225598 . � .� if � ORIGINAL TS�CITY CLHpK ' r� -, �, , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND������� " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,. ,., COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM IRESENTEO EY ��.�,��� COMMISSIONER DA� WHEREAS, pursuant to Council File No. 224933, the City of Saint Paul and the United States of America have entered into an agreement per- � � taining to the preparation of a Co�unity Renewal Program; and � -,_. WHEREAS, under this agreement, the City of Saint Paul will be re- ceiving funds from the United States of America and from other sources; and WHEREAS, these funds will be for the express purpose of preparing ,_ a Community Renewal, Program, therefore be it i � RESOLVED that a special revenue fund known as the'Community Re- newal Program be created, and be it further ' ' RESOLVED that the Comptroller shall designate the number for this funda R _ _ - . .�.._. � � .. � � 1' . ' '':,, - � 0 CT 19 1965 � COLJNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ;� r - Dalglish • . ' . 4ic'r 19 �96:,1 Holland /` pproved 19— , l� Loss Tn FSVOr l � �icrcui�ii� ' Peterson � • � Mayor - Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis • ' _ r- ions e-as • PUBLISHED OCT 2� 1�� DUrLICATC 7i0 r111NT[R � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �2+�'�� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO�'� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOttM tRESENTED !Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHE1tEAS, pursuant to Council File No. 224933, the City of Sa�nt Paul and the Uaited Statea of America have entered into an agreement per- taining to the preparation of a Co�nunity Renewal Program; and WFTF�:RF.AG� under this agreemen�, the City of Saisit Paul will be re- ceiving funds from the United States of America and from other aources; and WI�REAS, theae funds will be for the express purpose of preparing a Co�nity Renewal Program, therefore be it RESOLVED that a special revenue fund known as the Community Re- newal Program be created, and be it further ItESOLVED that tha Comptroller shall designate the number for th�.s fund 0 CT 19 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays naiglisb QCT 19 196� Holland � Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor �.---�•_L ,�.-���z..:�., Peterson � MAyOr A g81IlSt Roseu Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on[ eas ; ` ����9� ; - CITY PLANNING BOARD °F SAINT PAUL Room�20 .CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone 223-4151 „ F October 11, 1965 . � EC� I �' � D , SAIN7 PAUL, i+All`.N. Honorable George J. Vavoulis,Mayor �� �p,yt}�'� (1�=F10E ` City of Saint Paul ()CT 11 1965 City Hall � Court House �� P� : Saint Paul, Minn. 8 91011 Y��1��i���41R1� �I .i �l , l , l � Dear Mayor Vavoulis: � .r Please find attached a copy of the proposed Council Resolution setting up a special revenue fund known as the "Community Renewal Program. This is required by the Federal Government relative to its accounting procedures. It would be greatly appreciated if you would intro- • duce this to Council for the Planning Board. Very ruly yours � ` , Nol nd R. Heiden NRH:FS Director Enc. / �2z