216633 ������
Council File No..._................__
and �� �/- � �
Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side,of Robert St. from Concord St. to Wood St.
--------------•-••---•-•-•---......___•--......._..---•--•----.....---•-------•----------- •----------•----------.........-•-•-•----------•-----------•--------------------••---------••--
a}�d.,bX.doin�,all,_other_.work.which is.necessar�_and,.incidental to comglete__said._im-._._
Dated thie.l4th...........day of..................February , --64
......................•-•--------•---------....------ `
....---•--------•--•--•--•---•--.......-- --------•--•........................•--------------------
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malflng of the following improvement, viz.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Robert St. from Concord St. to Wood St.
and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im- •
, provement. ----------------------•--•---•-•--•---------••--•----.....----......_�_
�.--°---°.---------°------°......................°•--•-..._»_..---°--° 1 Councll File No. 216633—By Milton
PRosen— ,
-°----___-------...---•--••.....-°---°-°-°---------•-------------•--------- Whereas, A written proposal tor the
making ot the following improvement,
havin been reaented to the Council of the Cit of Saint Paul...................... °�'` '
$ j� y ---•------------ Reconstruct the sidewalk on the west
therefore, be it �._„ „_ � ., W od St�.�and by�doing 11 other Swork
. _ which is necessary and incidental to
co;m�let� said improvement, having
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordere bs�: nl���nted to tne co,�n�n o� the
' n4 Paul ft;•;--!'�•e, be it
1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the makirig of eaid improve <<��t; � '''=� ' . 'sloner of
�dt xo ez�9:+�;1 lz�.f1.iai;'`p;;�h�'ered
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, anc�'t�i��`t�:��t3's� ttRef�eof:�.�����
'� �_,�,_, f .�
3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. , ' •
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiesioner of Finance. •
Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------rCg 1 R._�g��..._...... ,
Y�s NsYa
Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h F�B � $ 19�
Ho1 1 and Approved-----------------------•--------•-•----------------...---._...---._...._._
Mortinson .
Peterson t
Rosen _.�........ ............ •_ -- -------•------------- -........_._._......__.__
M$. PaESin�u�rr Vavou 1 i s ' Mayor.
a000 7-s�s ' ,
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