216655 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' � t-_ ��`�(��� , , : � " ` CITY OF ST.. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. '� � , �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � U ICIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTE� ,.'t° COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $45 . 00 be paid Thomas K. Zenke while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on January 22, 1963 while employed by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protection, said employee having been paid in accor- dance with Sec. 52 of the Charter to and including Janu- ary 21, 1964, and that the sum of $180.00 in partial settlement, to and including February 18 , 1964, is now payab le. Councll File No. 216855—By Robert F. Peterson— ' Resolved, That out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General F�nd,�weekly compensation oP§45.00 be Npaid Thomas K. Zenke while he is c totally dlsabled by reason oi' i�uries � he received on January 22, 1983 while employed by the Department of Public �' Safety, Bureau ogf Fire Protection, said � � ancelwith Sec 52 of the Chart r to�and . including JanuBry 21, 1984, and that O +' the sum of�180.00 in partial settlement, � to and including February 18, 1964, is � O now payable. p_ � Adopted by the Council February 18, a U 1984. Approved February 18, 1964, (February 21, 1984) � N ° a ���818196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �=�� �.S �g� Holland prov 19— �gg � Tn Favor � � Mortinson Peterson � v Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis � ' . ionz s-sz DUrLICATE TO PRINTER � � � '�� ���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO. J"'" _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEL .14` ' COMMISSIONER DATF - RESOLVED, That out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensatid�n o£ �45.00 be paid Thomas K. Zenke while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on Janua�y 22, 1963 while employed by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protection, said employee having been paid in accor- dance with Sec. 52 of the Charter to and including Janu- ary 21, 1964, and that the sum of �180.00 in partial settlement, to and including February 18, 1964, is now payable. FES � a '�4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �E B �eQ rf�`? j, V [J�a"' Dalglish Holland Approved 1g_ �gg Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iorz s-sz