216641 �����1 Counoil �le xo..........__......�.._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and »TTpT TC+TT�� �—�/ 6� �V!� PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoaeethemaldngofthefollowingpubliaimprovement bythe City of Saint Paul,viz.: ,,,�e�onatr}ict„the_sidepalk.oq_both._side_.of York Av,e, from Greenbrier St. to Arcade St. ..._....----•....... ....... ...................•--•-----------•---•------•---...........--•--- and b� doin� all_other work which is necessar� .and incidental to complete said im- _.......�... ••-•- ---.. .._...... ...-- ---•-----------•-----------•............................••---•--- ..�rovement. --••---••---......._�__.............•-----------...-----•--._._...--------...--•----..........................--------•------------••--------•----........_..--•---••---•---...__. ............................................................:.:............•-----...----------•-•-•-•----.�.........---.........---------••--•-------------------...-----.........----__...--•--- 18th. y Februa � 64 Datedthie........................da of.....----...........-----.......�.'........--•-•---•--------------..._.....--- 19 ....... ' ................................__-•-----....._!/%�:!�::.'I_'!�....... ....... � •----.. . .._...... Councilman. • PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: reconstruct the sidewalk oa both sides of York Ave. fram Greenbrier St. to Arcade St. ---•------------••----------•-•-------•--•---•-----•-•--••.................................---__...--------....._.............-•--................•--•----=----•---------------.._..----•-----_-- _and_b� doing_all other_work which is necessarq and incidental to complete said im- .................___......._...._..----------- ......._._....._....------------• provement� ' • __________________ Cotmcil File No. 218641—By Milton ------------------•-•-•------------•------...---------------•--•----......__-•------•-------._.......--•--.............-•--•-•------- Rosen— ....--•°-°--•--°°---•-°-•-••°�-°--....-•-•----•---°---•-------- Whereas� A written proposal for the -------------------------°-....----..._..........----°--......°-------------- making of the following improvement, viz. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_...._....__............................. Re�ons�u�t the Siaew�x on both sides of York Ave.from Greettbrier St. to Arcade St. and by doin��.��1 other therefore, be it work which is neressa�v .n� ..:'.t'.,?ental , ^:lrl'�plete s:;:_�:•r�w, a..�-.`�t aving RESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public �Vorke be and ie hereby ordered an�;°;� n;�,,�;i;;,[�;,;�?;qa r �LP �e" 1.` To investigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvem�nt.��,?�9� t� �i� � �'-�� � ,r ,-,: 2:�" To�inveatigate`the nature, extent a,nd estimated coet of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commisaioner of �nance. ' Adopted by the CounciL--------------------------------e�cA_T.g__t0��f---•--...----- � YEAB NeYS $ ,�g� Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh FE� 1 Ho1 1 and Approved-----------------•----._.........._...----------------.._...__.....____ Loss � Mortinson Peterson J � Rosen ----...-•------•---•.... ...........•------------ -`---_--__._..._............_...._. M$. P$�sin�x�r Vavou 1 i s , Mayor. a000 7-ss