive. St. Paul Leglslative Code, ��� l -! • s of nChapte e�81241 o d thse t Legi.nsidaazde � Zoning Code to permit a 48-unit apart- COUNCILMEN ment bullding on a�tract of land havin8 19— an area of 47,s7o square feet on Lots dopted by the Council Yeas N&y3 A dit onStonSt. PaulOeLots Da ndn2, Dal lish St�Paul3also�a�tr'P od�td 5�in wid ��� 1 g 1g�4 g lyin E ly oi �nd adjacent to Lot 1, sioo�x is, Oli.Her s Addition to we5t pproved 19— Holland St. Paul, located on the south side - op Cherokee between Orleans and Alice LOSS Court. • r �Dated January�30, 1984. . Mortinson AGNES H• �'CCity ClIe k. ; ' Peterson (FebruerY 1, 1984) ' Mayor . � Rosen gainst� -`.–` �° Mr. President, Vavoulis . iont s-sz _ , l OFFICE OF CITY : CLERK MRS. AGNESH. O'CONNELL - • i.�`-' City Cierk BUREAU �F �ECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Couneil Reeorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota ��_����� Feb. 13, 1964. Mr. Donald L� La.is� ' Corporation Counsel. I:ear S3r: } . The City Council requested that you draw a resolution, ar resolutions, granting the attached appeal of River Ridge Associates and their application for parking lot, as described in the attached letter of the Zoning Board. ' Very truly your � r Y. Cit rClerk � � �Ej� � � � F�8 �4 1964 �. o��RaTi�N �ol,�.�,. � ' - �.L 1' �_ , _� �. ,�, �, i � �11111N111 •�• r��• ��i •�• N�• �. � ��� ��• �... I •�. 1• w 11111.. �� - �.0 ►.i 1111 ,��1 \ � ��� � � � 1�� � /, `� �! , � ' �� ,f i � ' � - CITY OF � SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8� :::. ___ '. , , . ';:�;::>:<���:��:::�:;�:R D O F' Z O N I N G, C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L """" .�•:f.XLFH.6I.Q�F:]SI-434-433 1�13 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSH SAINT�AUL 4,MIHNISOTA February 11, 1964 / � Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building - Dear Madam: This is in reply to the referral of the appeal of the River Ridge Asso- ciates to the Board of Zoning for a recommendation on their request to relax the density standards of Chapter 60.24 of the Legislative Code and their application �for a 50 car off-street parking facility in conjunction with a proposed 48 ur� apartment building. • The property propos�d to be developed is located on the south side of Cherokee Avenue between Orleans Street and Alice Court and is described as Lots 2�, 24, 25, 26, Block 5, Dawson's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1, 2, Block 13, Olivier's Addition to West St.Paul, also a strip of land 5 teet in width lying easterly ot and adjoining Lot 1, Block 13, Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul. On June 13, 1961, the subject property was reclassified to its present "C" residence zoning classification. The site is presently, in part, developed with a three-story red sandstone residence, formerly used as a sanatorium. It is proposed to remove said structure and erect a four-story, 48 unit, apartment building thereon. However, because the area of the site is slightly under the required 48,000 square feet (47,650 sq.tt.), the applicant must first secure Council author- ization. The required off-street parking facility as proposed will consist of a basement parking garage to �accomodate 29 cars, and an open-air parking lot for 21 cars, for a total of 50 off-street parking spaces. The Planning Board staff and the Traffic Engineer have reviewed the off-street parking proposal and find same meets all of the requirements ot the Zoning Code. The Board o� Zoiiing considered this matter at their regular meeting on January 9, 1964 and found that the request for a 48 unit apartment building was reasonable in that the deficiency in area to qualify for 48 units is only 330 square �eet and inasmuch as the ott-street parking plan meets 11 0� the requirements ot the Legislative Code, recommended the granting of t e appeal and the application tor an oft-street parking permit for 50 ca� on the ahove described property in accordance with plans dated February , 1964. � - \ Sincerely, �� �q� � �B. R. Teig, A.I.P. Recording Secretary \ J,� • Approved ,��� - ��(�% • BRT:FGI Member, oard of Zoning E nc 1. -�-R'� �. . Z. F. 5394-86 �,�----•- � ' - ` „ CC: Mr.Janes , ,�,�;,,�,�.�-,�s� _,".--�;� ' ` F . � _ .�•- � �ov �, . \ l� 3�0 � � City o� Saint Paul, l�innesota "' APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT fO (Please print or type) ��� TO THE �DNORABLE �3AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL . � y6 the City Clerk � / ` City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ��� � 6 � Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION , No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � �PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (-indicate type) Capacity of parking Lot .S� To be used in connection with: ���_,,�_�,,,,� �,,,,��� � _ � � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Clesning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location �s. Q.r''P.."'..`a_ -q��'-CC'�'°�"� Legal Description : Lot ;1lPJ�. -����-- g�g Addition Applicant's Name . . � � y Home or Office Address: J� s' �� � Ge,..., �02, `y�. ��.�.-�� �h'zt'"`�-� • � . Phone Number : 77 S� — D 3 S 3 , FOR/BY TI� APPLICANT, ,� :4• _��,_ j z -3 0 - �� (Signature date Address . �°G � � , `�- �``'"� � �`""`" ` Phone No.: � ,(� 0 a S When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court Rouse, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: l. S.E. corner o� Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. r � _ �o / � - - � �� � ` 6 � �� ANDREWS ALLEN COMPANY r ��._. 202 -9Ti5DPayne Ave. Bldg. 774-0353 St. Paul I, Minne�ta � � January 6 , 1964 � The Honorable A9ayor and City Council St . Paul � �linnesota �� Attention : City Clerk ���^I GL'w""'z � ti Gentlemen : G2�� Request for variance in density requirements for a 48 unit , � story apartment buildinq to be built on Lots 23� 24 � 25 , 26 and 27 � Block 5� Dawson 's Addition and Lots 1 � 2 � 3 � Block 13 � _ Oliver 's Addition etc . is hereby made in that the land area is 47�600 square feet , some 400 feet less than the 1000 square foot per unit . This building 1U11Z be constructed by River Ridge Associates � a partnership of which I am a General Partner. 1'ours very tru15� , AhDREWS ALLEI� CallIPANY �c������ Andre�vs Allen AA/gn c� � f• .� � � �- �� c... � � � � . � - . �s, �, +r:. � � C' ��� t—' r ���: ..� fz: , �_ �� � � .�,. .� tv ia �.-� t� . ,,� 4 , ' �` ' e _ y CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA \ � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • 113 Court House 55102 224-4612 �� January 31� 196�. City �lerk 386 City Hall St, Paul, Minnesota 55102 File 16283, Page 1 `�You are hereby notified that the �ouncil of the City of St. Paul wil.l consider the ma.tter of the application of River Ridge Association for permit to install and operate a 53-car off-street parking facility in '� ' con�unction with a proposed 1�8-un3.t apartment building on the following� described property; Lots 23, 2�., 25, 26� Block 5, Dawsonis Addition to. St. Paul, Lo�s 1, 2, Bl.ock 13, Olivier�s Addition to West St. Paul; also a strip of land 5 feet in width lyi.ng easterly of and ac�jacent Lot 1� Block 13, 0livier�s Addition to ?�rest St. Paul. 2'he property is located on the south s ide Cherokee between Orleans and Alice Court. A public hearing will be held in the Conncil Chambers of the Court House and G`ity Ha].l in the City of St. Paul� at 10:00 a.m. on February 13s 196�.� JAMFS J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance V CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 , 224-4612 �� '���• January 31, 196� City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul�. Minnesota 55102 F�e 16299, Page 1 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider thc matter of the application of River Ridge Association for permit to relax the density standards of Chapter 60.24 of the Le�islative Zoning �ode to permit a 48-unit apartment building on a tract of land having an area of 47,670 square feet on the following described property: Lots 23, 2�., 25, 26, Block 5, Dawson's Addition to St. Paul Lots 1, 2, Block 13, Olivier� s Addition to T,��Test St. Paul; also a strip of land 5 feet in width lying easterly of and adjacent I,ot l, B1ock 13, Olivier�s Addition to West St. Paul. The property is located on the sout� side � of Cherokee between Orleanc and Alice Court. A public heari.ng Vail.l be held i.n the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 a.m. on February 13, 1961�. JAML'S J. DALGLI SH r Commissioner of Finance _�';"" � ',�=�,; r �' r�}1�'t .rv;7��}'�^�.,. ,1',� ��'� �,S! ..=1�,3 a`�'r�.�...