216603 ORIGINAL TO CI�` CLERK + ' ' ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL courvci� NO. '� " � FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM y _t I COMMISS ONER DATF' February 13# 1984 RF50LVID� that the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards the sale of a pproximatelq on� heuidred tons Scrap Cast Iron at the �ter Department Storeyard, 289 I�orth Hemline Q Avenue� to OMAHA IRON & I�TAL COMPANY� INC� at $32460 per net ton� making a total of approximately $3260,00� such bid being the highest bid received on Formal Bid ff9623. _ F.B. #9623. CT nHolland No. 21660.3 — BY Bernard ' Resolved, That the Council hereby a pproves the action of the Purchasing - Committee therefor and hereby awards the sale of approximate�y one hundred tons Scrap Cast Iron at the Water — .^� - - Department Storeyard, 289 North Ham- • 1�ne Avenue, to OMAHA IRON �& METAL COMPANy, IlvC. at $32.60 per net ton, making a total of approx- imately �3260,Op, such bid being the highest bid received on Formal Bid No. 9823. F.B.No.9623. ' Adopted by the Council February 13, 1964. Approved February 13, 1984. (February 15,•1964) �E B 13 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19 Yeas Dp,L.GI,IS'�I Nays -r,-� . �e�—=°���' FE613 1964 Holland��� Approve 19 Mortinso�n Peterson Favor � , Rosen Mayor � �Against Mr. President, B�on• � • ; ;, bM 7-69 �8 ' • - (}��� ��'��� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER w I^<�i"� . - CITY OF ST. PAUL courvci� NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY�CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OMMI55 ONER pA�J-F �bru�r� 13�, 1964 R�SOLV�y t�t th� CowsaXl �by a�p�rov�s th� aattoa o! t� �urohar�i� �a�i�tt�e fiher��or a�d �rsbr �w�xds tl� ql� a! :ppro�iaat�ly �a ffiun�irad to�er �p�ap C,�,�t �ran a� th� M�t,sr D�parta�ffit i�to�ard�. 2S9 No�tl� H�alinf l�ss�u�, t� (�tl�iiA I�tlid � �i'AL CO��',. INC� at �3�.60 p�r a�t toa„ s�akia� • totai of app�o�daatsly 59=80.OD, su�eh bid bsir�g th� bi��t �i.d reo��wd o� �'ortMl B3d iK96�3, F*B, �62:t, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas DAT�T,ISH Nays I�eCo.uxcy'_ � - -= - , Holland�� Approved 19 Mortinson ' Peteraon � Tn Favor Rosen � Mayor �el wL � A gainat Mr. President, $i�}lon- ���-� `-� 6H1 7-69 a�8 �