225570 .,� ' OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK �����o �f CITY OF ST. PAUL , FOENCIL NO- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM rR�reo eY COMMISSIONE � DAT� WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the 1964 �XTRAORDINARY MAIN�ENANCE CONTRACT, authorized by State-City Maintenance Agreement No. � 1076, dated August 25, 196�., Comptrollerts Contract L-6700, Pederson Bros. Company, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications, and V�IHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following �dditions, to-wit: � ADDITIONS . 736.0 sq. ft. of bituminoug surfacing . . �@ �0.25 � 18�.00 9.0 cu. yds. of Clas� 3 crushed rock. . � 3.60 32.1+0 5 - 21+« Side Inlets in curbing . . . . � 50.00 250.00 -. TOT.A,L ADDITIONS � 1�66.�.0 and, � .. 3> • _ . . .� �� ' ' VVHEREAS, the Cor�nissioner of Public �lorks has a greed with the above named contractor that the amount of � 466.1�..0 is the correct sum to be added to the consideration named in the c ontrac t, ' now theref ore, be i t �� RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council f approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the specification9 in the amount of � �.66.40, said amount to be added to the contract consideration, known as Comptroller� s Contract L-6700, and which amount is to be financed in accordance with the terms of the State-City �Iaintenance Agreement No. 1076, dated August 25, 196�.. �/r .. 0 CT 141965 COiJNCILMEN ti Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays OCT 141965 Dalglish Holland Approve ' 19— Loss Favor ` — Meredich Peterson V • �CtIdI,Q MAyor � , A galri9t Q$Pf7 i�y�� ���:�ia:::iii�:in{v.����m�.�. _i ��i�fe:e�?ses'a'��n�;:1��:5f�k�3� Mr. Vice President (Rosen) . PUBLISHEO o{y� �6 '�� _. lOAi 6a9 '. � �2���U DU►LICATt TO rRINT[R , CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�HCIL NO OFfICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM�IS51 NEe MILTnN R(IqP�N DA� 1�iEF�;AS, Addition� wh3.eh m3gh� prove to be neaees��r 3n. the Improvencnt deaeribed as the 1961.�. EXTR,AORDINARY PdAINTFNANCE CONTRaACT�; �,uthori�ed by State�City Main�enance Agreem�nt No. 1076� dated Augu�t 2�, �96i�, Comptrc�ller� s Contract L-67Q0, Pederson �roe. Companyy eontrac�os�, have be�n prov3ded for 3.n ` the �psaiPic�tions, and WHTREAS, it ba� bee� found nece�a�ary to make the follow�.ng Addlt3on�� to-witt ADDITTON3 ?3b.0 �q. ft. aP bitu�nou� surfaaing . . � �0,2� � 18�.,Q0 . 9.0 Qu. yda. of Cla�e 3 arushed roak. . � 3.60 32.�.0 5 • 21.{," Side �nlets in ourbing . . . . � 50.00 � 0.00 , . TOTA�, A�DiT70NS � l�66. o andt , , WHERFAS, the Co�ie�3oner of Publla l�orke� haa agr eed �r3th the above nar�eci eontraet�r that the ,amount oP � �.bb.�.0 i.s t�.e correat gum to be ad ded to the Qonaidera�ian named in the aontr�,a t�,, now �herefor�, be it R�30LVE13, thra.t the City oP Saint P�ul �2a.3rough its City Goiulai7. approves the forego3n$ Addit3on made in aaao�danae �eith the epacifion�ion� in the amoun� o� � �.66.IaA� aQid s.mourit ta be �.dded to �i.�a aontx�aet cona�dera,tion, known e.s Co�ptroller�s Contr�.a t Ir-6'�OOs �nd wh3ch �.mount i� to be finaneed in aca ordenee witYi the term$ of the 3tat�-�ity �a�.ntenenae .�greement No. �.076� a�tea Auguat 25, 196�.. 0 CT 141965 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Y°aS NayS - OCT 141��5 Dalglish Holland � . Approved 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MAyO! .1to�__�_ � ASalnBt E:j�'',;:e��e,sident�:€�7,a�au��is;� �D�r. Vice President (Rosen) � IoD[ ��E!