D001486� _- City Clerk No. l�� 3���kk� _-FinanceDept. Date '1 . _ - Dept Accounting (Civic Center) _- Engineer(HGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMI) CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.16- I S ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described • • as Saint Paul Civic Center Exnansion CP-4 Buiidina Construction lmown as Contract L-,City Project No.015118 Metropolitan Mechanical, is composed of the following: I. Provide disconnects at VFD's at air handling units per Contractor Proposal #4.157 Reason: Code requirement. 2. Provide hot water to coffee makers per Contractor Proposal #4.154. Reason: Owner request - new equipmen[. 3. Revise water heater and tank piping per Contractor Proposal #4.171. Reason: Code issue. 4. Provide tes[ing and balancing of inechanical systems per Metropolitan Mechanical letter dated 2l November 1997. Approved by Expansion Coordinating Committee 3 December 1497. Reason: To test and balance system as Owner's consultant. 5. Reroute Kitchen waste per Contractor Proposal #4.167. Reason: Code requirement. b. Redo Keilogg Lobby diffusers per Metropolitan Mechanical Request #SM-5 dated IS October 1997. Reason: Structure change necessitated size change which had to be done in field. 7. Delete fire deparhnent valve cabineu at Loading Dock per Contractor Proposal t14.1 I S. Reason: Not required. 8. Reloca[e tampedflow switches per Contrac[or Proposal #4.15 L � Reason: Code requirement. 9. Redo cooling coil drains at air handling units per Con[ractor Proposal #4.140. Reason: Larger size drain required. Total $8,910.00 1,514.00 0.00 I8.060.00 1,650.00 L426.00 (5�ll00) 5.920.00 6,089.00 $43,019.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through iu Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 43,019.00 , said amount to be added to the ]ump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. APPROVED AS TO FORM �� 1' ' Ik7)/� Committee Director and which amount is to be financed from: � - 9 �9 98 19 19 a- � ]9� f �� "/� '--�� Metropolitan Mechanical Contractor Q .�: � �q�� �/� y'--"�—c� / ` _ a of e� rt nt of Fina ce Ad inistraci Assistant to the Mayor Architect IEPAPTYENTqFFICEiWUNCIL � � � ✓e � ��,��-hE XINTACT PERSON 8 PHONE - (/.Sa-il ��✓�'2S BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES \CTqN PEOUESTED: `/'`�� iECOMMENDAT10N5: Aoorova fAI or fleiect 11 _S�o9 �3i�6� N � GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OqiYCOUNCIL CINATTORNEY �� � CRV CLERK BUOGET OIRECTOR � FI N.G S MAVpR (OR ASSIST � l�P' . `-� _ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��,�-�- # i5 ��- po !„�Q� 51547 INITIAVDATE s / "l�i(%�`�Q�./ C6� PERSONAL SEFVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has tfis personlfirm ever worketl untler a contract for this deparimem? YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Expleln aIi yes answers on seperate sheet and attach to green sheet _ PLANNING COMMISS�ON CIVIL SERVICE _ CIB COMMfiTEE � � _ S7AFF _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNG�L OBJECTIVE4 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. IFAPPROVED: r�Q.�01/�4 FEB Og 199� '�r�Y�R'S �f�#8�� DISAOVANTAGES �... .._- .., . I MAR 12 i998 �ITY CLERK IF _.��'�'���" ��;,���. �?� :,, .,. ����� ��������Y : � c� i`I. DO TOTAL AMOUNT OFTHANSACTION S� 3 � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO fUNDING SOURCE -�^� �°'^^" ��� ! r � ACTIV TY NUMBER P�" 93d °��30d " ��O FINANCIAL INFORAlATION (E) IN) � � � (wno, wne�. wnan. wnare. wny�: �e� �� f �l� � CONTRACTSTATUS • • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Metropolitan Mechanicai 7340 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015118 $7,624,000.00 CO No. C4.16-01 C4.16-02 C4.16-03 C4.16-04 C4.16-05 C4.16-06 C4.16-07 C4.16-08 C4.16-09 C4.16-10 C4.16-11 C4.16-12 C4.16-13 C4.16-14 C4.16-15 Subtotal Total Deduct Add 8,892.00 7,461.00 11,392.00 21,691.00 10,079.00 28,081.00 50,175.00 17,883.00 5, 325.00 (262.00) (2,652.00) 6,888.00 57,899.00 21,014.00 43,019.00 (2,914.00) $286,885.00 $289.799.00 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE 19 January 1998 CP-4.1& Building Construction Mechanical 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Chang Order $7 910 885.00 • CO°NTRAC S PftOFOS AL • Concractor Propo$al No.: �.� '-+1 �� ���� � � 16 /�C�' 1 � 1. It is request_d 2he comp(etion datz 6e (} ex:ended, i) dec;ezsed, pq urcnanaed by calendar days. The adjus.ed completion date will he Convac: No.: 4 • q ah,ar�as in the s ope of the work is reGues:ed as indicated be!ew: l� t� tvi � Metro olitan Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Date: ��f�/ Suhmitted by: P Contrac2or /�v0� , _.-_-�- � Contractor Signarure Chad T. Nelson FOR CPMi USE 2. Descrip2ion oi the chz4g157�e;er2o drawings, speci�icziions, �ddenda, ii applicabfe). Re`erence ftFP No.: � � K�•� Title: DISCONNECTS AT VFD' S 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) 5 8, 910 (� Frm price for Qerforcning this change is (Increased� {�) Adequate supporcing details and infortnavon mus2 be at:ached to allow Owner to evaluate. s i 1 Tme and material per convact, 6ut not to exceed $ (} Ac:uai cost at completion of work Action Recommended: (Checkone) (} Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Jo6 No.: 3225 �2,� �—�� p�Proceed on the folfowing basis: � �+ �� � As indicaLed above, change and basis of paYnen: is acceptz6le. �b�C%�.C'C'C� �C/��' � O Change is acceptabie, 6asis of payment is not acceptabie. � f� ,^, �� � �,�� O Sasis of payment sha(1 be S � J f O The following modifiration is recommended: ���j��,�� I �u• � , . {} Change in compledon date is accepteC. � 2. 3. 4. 5. ()Yc5 ` �ES X�! (} Change is acceptable with no change �n pnca. (} Change is acceptab(e with no change in completion date. O Other Reason for Change: () Design Chang Contractor Omission or pfainl ��� �Gi�r'��� ( � Suggestzd by Is this a�ar. of the originai contract scope? !s Contractor's Esvmate a�[cached? A/E ?rzpaced by Appraved b' • Approved h Approved by: (Ownerl C?MI inc., c!o Sain2 Paul Civic Center, I.A. 0'Shaughnessy �aza, 743 West �=ou+�h cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zzhring C3 � �NO � ( ) NO (�NO Dz:e: — — � ozt=_: Z- � � Date: ��i'�� — Date: ?aul, MN' »> 3225- ' CJ October , 1997 Susan Campbell Jones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaugnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: St Pau[ Civic Center - RFP 4.I57 Dear Susan: We aze writing to provide pricing for RFP 4.157; "Disconnects at VFD's". Our scope of work is to provide labor and materials necessary to install 100 amp, 480 • volt, 3 pole, non-fused disconnects at the VFD's for motors S-7, S-8, S-9, 5-10, 5-14, 5-16 and 5-18. Our cost to provide this additional scope of work is $8,910. Please see the attached estimate. Please contact us at 941-7010 with any questions. Sincerely, ���� Chad T. Nelson Project Manager enclosure � METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 7340 Washington Avenue South • Eden Prairie, Minnesota 553443552 • Phone: (612) 941-70t0 • Fas: (612) 941-9I18 � �L��� • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Sheet Metai RFP# 4.157 QUAN. ITEM 7 Disconnects TOTALS = • • SHOP HRS Ea. Tot C hrs $ Total Shop Hours 0 38.22 0 Field Hours 0 38.22 0 Material 1,820 Tax 127 Subs � �p(yr-2C(� 5,800 Bond 116 Total Costs 7,�47 Markup % 1,162 Totai: 8,910 �� MAT'L 8� EQUIP Ea. Tot 260.00 1820 1,820 METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRAC"CORS, INC. 7340 Washington Avenue South • Eden Prairie, Minnesota >53443582 • Phone: (6 t2) 941-7010 • Fax: (612) 941-91 IS FIELD HRS Ea. Tot 0 Subs 5,800 � • CPMI 0 �Q�r�gb ,0-,0-4� D RE.Q.UEST POR PROPOSAL PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion PROPOSAL REQUEST CP-4 Building Construction HGA REFERENCE NO.: DATEISSUED: OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza CPMI PROJECT NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-7299 CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT: CONTRACT DATE: 4.7 57 4.'157 10 October 1997 3225 CP-4.21 Electricai 18 January 1996 Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Division of responsibility sha�i be consistent with the Contract Documents or as specifically enumerated below. TO: Gephart Electric 3550 LaBore Road Saint Paul, MN 55110 Attn.: Larry Heinsch THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED FiERElt3. DESCRIPTION: 1. Disconnects at VFD's. NOTES: 1. Provide disconnects per HGA RFP #4.157. 2. Reason: Required by building code. ATTACHMENTS: 1. HGA RFP #4.157 dated 8 October 1997. Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposal referencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no time change. �/ �. 1 �-L���i� � . 1L�Y"�..5 '��� � Susan Campbell Jones Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Mortenson Metropolitan Impulse � Btoomington 3225-421.6 CPMI, INC., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center. I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth Sveet, Saint Paul, MN 55102-7299 i � � � . . � � . � • HAMNIEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON, ARCHITECTS AI�ID ENGIN�ERS PROJECT: SAIN't PAUL CIVIC EXPANSION RECEN ED OC� 0 9 1997 GPMI` 3225 3 2�, � RFPN0.4.157 � �`G�� PAGE 1 O� 1 October 8, 1997 AGA Commission Number 769.003.00 OWNER: SAII�lT PAtTI. CIVIC CENTER AiTTHORTTY Contractor Project No.: Type Contract: CP-4 CONSTR. CPMI, INC. COPY TO: MANAGER c/o 5aint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza S. JONES,�CPMI 175 West Kellogg Boulevazd T. ANDERSON Saint Paul, Minnesnta 55102-1299 P. ASP (Susan Jones) • T. CARLSON M.PEDERSON T. TANGEDAHI� Please provide a cost breakdown in accordance with tlie Contract Documents and a Summary for the change described herein and on the attachments (if any) listed. . This is not an authorization to proceed with the work described herein unless and unat approved by the Owner. On approval, this change will be included in a Change Order wtuch witl provide the formal Comract changa. _ DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Electrical Sheet E503: Provide a 100 amp, 480 volt, 3 pole non-fused disconnect at the VFDs for the following motors: S-7, S-8, S-9, S-10, 5-14, 5-16, 5-18. Attachments: None Requested By: Code • COMI��NTS: � /��� ��s rfp4.157.1a CPMI .� �J c!o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza 143 West Fourth Street Saini Paul, MN 55102-1299 67 2l298-5409 FAX TRANSMITTAL CPMI FAX: ATTENTION COMPANY: FAX #: FROM: • (612) 298-5417 �`1�c�' I�J.�',I�aY� �'1 �ti1 G �1;�,� �cY�.� DATE: � -� DOCUMENT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: ��V� L �-�'-��� NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE►: COMMENTS: PROJECT #: � • C O N T E� A C T O Fi' S" P R O F O S A L � 3. L_J Contractor Propo�a( No _ calendar days. The 2djus�ed comp eno Contrac: No.:!+• �J I -.� '✓Ll-� � `t C3 �� \ q chanq,g in the s ope of the work is reGuesced as indicated be'.cW_ l� t' �vi i �. It is re4uested the completion datz be { 1 extended, ( 1 decr�zsed, P� urchanged by 1" n date wi11 he Descripvon o� �e ���4g157«efer co drawings, spetincz.ions addenda. i2 aPAiita6le}, Re�erence RFP Na.: � FO NO.: Title: DISCONNECTS AT VFD' S Basis of payment: (Check onel 5 8,910 (Y,� Firm price for perfortning this change is ((ncreasedl (�1 Adequate supporting details and infortnation must be at:ached to allow Owner to evaluate. 5 (� Tme and material per cortract, 6ut not to exceed $ () Actual cost at complecion of work . Metro olitan Mechanical ConCractors Inc. Date: /0�22J� 7 Submitted by Contrador �'��T/t � - ' , Contracior Signature Chad T. Nelson POR CPMf USE 1. Action ftecommended: (Check onel ( � Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Joh No.: 3225 IZ—I—`{ F ^ '1 � Proceed on 2he fo(lowing basis: �� ��%�,(,-. � As indicated above, change and basis of paynent is acceptabte. O Change is acceptabfe, 6asis of payment is not acceptable. �4�� �,� � () Basis of payment shalf be S � �� � (� The foflowing modification is recommended: t.S�i. :. ( � Change in completion date is accepted. Ce• � iv.�.�ll'N { � Change is accepuble with no change in prica. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( � Other � O 3. ts ihis a�ar. af the originat convact scope? () YES NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? /�ES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulted � 2 � /vv cP�nn 2. Reason for Change: () Design Chan9 Contracto�ient RD se n Omission or�Othe�r C�t(� ( � Suggested by � g /'_•• ?repared bY� n �� �C(G,�1.� �}, ILGr.G-_�HGA) Approved by �_ Y�� � � � LYIb��Y��7t t--� � � �ti Owner) Approved by ��� (�wneri Approved by: C?M! Inc., c!o Sa�nt Paul cc: Chris Hansen tA. 0'Shaughnessy P1aza. 143 W es: bwh Mike Pedersan Dick Zehring f (/ ��i��/rie�! Da:�: � _� Dat=: Z �� Date: �Z�.. "��� Date: . ?aui. NN' y> i 3225- ' � � � � � � R 7 � S t.K.f�\L� fi� C.Dfl'CT2Ci • , 2g �y��.. b,�y��ye ,n 2t,e gG6p frf cile wo�lc is requested as indicated below: 1 ��tfie wmpletion date bc t} e�nded, (} dexgased�unchange9. by � - catendar days_ 'fhe adjusted eompledvrt dBte will be ----�-- f 1 Change :�nded: tCheck onet �ot be made, � Explain: �� .���� nereesec� (beEuct) � - _. - —• — - $ — Date:_.�ct_.��L.� , ,,.. l � _�� � .�/' .. '. CPMt .lob Na.: 3T.25 r � �.a- :.�'+ � C� • 2. Desct'rption af the change: (Reter ta drdw(ngS, spe�caaions, addercda, if Spplicabl�Y Refe2rtc� RFP No : _tS • FO t80_� . �� �� 3. Sasis of P��: (Chestc one) hd'F'rrm D�ce for per#vmring th'ss d1astge is r Adequate supporang details and Informatfon must be art��hed to afiow Owner to e�aaiuetg• _ j� �me_and_matsrial_P� cor�act, butnc[ 20 2XCeed () Ac�uai cost at comptesion of work Su6mitted � ( f Proceed on t�hB felfawing basis: � (} As indtcated above. ehar+9e e�d (} Cnang2 ts acceDtab(e, basis Df X { y$asis of peYmsrrt shaN b ( }'�tig following modifcCetion is re� { � Chan�e in wmp�etlon dc ( } Change is accepcabte wi { ) Change is acceptab[e v�ri ( )_Ori�Qr • - Reason for Change:, ���'`��"' ' � } tiesi¢n Change ( ) Client RequesE { ) �iettl GondRion () Suggesred bY Co^tractor {} Des1Bn Omission or Ocher (expleinl 3. Is this a DeK ofi the original convact stope? () YES (1 �3Q 4. ts Contrador's EstimaYe artsched? (1 YES l N� 5_ q/E �onsvked. l) YES t 1 �10 � (CPMt) PrOpacad hy: HGR1 Approved by ApProy bY Owner) ❑ate=_� Oate:� DaL¢:-- 7vrVUtlu Vy- �Mt l++e.. t/o Sa;ra Pau{ C'MC Center. �A. O'Sheughne�Y �aza, ta3 Wsse Gourth S�reet Samt Paui. MN 55 5 02-1 28 ��Chris Nans�tn �i4.e Federson pick Zehrinp 3225- �� �� �� �� f � ��/�,7 '� Tl;� /�i�C�°I��/� �'-� f��' c T723� �,sa� r ur �t�f}-Z"� �5 �+'! �'r5 t ti'� r,c� F�'`� 1'� C� _�� �� ., !�� /� G�reGG� r� �R 1/�CzSg-7` �r ��� s-5�C7 �i�/� ����p...� � 7� rs .r��.,- ��� 1N � z.��R.. �,�— _ -. ...... ... _ .. . _ � • . LJ • 1�� CO ��iTaACTO fl' � ? �Q YG 5 :! i ;°yU° L.0 Li'1@ COfRCl2LICf1 Cei2 �QE �� 2Xi2f1C:2C. (� �2C:_25_C, , i encizr,4�d �v li i5 5 c2lzr,dar �ys. i ne aGjus:ed ccnp[er,or dac° '.vilf �__ �antr�@� BrQpmB�P �Va.: ', F 4. 154 VCtO. "' .'. ��o�=�;?`S'�aint Paul �Gtiv� r cPn . rFxpansion Ccr.czr. ua: 4.15 ' .GP��I _� :.;cnz�a �,�cope c� ;he wcr`.< is r�Gc_st=_d as incic�t=_? ',eEa�,v: / yT.AA � � /� 7 {�?SC1�llC� 6i cF,e cnar.g I�2i?f i0 QC2Wf�C�S. Su2CCC�G2iiCf.S. 3C�°[iC2, li 2'_J��lC2C�2�. Aec�rsr,ce �, ya : : �Q NO.: 4. 154 title: Provide Hot 6VTR to coffee makers. 3. 3zsis or paynen:: (Check onei 5 1, 514 4 1�r� pric_ `or per`arcning :Fis cnange is Ad°Gua:= supporing deiaiis and in�ormatian (Inc:=_aszCi (�'-c�cct must be a:,2ched :o allo�.v Owner to avaluat_. () Timz zr,d ma:erial per coniracc, ouc not co exc�ed 5 (} ActuaS cos at comp4�tion of wcrk a Suomired by: Metropolitan Mechanical ContractorsQa�e: 21 Nov 97 Contractor � � �. �� ' , Concracto� Signatur= FaR CPMI USc Action �ecomnended: (Chec!c anej (� Chznge w+ll not be made. Exa(ain: 2. �C� �+-��� �1 � � � CPMI Jc6 Na.: 322� �Proceed on the foUowing oasisi � As indicaied a6ove, change and 'ozsis or pzynen� is accsotah(e. (� Change is accepta6le, hasis of paymer,t is rto: accap�aole. () Hasis of paymert sha(1 6e S � � i ne `ollowing rrtodificavon is recammended: (} Change in compfedort data is accepc_d- () Chartge is acceptahle with no change in price. ( � Change is acc°_pcaele wi:h no chang_ in ccmpfetian date. ( 1 Otner ftaason �or Change: � esign Change i 1 Clier.t azGues. { 1 nzld Condir�an ( t Sugges�=d 6y Concrar.or ( 1 design Omission ar Q�her (�xpfainl 3. Is this a �a� o� the origirtal conszct scape? () �=� � a. {s Conr.=_ccor's Es;maca a�.achec? �"=S ( � '�� v�� ( j �!G �. A/E ccnsul�2d_ , -- lC-;�iq �rzpa�ed hy: :�,paroved 6y . !� '�'Y— i' f7U�it'�' ^CF.1 T a�4�o�a� ay � o�N,=�� Approv?d 'oy: � �Q�Nrerl C?Mt !nc.. Go Sairtt ?aui Civic Carttet. I.�• 4"ShauShnessy ?'a=3• 1�3 `Nas :"a't1 ��='�. Sa „�_ Chds Har.sen �fike ?_derscn .7icti Z_n,^:�g oa,a: /Z Qac�:J_1� 0 Oata:_.�-- �,=aut.ytN 35ta3-;�cg 322�- � —,.__ - �..�, ------ - - - _ : _ ,, � - , - - -- -- --- ^. , _ -�. � _ �1.�-�__ _' •"%� __ _____ _"__ " _'._ '_- - ___-' _ _ ____ _ " • _ _' _--___-- ' _—__'_'I ---_'--_—___ _._..._'- _ ,__ ' _____-__ �-_-____ , ,+ '! � , � � t � ' ' _--_"=.��_� ___' __"_ -'-__' -__-_--__-�_ i -_ — '.� . � �p :� � j \ y \ j � ++- 1 w' � _ - -' . _SC_�Z�� :.:�.L_�_i� -'a'� ��d�li_1--�s�-_� � "-" '_ _' vZ�.... "_- }z .i � i.r��_..�ti�.s ��___ _ ___ -- ' _ ' I -� _.. _ ' _' . _'-- G )'_"_ ' -__'_ __ �I . i : . : . � - --- — _ __ _ _. � ' � � � , ' ' . I �� i ' . Y? � r�J 'i : [• )i .`I, �' .A� —�—___—_.. _—. Is�_..__"___._� i II __ �� y', � ! _! ..------- �>� ' ;� � ---------�--�� ----- - --- �I �� � W� �� 1 i � � ' r7n_ ' ! f � i � i i . " i ,� . , �I i� f � � — -- : , ' -- . —--•�------ � --- ----- -- �I.__ ; � � . 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' �'1�',�. i .__ _ _ -'_ _ _-_ . _ _ _ _' �-.-. ,' . _-. __f�4:�...�_ _-�- �t c y ' -�� ! A . _. � . , � 6 '_'_" __- _ ' ' _--"'___-- �__"_"___'_ " ' '"_" _'-' _' __.L_ _'-'_- r ' — � I� . , y . _. , i - . _ _ '_ _. _' _ � - � -'-_'�_ " . - .' . _'_""_ ' ' ' _'_"- _ ___- __'. _" _ ____' r _ _-- _-__�._ - ;I ., � ; _ _ , i .__ �, � . . _ _ . _.:. _ -;� __ '_" ___�_ _'_ _.-i -' ' _ "" _ '_' __ . " ___ - _ ' . � ' ii . i� ' .: '; �-� � CPMI • �- FI_EL PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Building Construction OWNER: Saint Paui Civic Center Authority 175 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 )RDER FIELD ORDER NO.: DATEISSUED: CPMI PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT NO.: ' F4.154 18 November 1997 3225 CP-4.16 TO: Metropolitan Mechanical CONTRACT: Mechanical 7340 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn.: Gene Couser You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum and Gontract Time. If you consider a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to CPMI immediately and before proceeding with the work. __ __ DESCRIPTION: 7. NOTES: 1. • 2. 3. Provide hot waterto coffee makers. At location P13 (Plan FS1.3), provide an additional %z" hot water stub out at same elevation as '/a" cold. At location P102 (Plan FS1.3), provide an additional %z" hot water stub out at same elevation as 'h" co4d water. Reason: Owner request. ATTACHMENTS: COST, PLANNING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. �� ��- Q�P Lou Dorso Assistant Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mortenson A\FORMS\FIELDOD.DOC Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Mark Pevan Gephart Bloomington 3225-416.5 • � �?l��6� � ���1 � - �FC��vF� . � - ; 2° �- 4i� ; , <_ , �� . 1 . � . ca,vraHc�o�•s a�aresa! • � n,2c.a� Prcocs�i;,VO.: 4. 171 �z._: 18 Nov ;, ?;���-- aint �aul Civic ExpansionCor 4•.16 i _.�� �- 3 '--- - ��� ;, c^anc_ ir, che sc�pe or ;he •Nerk is reGuest�d as incic��a? �eic•.v: � 3. • • li IS (2��+'-5�et'i u 2 C.^.f'.?F3�zi:Cf Cei2 �E �}°Xi8R4�2G�. � � C�=:�" ( �erc^ar.e-�'^y caler,d2r czys. i �e adjus:zd cor,co[eaor dac_ �.Yil( �� t7�5G:IGCC( OT C�° C�2f1C�8: I�2i2C C� <1[2WI(iCjS. 5�2C: �CciiCGS, eCC'.2!fC2, ti 2QG�ICcC�?�. Rz`=_r=ncs ,.: ? Na. 4. 171 � V4. f, Water Heater and tank n��na 3es:s or paYr'en:: {Cnec!c or,e) (� Firm pRCe `or oerorming chis cnange is 5 N/C AdeqUZCZ supPar�ng detaits anc inc¢rmadon (!ne: �=_=_z�l (0=ccc.; nust be ar•_ac^ed :a alfow Owner �o zva[ua:e. () i �me ar,d ma:erial per cortiraa, hut noi :o axc�ed S ( 1 Actia1 cos at compl�cian of wark ' Suomir.=d by: Metropolitan Mechanical Contractor�ac�: 21 Nov 97 onu accor Con:rzctar Signature FOF[ CPM[ USc Acion flecommended: (Chec!c anel (� Changa wiil nc� he made. Explain: Z. Acprov=d �� ( 1 Na ; } D74 3. (s this a rar of .he original corsvacc scope? () YES a !s Con�ac.or's s�imata a«achec? 3 _. AI= ccnsc:l�sd. • �� oC��/�_' �c-,�ssf rrap�red �y:�� — ys (i C: i� :rF.OfOV?G� 'C7`{ T �� , .�ca�av=_d ay G�.�—�O�,vr,=_rl ... �' tOwr,=_r; C?Mi :nc., Ua Sa�ttt'aW �,,, C:^.ris'-�ar.san �ProceeC on :he fotlawing Sasisi � ` �L«� , s indicated aoave, change and 0asis or paynerct is acceoceb(e. ( � Change is accep:aate, hasis o` paymertt is rto: zccepcaoie. () 8asis oi paymens shall 6e S_.� ( 1 i ne !cflowing modificaBOn is recommended: ( 1 Cftange in comptedort data is �ccapt=d. (� Chznge is accepca6[e wiv`� no change ia prica. O Change is accepta6te wi•�h na change in ccmp(enon data. ( } adler Reasort �ar Change: � pesign Change () Clier.t r�zc,e.�est ( 1 ��eld Caccdi�an () Suggest=d 'oy Conaacor ( 1 aesign amission or �4'�er (axplain) C?MI Jca Na.: 3225 o�l=: la — �2L9: ' — 'f �J at_:_�r 7ace:. I.,Y 4'ShaaS�nessy r a�a. t s3 Wes: =cs:.';:t S�ec. SainC ?auf, � ,Liik� ?�erscn Cicti =_hr'cg ��?�- � � CPMI • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL . PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion PROPOSAL REQUEST NO.: 4.'171 CP-4 Building Construction HGA REFERENCE NO.: 4.17'I DATEISSUED: NOTES: 1. • 2. • ONfNER: TO Saint Paul Civic Center Authority 175 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 Metropolitan Mechanical 7340 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, MN 55344 CPMI PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT: CONTRACT DATE: 18 November 1997 3225 C P-4.16 Mechanical 18 January 1996 Attn.: Gene Couser Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifiications to the Contract Documents descri6ed herein. Division of responsibility shall be consistent with the Contract Documents or as specifically enumerated below. TNIS IS T�OT A CfiAMGE ORDER NOR A DtRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DESCRIPTION: Water heater and tank piping. Revise water heater and tank piping per HGA RFP #4.171 dated 12 November 1997. Reason: Design change. ATTACHMENTS: HGA RFP #4.171 dated 12 November 1997. 2, Partial plan R4/P400. to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no COST, PLANNING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. �,.� C. cJe� Q.� Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposai referencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you Susan Campbell Jones Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Frank Berg Gephart Mortenson Bloomin ton 3225-416.6 CPMI, INC., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, 175 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 �� �. .,�.� • HAMMEL GREEI�t AND ABRAHAMSON, INC:, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS PROJECT: SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPAI3SION OWNER: SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER AUTHORTI'Y Contractor Project No.: . HGA Comnvssion Number 769.003.00 Type Contract: CP-4 • • CONSTR. CPMI, INC. MANAGER c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza 175 West Keliogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1299 (Susan Jones) 9ECElV�i '�OV 1 7 �y'�� �i'Mi � <<tgb `, RFP NO. 4.171 I PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE: November 12, 1997 COPY TO: S. JONES, CPMI T. ANDERSON P. ASP T. CARLSON M.PEDERSON T.TANGEDAHL Please provide a cost breakdown in accordance with the Contract Documents and a Summary for the change described herein and on the a[[achments (if any) lis[ed. This is not an authodzazion to prceeed with the work described herein unless and unfil approved by the Owner. On approval, this change will be inciuded in a Change Order which will provide the formal Contract change. ___ DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Attachments: Requested By: COMMENTS: rfp4.171.1a Mechanical Sheet P400 Revise piping at water heater and tank detail. See enclosure. Partial plan R4/P400 Engineer � L'�� C� or oI a a TANK —SHUT�OFP VALVE - �THERMOMETER HEATiNG WATER RENRtS �� �) 1 �- T AND P RELIEF VALVE ----�^--- v'� ""'( 0 N m m c I � � HEAT • HOT WATER TO SYSTEM BUILDING RECIRCULAiION BALANCING VALVE� PP—t (� HOT WATER �TORAGE TANK � CHECK VALVE � � � � $AFETY SOLENOID i DUMP VALVE ' , � UNION ; U! � � 1 I I PP-2 a COLD WA7ER SUPPLY � � 1 1PE TO FLOOR DRAIN HEATING WATER SUPPLY � w�� n�� � ) Y V Y J i WATER H E AND TANK D� I AIL NO SCALE ������ YINNEAPIXIS. M?pFSOTA 55103 A'IE S'•_O• 7 AUGUST 19: � 'R j�(�T em SEWND MFHUE. SuIE Soi � RfC ^ 1Li1� s�rnE wwwr�crw seio� ODAIN. .... � ta.m x; r�ovEM�R 19s; snmrc paVC c�c c�tt R 4 EXPANSION - - - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA P 40 0 �o ►L��b • November 21, 1997 Ms. Susan Jones CPMI, Inc. c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 175 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paui, MN 55102-1299 --l`�rr.lC � F'jt _ _ - I � j DEC t �? ;��7 � �� �PiJl� Re: Saint Paul Civic Center Exna�zsion (Air and water batancing) Dear Susan: lr�M � The follow'sng is a proposal for balancing the mechanicat portion of the above referenced project. Mechanical Data Corporation $17,200.00 • Mark-up (Sub-Contr.} 860.00 `total Pf $1 A,060.00 In 1�s• Balancing of Air and Water Systems Pulley Changes (if required) Service for one (1) year AABC Contractor Please respond on/or before November 28 1997. In order to procure scheduled time franie to meet all dead lines established. r".: Jtul.Llt )� :�,,, .••.- E.A. Couser Project Manager EAC/kjm � � �,�"�"��-- �,,, ���� �2-�3 % °I. • 911,21 , MEI'ROPOLITAN MECHANdCAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 7340\Nachinetnn Avenue$outh • Eden Prairie, Muinesoca 55344-3582 • Phone: (6L2) 94I-701Q • Fac (612) 941-91IS SUMMARiZED MINUTES EXPANSION COORDINATING COMMITTEE 3 DECEMBER 1997 PAGE TWO • 2.5 The Wilkins Concourse is almost completed. The moisture content of the concrete once again defayed installation of rubber flooring. MAM has retained AET to review and retest the moisture content. AET has had a similar situation at their office and are doing research on this issue around the country. A�other meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m., 5 December 1997 to review the moisture content readings and discuss ihe schedule. It is anticipated the filooring can be instalfed next week it m�o,\iure +�duced. f — `i 2.6 The Testing and Balancing Contract has not been awarded yet. Mechanical Data, through Me2ropolitan Mechanical, has provided a cost of 518,060 to perform testing of water and air systems. S70 K is reserved for this in ihe Financial Status Report. Hansen moved approval. Reid seconded. It was approved. 2,7 The Stonite was delivered and installation started today. This is approximately two weeks later than originally anticipated. There were difficulties in obtaining the product from customs. MAM is working hard to instali prior to Sportsmen's Show but it may not be totally completed. 2.8 Gephart Electric is having trouble obtaining the interiors of the floor boxes. They have indicated they will pertorm temporary work as required so the boxes are usable in January. CPMI will advise Gephart in writing of their contractual obligations to provide this prior to the opening. tOn 5 December 1997, the first boxes were received and installation has started). 2.9 MAM has submitted a Request for Compensation for the stainless steel cladding at . Escalators 1 and 2 tadjacent to the main staircase in the Grand Lobbyl. They indicaced they felt the plans did not detail stainless steei between the handrail and escalator. HGA and CPMI differ with this opinion. MAM is proceeding with the understanding that ihey intend to pursue this at a cost of approximately S20 K. 2.10 The instailation of the Public Art windows and light fixtures was discussed. A mock-up of the window was supposed to be done this month. The final windows will not be installed until January after all the contractors have completed their work. The fixtures in the Rotunda have been designed and shop drawings have been submitted. Public Art Saint Pauf is waiting fosmal approval by the ECC for use of the Kellogg Plaza funds to provide the light fixtures. Reid moved approval. O'Leary seconded. It was approved. CPMI will advise Christine Podas-Larson. 2.11 HGA`s on-site services and additional sesvices were discussed. HGA has provided suppiementary on-site services since May, 1996. Two previous amendments were written for 5105 K which has lasted approximatefy sixteen months. HGA also requested release of 100% of their fee for the construction phase of the Arena Treatment. CPMI and HGA differed on the cafculations for this work since Arena Treatment documents were �ot completed, due to the new NHL Arena. However, HGA has offered to provide on site representation in October, November and December 1997 at no cost. In January, 1998 their role will be evaluated and a proposal made to the ECC for the remaining months of the project. CPMI and HGA anticipate this will be S10 -$20 K. Pederson and Carlson provide quality control services and expedite decisions when on site. The mechanical and electrical representatives will cali prior to coming to the site. • 2.12 Title work for the project is on hold. Sunde is surveying and doing an as-built. In addition, Sunde is doing a tunnel survey for the Arena project. O'Leary will verify the two items are kept separate in biilings. � i��� ��J � 3� Z5- 91�. covra...cra�'� '�c=�s:,_ • Ccn.:acmr �^ �i io.c e- i R7 �2._. �a n�r . 1997 �. ,��ga��� pa»h Civic Center Expansion Ccr.cac: �vc.:�. 16 � „�- ; =, ���c� � ���sccca c; ;`e �•var:< �s r=_Gu�s.ed as :ncicac=_� �eic•N: J � An � ;, � �• � 'r ��:. -� „, � _ _,: -s�;_�<_ �.: _ ti t. .,s$ „e complet:cn ca__ s( i x_-rc__, ( 1.. c. (Xcrcr;ar,c_.. oy r ��,. , � caYS. i nz acjus:ad ccro(er.on dat°_ �.vii[ �e 7, 17�5C;IQud( �i [he r.:ar.5 t�2i°_C io <�(2'NIC:CS. SABC:�iC_�C^5. cCt'.�•^�Ce, i° 2�Q{iC2C��5. Aa`=_rer,ce n; ? No.: 4. 167 :� No.: iit:e: Kitch n 3, 3asis oi p2Yr„sncc �Cneck aneJ O Firm price `o� per'or,ning :nis change is 5�.650 _(1(] qde�ua;_ suppor;r decaiis artd inrornaaor (Irc:=_=sz�1 (�Jecuc ; mus� he a�_ac:�ed to atlo•.v �wner to zvaluac�. () i ime ard ma�°riai per conazc:, but not to =xc=ed � (� Ac:uzf cor, at compl�rion nc wcrk ' • Suomiredhy: P4etropolitan Me h��^^*rartors'�a._: t4 Nov. t997 Co ntrac:o r I nc . ( ��� ta 2 • . Corttrzccar Signaturz ppA C?Mf USc �. Aciort qecommendad: tChec!c onei C?MI .Joo �e.: 3225 (� Chznga wiil not be made. Fxplain: �Proceed on the foUowing 6asisi �As indicaxed a6ove, change and'oasis or payner,:;s accsa:aote. () Char,ge is accep2Q[e, hasis of paynen: is rto� zccaptahiz. () 8asis of paymen2 shail 6e S ( � i ne fo(lowing modificadon is recomrrter.ded: _ (} Chznge in compSedon daia is accegc_�_ () Changa is accepcabte wit`� r,o change iz prics. (} Change is acc°_pcaE[e wi4 na cnange in ccr„e(etion da:=. ( � Otner Z. Reason `¢r Change: { � Oesign Ch�r.gfl � j CIIer,t ;ieGues ( 1 r�!� Car.Ziucn ( 1 Sttggesad 'ay ConeaC.cr ��esign Cmissicn or 0�`eer fexefzinl �y�i �-2L�(.t�I ��/��� �� 3, (s this 2�ar os che ori�inal cort�zct scope? �(� -� �� � !s Cortuac:ar's s:nat� �acRec? � �-." ' t�`�� 5. A(= ccnsultad. �YcS ; ) �`!0 ��=��r�a � ( ���,�✓`'` cc�;�m Y �--T r • ;�ccroved by. Acaroved oy. Ap¢ra�°d �Y � C?Mt !nc.. Uo Sairtt'auf G��c Can;�, I..�- 4"Shaugr.ness{ �,._ Chris i-far.san +,1Cze ?�ersan !C'�vnerf r�wr,er; i„ `n/s =ct. Cick Z=i^:;r.� �z��: �a �? ,� � / —��~ � Oa__: ��a,=_: g��g' i " ^ _ _ _' {.Y•� _ _'_-_ _ " _"__ '""' _ _____-_ '___'_"_- --_� _ _ _ '_ ' _._..._.. _... .._ _ . _ . __'_' '_ ..- , _ t/ � \. . , ;. . . ^ \ .v , . 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Division of responsibility shall be consistent with the Contract Documents or as specifically enumerated below. THIS IS NOT A CHAIJGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTtON TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DESCR4PTIQN: 1. Kitchen Waste NOTES: Revise waste per HGA RFP #4.165. 2. Reason: Code requirement. Advise CPMI if Notice to Proceed is needed immediately. ATTACHM�NTS: HGA RFP #4.165 dated 22 October 1997. Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposa� referencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no time change. PLANNING `� C . cJa�L¢� Susan Campbell Jones Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Frank Berg Gephart Mortenson Bloomington impulse Group 3225-4'16.6 CPMI, tNC., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West FourTh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 �(: `-.' �G�,2 , � �;..���__ s ._ — RFP NO. 4.165 �{ � ��� HAMI1�L GREEN AI3D ABRAHAMSON, IN�., ��-" '� � ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 1 � 4 ��,�7 f PROJECT: SAINT PAUL CIVIC CBNTEIL y ,- y . �� DATE� EXPANSION _---=� PAGE 1 OF 1 October 22, 1997 � HGA Commission Number 769.003.00 OWNER: SAINT PAL3I, CNIC CEI�3TER AUTHORITY Contractor Ptoject No.: Type Contract: CP-4 CONSTR CPMI, INC. COPY TQ: MANAGER c(a Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza S. JONES, CPMI 175 West Kellogg Boulevard T. ANDERSON Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1299 P. ASP (Susan Jones) T. CARLSON M.PEDERSON T.TANGEDAHL Please provide a cos[ breakdown in accordance with the Contrac[ Dceuments and a Summary for the change descri6ed herein and on the attachments (if any) listed. • This is no[ an authorizafion [o prxeed with the work described herein unless and until approved by Ihe Ownei. On approva(, this change will be included in a Change Order which wil( provide the foanal Contract change. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Mechanical Attachments: Requested By: COMI��NTS: . 1. Sheet P212: Near grids 3.55 and B33, route and connect 3" waste to 6" waste. 2. Sheet P242: Near grids 3.55 and B.33, at Kitchen Equipment #151, Dishwasher, provide a 3" direct waste connection and I-112" ven[. Core drill floor for 3" waste, route to ceiling space on floor below. Route 1-1l2" vent up to ceiling, connect to 2" vent. None Health Inspector ����a:- '��-� rfp4.165.1a � ��� � � Zzs- c .� CO NTFlACTO R' S PROFOSAL � • Convacmr Proposal No.: MMC– SM – 5 Da.e: n�tober I5, 1997 o .,, ; ��,. St. Paul Civic Ctr. Concrac: No.: 4.16 A chznge in the scope ot the work is reGuested as indicated betcw: ��� � 1. 4t is reGuest°d the comp(etion datz be () extended, ( 1 dec:>ased?�1�4 unchanaed by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Z Qes �:ion of the chznge: (Re�er to drawings, specirications, addendz, ir appiicaolel. i�fere ce RFP No.: � FO NO.:. REGEI e��o co 3, �s a4, paynent: (Check one� $ 1, 426 �CT 2 1 �Frm brice for performing this change is Adequat`e supporting details and in;ormation ((nc:eased� tDedcal CQ{�)Il must :ar•ached to allow Owner to evafuace. (� Time and maierial per contract, but not to exceed () Ac:ual cost at complerion of work C J � Sj Submitted by: t.rot,-n,,.,li+�an Marhanirat [`�n+.ra�tors Contracsor ��..�T/t/�-- � � Concractor Signature Chad Nelson FOR CPMI USE 1. Ac2ian Recommended: (Check onel () Change wil4 not 6e made. EYplain: CPMI Ja6 No._ 3225 �j proceed on the following basis: �� ``�Q As indicated above, change and basis oY paynent is acceptzble. �( j Change is accepta6ie, 6asis of payment is no: acceptable. (� Hasis of payment sha[I'be S � ( � The foflowing modificaaon is recommended: (� Change in compfetion da:e is accepted. { j Change is accepiabte with no change in price. (� Change is acceptab(e wi:h no change in compietion date. ( � Other Z, Reason for Change: � +Q�,Oesign Change () Client aequest (] Field Condi�ion () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other texpfzinl 3. Is ihis a�arC of the original contracc scope? () YES �NO 4. !s Coniractor's Estimate arached? ��S �� NO 5. A/E consuited. ?repared 6y: " Approved by � � T Approved by Approved by: CPMI �nC., c!o Sa�ni Peu� Crv�c Cenier. �-A• 4 Shaughm cc: Chris Hansen Mike ?ederson GA1 a3 Wes: �=auc:ri Oick Zehring 63i_:� �dt2: � �� Date:_�— Datz: Paul, NN' S�1 3225- . C� October 14, 1997 Susan Campbell Jones CPMT c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. 0'Shaugnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: St. Paul Civic Center -%Itogg Concourse Linear Diffusers Deaz Susan: We are �h-riting to submit costs associated the required reworking of the 19'-0" lineaz diffusers serv'sng the Keliogg Concourse. • There is not enough space in the drywall to install the linear diffusers in the Kellogg Concourse. In order to install the specifie3 registers we need to field modify them. This process is fairly time consuming due to the long and narrow construction of these particulaz diffusers. Our cost to provide this additional work is $1,426. Please find the attached estimate. This proposal does not include work required by other trades. Please contact us at 941-7010 with any questions. Sincerely, C'___�-�-�% �-��------- Chad T. Nelson Project Manager enclosure �� METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. -,xnn �ni,�66.���., avrn��P Snnrh • Fden Prairie. Mincesota ��3443582 • Phone: (612) 941-70l0 • Faz: (bl?) 941-9118 i� � u�b • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Sheet Metal Field Modify Linear Diffusers in the Kellogg Concourse SHOP HRS FtELD HRS MATL & EQUIP QUAN. ITEM Ea. Tot Ea. Tot Ea. Tol Subs 31 Fieid Modify Linears 1.00 31 TOTALS = 0 31.0 0 0 Shop Hours Fie{d Hours Material Tax Subs Bond hrs 0 31 � � Total 0 1,240 0 0 0 19 Total Costs 1,240 Markup °l0 186 • Total: 1,426 • METROPOLITAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC. 7340 Washingron Avenue South • Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344-3582 • Phone: (612} 941 - Fax: (612) 94h91t8 3�a5 �-� I�. C p N T R A C T 0 R' S P R O P 0 S A L M � 1- �o, � t. 2. Prop sal No.: 4. 115 Date: t�a�, 1. 1997 St.Pa 1 Civic Ctr Exp. Concract �o.:�p 4.16 ` e in the scope of the Work is reGuested as indicated below: /� A/i � �'' I It is requested the completion date he ( Y eMended, �) decreased, � unchanged by calendar days. The adjus2ed completion date wilt 0e Description of the change: (Re�er to drawings, speci�icztions, addenda, if appiicabie). Referen�e ftFP No.: 4�� S_� FO�NO_ n.s..t�..r� A.�'. n�u�i _ 3, 6asis of payment: (Check one) () Firm price fo� performing this change is AdequaTe supporting details and information must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. O Time and material per con:sact, 6u: not to exceed (} Actual cost at completion of work wnerl Suhmitted by: Metronoli+ *T han' i _— Oate: May 14, 1997 Co ntracto r Contractor Signature E.A. Couser FOR CPMI USE u 1. Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change wip not be made. Expfain: S1s�n n�� (lncreased} (Oeductl CPMI Jah No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following hasis: �6d�As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabfe. �)�hange is acceptable, basis of payment is no2 acceptable. O Basis af payment shall be S � (� The fattowing modification is recommended: ( y Change in completion date is accepted. ( � Change is acceptabie with no change in price. ( j Change is accepta6fe with no change in completion date. ( j Other Z. fteason for Change: � Design Change (� Client Request O Field Condition ( j Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Qesign Omission or Other (expiain) • 3. Is this a�art of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES ��� 4. Is Contractor's Estimate atcached? Fju.n,ES I)�0 �. A/E cansu4ted. �""' Prepared by: � CPMII Approved 6y � � HC�A) T n i Approved by Appro by:� CPMI tnc.. Go Saint Paul cc: Chris Hansen Cencer, I.A. O"Snaugnne Mike Pederson �a2=: � a �� / Date: �—�� � OdLB: 143 Wesc Fvur:h Sveet, Saini Paul, � Dick Z=hring 3225- � • northstar fire ��iyg� a division of Metropolitan Mechanicaf Contractors, Inc. 7340 Washington Avenue South, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (612) 941-7010 (6i2) 941-911g (Fax) • May 12. 1997 Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors 7340 Washington Ave. S. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 ' ' Attn: Gene Couser Re: RFP # 4.115 Response Dear Gene, At this time, al{ five referenced fire department valve cabinets have been inscalled. They are grouted into place and will not be salvageable. As per note #2 on the RFP, Northstar will turn these five cabinets over to the owner, as they are too difficult to remove. Two of the cabinets have been piped. I will give credit for the piping for the remaining three cabinets. However, i will charge for the removal of the 2-112" piping and capping off the piping at the 8" main. A breakdown of costs is presented on the following page. CREDYT: $550.00; Five Hundred Fifty Dollars Please call me with any questions. Sincerely, - NORTHSTAR FIlZE PROTECTION �`-�'� � Ross Enar Project Mana�er SSa - \J L � 7340 Washington Avenue S. Eden P2irie. Minnesota 55344 rc»�on, �n., n LJ Materiais: St. Paul Civic Center RFP 4.115 Cost Breakdown QTY ITEM 113 Feet of 2-1/2" Sched 10 Pipe � 1 2-1/2" Grooved 90 6 2-1l2" Threaded 90 6 2-1/2" Sched 40 Pipe � � 2-1/2" Hanger Assemblies 5 2-1l2" Grooved Caps Labor: 14 Hours installing 3 vaives 8 Hours removing 2-1l2" piping � LJ PRICE EA. ($1.40) ($5.00) ($5.50) ($3.50) ($3.00) $4.25 Materiafs Subtota{ 7% tax Materials Total Rate ($41.88) $41.88 TOTAL COST ($15820) ($55.00) ($33.00) ($21.00) ($33.00) $21.25 ($278.95} ($19.53) ($298.48) ($586.32) $335.04 ($550) • S ' � � �` 3aa CO NTRACTO R' 3 PRG'e�G S�L ° �I � Con:rac:or?r000sal �o.:_ 4.151 ber 19, ?rcjec.: St. Paul Civic Ctr. Exo. _ REC���f� �'�Vc.:xl.lo A cn=ng= in �he scooe o� [he wor'< is reGu°sted a� inGic��� �e(�'r}�9� � �� � � I Ic is roGuesced the comptetion da:a he S}�xtended,���°_ased, ;�;:rc^anc�ed hy cz(zndar days. The adjus:zd conpfe*iar d � • � ?. Oesc:iption o� the change: lR2�er :o drzwings, speciricez:c-s, e�ce.^.ca, i' a�o(icaclel. �zrer_ncs ftcP No.:4. t 5t � FO �0.: Tit;e:_ 0�: ezs; t-,.hQa _ � _ 3. Sas�s or paYnent: �Check ona) () Firm price for per`orming :his chartge is S 5, Q2(L0.0 AdsGuac° supporing details and iniornatian (Snr.zas2G1 (0_ccc:; nus; be a«ached io at4a�x awner to eva[uat�. (� i �me and maceri2l per cant�ac:, �ut not :o °xce_d 5 (} Ac:ual cos ac completian of wcrk a Submired ty: Metro�olitan Mechanic�t ('nn+rartOLS�at2: nrt.oher 13. 1997 Consa o� Conc�gignature E.A. Cous r � FOR CPMI USE 1 2. Aczion ftecomnended: (Check one� C?Mi Jo6 �yo.: 3225 �} Change wiVf �ot he madz. Expfain: � Proce�d on the foflowing basis: �As indicated above, chartge and'ozsis of pzynen: is accaotao[e. (� Change is accaptaole, aasis of Qayment is rto� accepcab(e. (} gasis oi payment shafl be S ( � i ne following modifccation is reconmended: _ ( j Chan9e in compfedort da�a is accept�t. {) Change is acceQtahle wi�`� no change i�c price. (� Change is acceota6le wich no changa in ccmpfetion dat°. ( } Other . Raason �or Change: ( � Design Change (� Ctier.t ftzques. ( 1 Feld ConCi�en ( 1 Sugges�ed ty Contractor j�Qesign �mission or Oc�her faxpfainl C� ��L�!{^Q�� � � LJ 3_ Is chis a rar. oP the originaf con�ract scope? ( 1 YcS ��o a. ls CQnc:ac;ot's Esimate ar.ached? Y�S �) N � �. A/� consu(t�d. . ES ! 1 NO ?r=oa�°d 'oY:��--� lC��1l} � ��' 'Y7� I/� /�'�' (:;G.=,1 :.00rav=d by � —�-�— T � n. i Aparav=d 'ay Aagra bY� `� C?MI Inc.. c!o Sairtc Paul cc: Chris! Czneet, I.A. O'snau5ntte �btiz.e ?edersan _(Owr,er} 713 W es reLr Dick Z=hr.nq � � �a.a: � ozt�: —�� 172L3:ir Oate:�`---� Sain:.'aul. YiN �-t 3», � northstar fire protection �t��� a division of Metropolitan Mechanical Corrtraaors, Inc. 7340 Washington Avenue South, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (612) 941-7010 (6i2) 947-5787 {Fax) • • October 6, 1997 Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors 7340 Washington Ave. S. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn: Gene Couser Re: PR #4.151 Reply Dear Gene, The following page provides a cost breakdown for the work in this Request for Proposal. Item #1 required additional materials and labor to install sleeves, offsets, and extra piping. Item #2 required additional labor for installing two floor control assemblies and rying in drains in an enciosed shaft. Item # 3 is a no-cost issue. ADD: FIVE TAOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND FIF'I'Y NINE DOLLARS $5559.00 Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, NORTHSTAR FIRE PI20TECTION �� Ross Erzar Project Manager �aohtD MA�; .K .UP ' 5, 55oi. 2�? . � � �� 2 � , -�_ . „ 7340 Washington Avenue S. Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (61219+1i-70t2 St. Paul Civic Center RFP #4.15t Cost Breakdown • Materiais: QTY ITEM g 8" Grooved 9Q's 1 8" Grooved Tees 36 Feet of 8" Schedule 10 Pipe 2 8" Grooved 45's Hanging Materia[s & Sleeves 23 8" Grooved Couplings tVote: Al( materials are for ltem #i on RFP labor: 45 Hours, Item #t on RFP 9 Hours, Item #2 on RFP 0 Hours, item #3 on RFP Fabrication: • 3 Hours Engineering: 2 Hours Trucking: 2 Hours • PRICE EA. $83.00 $100.00 $12.00 $83.00 $23.00 Materials Subtotal 7% tax Materiais Totai Rate $43.98 $43.98 $43.98 $39.00 $55.00 $40.00 Subtotal 15% Margin TOTAL COST $664.00 $100.00 $432.00 $166.00 $120.00 $529.00 $2,011.00 $140.77 $2,151.77 $1,979.10 $395.82 $0.00 $117.00 $110.00 �,:� r� $4,834 $725 $5,559 �b i��� ��l �� aas CONTaACTO R' � PROr�O S A� . � j oncrac:or?rop sa(No.:PR No. 4.1A� dzt=:_,Iulv 30, 199 7�` p� �� aul Civic Ctr. Corc;ac: �Vc.: 4. 16 pUGl� a� nGe in che cope oi che �Nork is rzGues:ed zs indica,°d 6efe�.v: )� A,� � {�i�� / �G 1. lt is r=_ques.°_d th2 corrcpfetion daca oe O ex�endaG. ( 1 d°_c;°_ased.X�unchang=_d'cy cal2ndar days. The adjUS:ed conofecion da:� will he 2. Desc:iocion a4 chz chzngz: (Rz;ar :a dca�.vings, speci;ic=.ians, =_d�arda, i� apoliczelel, r�e�er�nce q`P Na.: 4. 138 : FQ Nd.: litle: Coolin� coil drains 3. Bzsis of payment: (Check ane} ( � Firm price �or perorming this change is S 6, 089 Adsquat� supporing dztails and iniormatian (Inc:zasedl-(�°c�.�ccl- must be arzched to alfow Owner to evzfuzz. ()"rme and material per conirac[, but not io axceed S () Actual cos2 at completion oP work $ Suomired by: Metropolitan Mec'�anical Gontractors Oate: Conttactor - � , ' f Contractor Signature EtlA. Couser ` F4R CPMI USc 1 2. Actian Recammended: (Check one) (} Change witl not 6e made. Exo(ain: C?M( Job No.: 3225 �Q' Proceed on �he fallowing basis: l` `�,'As indicated above, change and 6asis of payr.ten: is acceotaole. l . } Change is accepta6Ee, hasis of payment is not accepta6le. ( � 8asis of paymenf shall 6e 5 (! The ioflowing modification is rzcommended: (� CSange in completion d2:e is accepc_C. () Change is acceptable wi'�h no change in price. (} Chang° is accepiable with no change in complecion date. ( } Other Reason �o� Change: � Design Change ( 1 C(ierc Request ( 1 ne!d CaadiaQn (} Suggestzd hy Convac2os f l Qesign omission ar O�e� (�xp(zin) 3. ls this a rart or the ar'ginal conJact scoee? ( 1 YES 4. Is Contrac.or's Cstimatz a;tached? Y=� �. A/E consult�d. Y�S ?r=pzr=_d by: GL-� (C�MI} � � P � , a„c,��e� e�f � � . `� �-ca� Y AOOfOV?(�i O�/ Owl'?C� Approved by: fUwnerl C?Mf ina, do Sainc �aul Civie Center, 4.A- 0'Shaughnessy .'iaza. 1 i'o Wasc fecr.� Scee[. cc: Chris Hansen �tixe ?eCzrsan Oick Zenrir.g �N 0 ( ) VO ( � NO �at�: ��- ,�? �. �-l� - '�di�: ?aul. NN ��?g' � _5��_--------- — �c��6 --- _— :,�.�� , — — — — -- -- -. — —� ,..— _ ---- ----- RF���¢o C�co_LtX� �L�s-_- --.-. _-- ' ,.;�:,..: - - --- - � '°iL;p• �r>i =.. ^n: �_:r. ,r -� : �..m..r..e, _ F��S _'___� - � ' i� :._____ _�—_ � _'____"� --___ _ �j j { �I { ! _ � . .: �_ . . ( � _ � . J r� 1 . y . j1 � � � . . 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