216650 J ��iI � • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK f" � - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMP�LLSI�ED �- a/- � `� COMM SS�IONE ��n Rosen b Work DATF Februarg'i 196G. � . - . ��.� - WHEREAS� Comptroller�s Contract Ir6542� Northwest Floori.ng and Sid.ewalk Company� Contractor for the ��1963 Sidewalk Contract District No. 1�'� has been substantia:Ily completed� a.nd .� �.�. WHEREAS� Said Contractor requests tha.t a portion of the 5� retained under the contract from estimates for work done� be paid in advance of the final completion of the contract� and WHEREAS� The Co�issioner and Chief �gineer of the Department of Public Works approve the payment at thi.s time of �5�5�.00 of the �9�557.81 reta,ined; �a therefore be it� RESOLVID� tha.t the proper City Offici.als be and they are herebg author— ized to pay an e�timate in the amonn.t of �5�500.00 from the reta.i.ned percenta.ge amounting to �9,557.g1. to sa3d contractor; and be it� FURTHER RF�SOLVED� that this resolution sha11 have no force or effect Un7.ess the sureties on the Contractor�s bond consent thereto in writing and f31e such eonsent with the C3ty Comptroller. Councll File No. 216850—By Milton Rosen— Whereas; Comptroller's Contract L- 6542, Northwest Flooring and Sidewalk . Company, Contractor for the "1963 - _ Sidewalk Contract District•No. 1;' has ` b;en substantially completed, and '�'"4Vh'reas, Uc��.t Contractor requests a Z qortio� 'the �'n�f'tfliDEd ll'4*Fn I,f,,vf.antrara�'�y,�n r•.)�a� .ioz fOP .�'' "-� '�e t{��u:- ,�3 ,n�rr,r {r ,��,I , ..�. . •^U�• e�.n�ias• t.,v i ' `� �1- a ��� . . � `� :���q. "! _ . . �. FEB 1$ 196� � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y�s rrayg � �6� Dalglish ' FE� � Holland pproved 19— Loss � Tn Favor - Mortinson Peterson v - Mayor A gainst Itosen . Mr. President, Vavoulis lOTi 8-82 . , • � r �Y♦ 1 I �- .- ...- � . . DUPLICATE TO rRINTER f I ���� ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� _ . _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER r•■ •� j�: �"�1[-.-::=.d WC�r�i �I DATF ����Z�} - W�,Si CO�pta�4�,1�r�� Co�t�ts�a� Yr-6�1+2� N+brt��� 1�1.ot�'�.ng �nd. 3�+d�'Gr�1c C�per�": Con�a't�r� ��r�t'.he K�.q63 ��:de�.lt �on'h�c� A�st;r3,ot �fd. 1"y � b� �t,atit�,�1� ao�p1�`�!, � . W�R�AS� � C�a`��ar �a#,s t�.� a pd�r� iSd' � 5� �`s�� t� t� �tr�.t�� f`�+am est�`� fex v�r�c dc�� 'be pa�.�, � �A d�f � ��.7. �a�.�� oF t� �fia�'a4t, � �, �e ��e�io�r �d G"h�,ef I�ng�es� a�' 't� Aep�nt �'� �1.�p W�pr� i�Pp�ne the �$ at � t� � �5,5c�0.q0 �f th� �,5�'l.�I �1�►d# ther�if�or� be ��Cs R�T,�� #,F�t � �oper City� Of�a3,�,1.� b� .�i they e�e. h�bpr �tltior- f„�d �o }�y � e�l'�t� �n � �t �c�f' ���50�3.I�p �rci� 't,� x►��.i,in� ��t� ��� t� ����t�� tA �� t��x'�o'�or; � �e �t, �. R�4I�'�F�, �he�� t�.� ��o1u�n �1, �ve r� �'� pr �e►�is . vitle�s � �� dn �h� Co�tr�,a�►r�� bwcx� c�;e�n� '�p�to 3n w.�:� e�nd �.e �nah cx�n�erit �ri'� fi�,� C�t�• C�pt�o��+ --- _r - . . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved " - �� `J 1g_ �ss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen —�—ASainst Mr. President, Vavoulis � lODi 8-82 •