06-323Return copy to: (BJE) PW/Technical Services - Real Fstate 1000 City Hall Annex Presented By Referred to Committee: Date WHEREAS, on October 27, 1999 the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul approved Council File #99-1059 (Ramsey Co. Doc. No. 3310106), vacating and discontinuing as public property a portion of an alley located immediately west of I.exington Parkway in F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27 Ha11 and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park; and WHEREAS, an error was detected in the legai descripuon of said vacated alley, and a private party with an interest in the property abutung the alley has requested that the description be corrected; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the legal description of the public property vacated in Council File #99-1059 is hereby amended to include the correction underlined below: the east west alley, lvinu between Block I and Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Browr�'s Addition to Hyde Park lying Easzerly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park and lying westerly of the west line of Lexington Parkway, as widen per document number 278136 on December 3, 1902; and be it further RESOLVED, that all terms and conditions set forth in Council File #99-1059 shall remain in full force and effect. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Se retary By: r ,' Approve y a�: D te � 7iq'o By: G.�Rea] Estate\Uaca�ons�Park7andReplacemen[Gwdaliaes.Rwoluhon.doc Council FSIe # v - � 2 � GreenSheet# 3030078 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �` Pubiic Works Bv: 1����G:Gv DirectorA�Q'� '{v � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet p�ly �ubGcwoiks ContactPerson & Phone: Bn,ce Engdbrekt 266-8854 Must Be on Council Aoen� ContractType: RE-RESOLUIION Date Iniliated: O � ' ,�R� Green Sheet NO: 3030078 � ' Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ali Locations for Sgnature) Denartnent SentToPerson 0 IPUbScWorlcs I Bnue�eelbmS-t 1 1 blic Works De arhnentDirector 2 tv Attomev Sudv Hanson 3 4 unal 5 i Clerk (.ti Qerk Action Requested: Approval of resolufion coxrecting legal descripfion of alley vacated per CF 99 Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee CiNI Senice Commission 'I . Has this persoNfirtn e�er waked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNSrm e�er 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persadfirtn possess a skill not �wrtnatly possessed by arry current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ariach M green sheet � 323 Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, Wha; When, Where, Why): The propeiry owner to the south of the vacated alley is zequesting a conecfion ro the legal description of the alley to ensure its flde company will include the vacated alley in its fifle policy. This resolufion displays the originat descripfion and underlines the coaecfion. Advantagestfqpproved: The description of the vacated alley will be correct. The abutting property owner can acquire fi[le insurance. Disadvantaqes IfApproved: None Disadvantages If NotAppraved: The property owner ro the south will be unable to get fitle insurance covering the portion of the alley that accrued to the proper[y in the original vacation. ToTal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financialinformation: (Euplain) $� CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. �" , .' ,.,.. :�� � ��� 21 �'UU6 �, .�� �,���.F C�?��P ' � � It` � March 15, 2006 2:46 PM Page 1 ,' � - � - - / ReWrncopyW: � Reat &tate Division 14� City Ha1I �R{GINA1� ` .r 3sio�as RESOLUTION . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �!�1t4'!► J�l�'r� �� � L Ts--- `" � �1�-�23 Counul F7e�34-la�7 , , GreenShee[#�S �� 3 � t BE 1T RL•SOLVEA, that, upon the peGtian ofFrauk T. Pilney as documented in TecMology and . . 2 ManagementSecvixsDepaamentFleNumbcr9-l999,pu6licprope[tieshaeinaEterducdbedue 3 hece6y vaezted and diuontinucd u puhiic proQeny and, subjea co tix kecein scated exttptions, the 4 wsemena wR6ia Wo-se pubtie propeeia ue hemby released S 6 The propecty to be vxated is daeri6cd as faAows: , 7 . . � . . . . _ . S 9 � the east wes[ ylry; Black 3.F. W. Hoycs Reartangemcnt of Lom 25, 26, and 27, Ha1l and 10 � r .Brown's Addifion w Hyde Pazk Qiag Eastec[y of cAe Southccty ccte¢sien of tke Wasc tine 11 ofLot Z7, Htaek3, F W. Aoyts Reaaaneemeac of Lats 25. 26. and 27, Hail and Brown's 12 Addidon to Hyd¢ Pa& and tying watedy of the wac lioe of Leziegton Parkway, az �73 widen pa document num6er278136 on December 3, 1902: � 14 IS This vaeation sFWi be subjecc ro the [emts end conditio¢�of Chap[er 130, eod�ed March I, 19&1, of �he 16 SainePav[LegistativeCodeuamended,ondwWeCo11ow3ngco¢ditioos: 17 18 t. Thaz cFu petitionets, efieir successo[s md assigns sha11 pay SSW.00 as an administcative fx for I9 thEs vacabon which is duc and payab[e wi[hin 60 dayt of the effective dam of ttds icsolu¢on. 20 21 22 2 Thaza peunanent ucilitywsemrnc shaU be mutined within tfie vawced acca to pmmct [he intarst ?3 � ofNorthan5tataPowerCompmy-ElcerricD'umbutioni¢tf�efollowine pcopetrydacn3ed.as 24 � fauuws: " - � - . ' .- . - - _ . . 26 27 28 . aii t6at patt of the east-wescallry. Slock 3. A W. Hoyts Reaaange¢iwt ofiacs Z5, 26. � ?9 " md 27, fLU! aed Bmw¢'s Addi[ion m Hydc Park [yrtng Euterly of We SoutG¢iy 30 � extensioaoft6eWacli¢eofLot27,Btock3.F.W.AoytsRea¢aagementofLOts25.26. 3i aad27,Ha!landStovm'sAdditiontoSqdePa�k.aadiyingwesca[yoFalinediawa � puatld wtth.and95 feeteazmriy aCsaid Southerty eztension of che West liue ofL.ot2?, 33 Hloak3.F W_HCycsRea�cangemeatofLocs25.26,and2�.HallandBro�w'sAdditiu¢ 34 toHydePad. E:: " 35 . ' � . '�,4 � . ,_ 3✓ ' Ci.='�^id.'r?] > .' ..� r�Y . �R.,-�-... __. - " "_ _'� ' 4�:�! .. �41�C . _ � ' . _ ' . '. :'. . ' - ,_ . . . �. . � _ . . � . ` "':s �� � - -- -�.., ` 3310106 aq- ��. (��-32� �:.� � Z 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 3. , Tha[ a pem�anen� u[ility ezsemen� shalt be rtaiMd wictun �Ae vaeazcd atca co protec[ che inteccsc � 9 ofU.S.WescCommunica[io4�. l0 It 12 13 I4 i5. �� I6 4. That thepetitionus. Uieir suaaw�s and assigns agc m indcmniCy, defend and save hacmlcss !7 chc Gry of Saint PaW, irs of}i¢cs aad empioyca from at1 suics, actions orciaims of any chuactcc j IS bcougfuuaiesnQofinjucicsordsmagcsceceivcdorsuctainedbyonypecsoapcsonsnc � �. I9 propeny on ac�oun[ af this vacuion or petitione:s' nse of this pcopecty, incWding bu[ ant timitW � 1A � [o,acltimbrough[beeauseofanyaccoFomission,neglxt,ormiseondnccofraidpetitionesar 2t 6ecausrofanyctaimsorRa6iti[yarisingCmmmyviotationofanylawormguLniamm�dein 22 ucocdaaawiththelaw,whetycby[hcpe6uonersaranyoftheiragenisoraaplayccs. � � 24 5. Thac We peatianers, Neirsuccusoa anQ usig�s shall, wiNin 60 days of Weellective datc of �his i_ 23' -� eesoluCoa, fli e wi�h the Ctty qed: an aeeeptance in xtitingof the mndiuons of �is ttsoluuon _ 26 and s6all, wi�hia tho period(s) sp<eifiM in the lecros avd condidons of this msoiudon, comp(y in � 27 alltespecc5wicqtl�etermsaadwnditioos. . i � zs AdoPhd 6y Coua��7: Date (�.j- 1_ ''�� 9av � Reque5ted6yDepuvuwtof: ' Tmhnolo¢v & Manaeement Servicec s �JFi�� l���1�ZL_ . n;�«or : fomt App ed by Cicy AUOmey $r � u�w�v� r�2�34 3 .- ` � � �� � A . � �� � A W . .� . u e , ----- �. 331i�1Ofi � � � � � � __ � LD�lrL21� � 3� �1� r���� .`, � � I � � (� � - 4 � � o � � .�i m $ � a � .- � � � - I ro � '� q. A i . p � �-��'_ O. 4 4 m Q � �. Q '�' � �i §' � M �' � � � � � 4 � N t ����� �` � Q � 4 Y �� � q � � �� r..__� • �i' 40' � q I q � p� �+ � � � � . y 4 . � _ � � . ��' � � . DO[. IG . ENi£::6:HT'U. t!15�9FELqoGS r__ 1 M � . a � � q 3-3 �O - — O c:accc�. P�aarz .r.:.:z:::e+ '• " � � � e ; � �r.ua eo pp m m � : ��l9�AEy_ • . �t �"' o � � A 00. N '+ 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1' 1 1 1 . �---_1s�1.SP_.1y13¢1�ZJ?�'_tt3I'J ck• l�R'1?�'.1�H4T"1_ �" � `� G : b � � � 6 � 3 b � "' S � o a �� H ' � A s a $ ti $ i a�" L C � " '1 R� � � y � � � � � � � W '� n s LyN� � 3- ii >� • o o. °`'.� '`l _ � w r � fi � � _ � N.! iy G o O m .�`�S"'. C Of W °" £ x ° a.gt�� .aM _ "z� mp .:t�1 w .�m y'. „- ,�.. � � . . � R'. .. _ �l� -� � 2� . � �.o . ., e �- - , - - �- , c0 O � O. ei C7 � � � � f STATEOF MINNESOTA ) CO.UNTY OF RAMSEY j ss. CITY OF SPJNT PAUL j uFr"I� E C*:. F ?s�3 "v` ':i7 . wu� �,a:t —3 0 � us cau�rv neecFO� ;'.'� ^??UiY L o�-3 a �..:. ��_..� --� - tY)O - �G ^° LY- t� I, Shari Meors, Deputy Ciry Cierk ofthe City of SaintPaul, Minnesota, do hereby certtfy that I have compared the attached copyofCauncii FIe No. 99-t059 as adopted hy the Ciry Councii on October 27, t999 and approved by the Mayor on Navember 1, �1999 wiUt tha odgina[ theceaf an 64e in' my oflfce. I fuMercertifyNatsaidcopyis a We and cortect wpyofsald ortginai and tha whola thereof. � . WITNESS, my hand and the seal otthe Ciry of Safnt Paut, Minnesota this 3rd day of March, 2000. � - � � � ��..< /�/ci� / DEPUTY CfTY CLERK /� Y Y i i f s s � � . �' - m _ _�