216616 � ��j �
ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK �� ' �° Council Flle No. 21681B — By Mllton _• '{_.o.t',��'��
CITY OF ST. p Rosen—
Whereas, Additions which might
prove to be necessary in the improve- , _
OFFICE OF THE CIT ment described as the Grading and
Paving of MINNEI3AIiA AVENUE from
Como Avenue to Dale Street, Comp-
-- OUNCIL RESOLUTION—G troueT�s con�a�t L-6536, MeCree ana
`� i+�~ Company, contractor, have been pro-
PRESENTED BY vided for irt the speciRcations, and
COMMISSIONE Whereas, It has been found neces- _
sary to make the following Additions:
_ 165.0 lin. ft. of 2!�" galv. steel
a �� conduit and 4 type "A" Pull
Boxes—Lump Sum .........� 710.00
4 type"A"Pull Boxes—Lump
Sum ......................... 340.00
WHEREAS, Additions which might prove t 1 — Special Manhole recon- I1IlIJ1'OV8-
ment described as the Grading and Pa ��s Pou ds ofrrein4orcng steel Zzo.00 from
@ 5�.15 ................. .... �C�'iI'86
C omo Av e nue t o Da le S tre e t, C omp tr o 1 1.6 cut.yds.of HE-AE Concrete
and Com n contractor have been � �27�0° ����������������
Pa y> > P ie,z7s.o pounds of cement�ior 43.20 c if ic a-
tions, A11C1 high-early strength concrete � '
Cm �0.02 ...................... 325.52
Total ....................$1,640.51,
WHEREAS, it has been found necessary t Whereas, x�e �ta� Addition i9 dditions:
$1,640.51, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the City oP St. Paui
ADDITIONS througti its City Council approves the
foregoing Addition made in accordance
1�� with the Specifications in the sum of
165.0 lin. ft. of 22 gslv. steel C $l,s�o.si, said �ount to be added to
ti tt the lump sum consideration naa�ed in 710 00
�.�. t�p6 .�i �U.�.1 BOX6 5 . . . . • �e cont�act,•known as Comptroller's � •
11 11 Contract L-6536 and which amount is z
4. t�P6 „�._ �L1�.1. BOXe 9 . . . . • �o be financed from Municipal State- J�O•�0
1 � Special �AT1�101.8 recons-truct AThe�Commissioner of Public Works 220.�0
1.�.• OU.T1C�.8 Of re inf or c in St 681 has agreed with the above named Con- 1•7C�
9/ p � tractor that the sum of $1,640.51 is the �
1�O CU.. �C�S . Of �i—AE Concret e correct amount to be added to the 47��20
above contract.
16�276.0 pounds o� cement f or higY1-e Adopted,by the G`ouncil February 14,
strength COT1CP8t,8 . . . . . Approved February 14, 1964. 2 � 2
(February 21, 1984)
, ,6�.0.51, ana
-• V�HEREAS, the total Addition is � 1,61�0.51, now therefore be it
, RESOTliVED, that the City of S.t. �aul through its City Council approves
the foregoing ,Addition made in accordance with the Specif3cations
in the sum of � 1,640.51, said amount to be added to the lump sum
consideration named in the contract, known as Comptrollerts Contract
L-6536 and which a.mount is to be financed from Municipal State-Aid
Funds .
The Commigsi oner of tublic Work s has agreed with the above
nam�d Contractor that the sum of � 1,61�0 .51 is the cor•rect amount
to be added to the above contract�.
, ,
F�B 14 �96� �
� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �
Yeas Nays ` �
•na�n�icti+ ��� �� JV��
Holland Approved 19—
n Favor ����
Peterson Mayor
Mr. President, Vavoulis
iont s-sz .
� �
WHEREA�, Addittona �rhiah m3.ght prove �Q be neaeaear� in the �mprove-
ment desaribed as the Crading and Pavix�g of '��NP7EHAFli4 AV�NIIF fro�
Como Av,enue to �ale Stses�, Comp�roll.er� e Gontraat I,-6536,� I�cCree
and Com�ny,� aon�raator, have been provided for in i�e apee3fi�s-
tion�s and
AigER�AS, it has t�een found neae��ary to make th� �'olZosing A�id3.tion�s
1d5.0 lin. ft. o�' 2�"ga14. ateel con�3.u�,t and
�.}. tSPe "A" �u1a Boxe� . . . . . . . . T,tzmp �tiam . . � �j10.00
Zt- tYPe '►.�„ Pu].i Boze a . . . . . . . . Lump 5um . . 3�.0.40
1 � Specis�. �anhol� r�a onatructed . . Lump Sum . . �20.00
11.9 pound,� of reir�.foro9.ng steel . . . . . � � C3.I 1�
l.b cu. yds . �f flE-AF Conare�t e . . . , . � 27.00 �.3.2�
�6,276.Q paund� o�' cement for high-►ear1,T -
�trength Qonore�e � . . , . . , . . . � 0.02 �25.52
�'otal � 1,6�.o.51a �.zycl
VUHPRF.AS, the totQ1. Additiofl ia � 1,61�0.51� noM t}�arefore be it
REW4LV�ED, tl�at the Ci�ty of St. �'eul through i�� �ity Council approvee
the foregotng Addit�on made 3n aeaordance xith the Speai�'3cat�.on�
3.n t}a� $um of � i,61.�.�].� �aid amour�.t to be added to the lump sum
eone�ideration r�a�ed in th� oontr�at, l�nown a� Comptroller�� Gontrac t
L-6536 end whiah a�ourit 3� to be finanaed t'rom Bdun�.a3p�1 StateMAid
Funde ,
The �ammi��7..oner o� Publia l�orka haa� �gac�eed �ith the above
naaa�d Contre.otor thst �he �um o�' � 1,640+�1 ie the eorreat amount
to be added to th� �bove aontr�at, �.
��B 1� 196�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
`�, ;-: �� S�� ;��4
Holland . • Approved 19—
LOgg In Favor
Peterson �✓ Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
lOT1 8-82
� -�s-