225522 � ' � ` co����e rro.._`���`�2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theunderaignedhereby propoaesthemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.: �-,°`�', ,�r-;r�-b-�—� .. _ - -. - - --- - -- _. , , ...., :. � .. _ : �� ._ �� . .^_ w _..'_ . . _ . ^`-= i '' "- '�-',�F'i7�'•:i.a..wr.s.a....al�l.�.5� ..�t�:.:�:`c•,�._e..•. .:..-:.�,.rx+.,.,•i.. ._...,u��;.�...,��'.1�.n.c.....r..r..a:T.tt�.�..:y..ae�i'�,'£w�.r."�"w.':fr+""�..... -..1.; �.,*,�`�.�,,.,..-.._ •� � vpb t � , `� Improving MARSHALI�'�AVENUE f"rom Arundel='S'treet,i_to�-Cathedral�Place`�byR�xesxurfacing-;.�b.y..�.:,,,,.� ;.`� � �:.'�.;r+,;,,,_r'_e�onstiucting���eurb •and°-•base•�where°necessary;-••by�••constructing•�and reconstructing--�sidewalk; byreconstnicting ttie intersecting street, alley, and driveway returns; by constructing ................... ....._... _ ........- .. ..,�.....,. .._..__...._.............y._,.....»..._..._........................__.. ......._....... -- ...__..._... storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water, and gas se'rvice connections where..necessar_y_;..:.by...cons,tructing.,.an..ornamental...lighting,..system_;,_and.,by,.do.ing,all,,,_o.t�ier work whic �s necessary and incidental to complete said improvement , L�tea�h��... .......... ....ci�p dt..._...... .. ,., .. ....... ..s L.. ..,�. .,. _x��_�• 1 —1—— — �- - - -- ----- - , --••---•....... ...... .........._�.,,�%ll-�-, .. _�....--•----- ......_ .----• � Councilman. I ' I � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma�ng of the following improvement, viz.: { I • ,' .f�. ' . "'. . _ '•� . �,� ., • . : _ - -,,� . , , ' ' , .!r ' 'e3?`;•`";�'`i-,- . ' t � - � � , ,` =� ..{ , . _ �-: ,. , . _ : " , •i - r;}... sS..��,,.,�K . '.-._.. .-_..:R.:w...' -,.��.;... ....7n..�...wr�.. ._. 'bti�•ia...s�. . .�:w....t-r- .w:_ ,�.a_.:�-.,r.- .' :.....1.�"`.%;s:,i.��;1.._.La.i.: Y:' , • ''••7 �' � � ;,7anprpvipg'MARSHd�L.:AV�N$lB; from.`[�ridsl�,�vt"r`eat�.to:�Cathedral- P.ldce by re�urfaci�ng-;.�.hy���,: i , . : .- �.__.v.,,.�,. �x,,.,'.r--�- -.: k�_x' ���econ�tivct'ing,�`�curb`'anc�'�-1ia�a•�wliare-neceaaary;�•by��.construictiag-;and,racorietructing=•siitew�lk; , - by�recons.�ructing the int�reeeting �treet, alle�i, and dxiv�way retuxne, by constxucting � storm��watier dzainage ,facilities;;�by;�coristriicting��"sawer;��water';'end'�gag�se'rvi'ce"corinectione 1 . 1 -' �Whera;:ne,cessary.;...b.y...cons,t�v'.cting=_a'n� o.Fnamental�Y;l�ght�ng:..�y�.temj...and,.by.,ds�i�►g...al:l...Qther "?, worl� wt�ich�is necessarq �and incidental`�to1'comp� �1'eCe;,said�3mp,r.ovemnnt. h�vung��ee�prea3n#ed ta th�S'oui�:il�the �,i�y c;��a,im�.'ktiva: .<...... ...-..��. -............ ...._...... .,..........�....._ therefore, be it � � ' _ •- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ia hereby ordered and direated: 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of sa,id improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. � ' 4. To state whether or not said improvement is aeked for on the petition of three or more ownere. � b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiseioner of F�nance. ! � �' Adopted by the Council-------------------- • �---���._._..._.......--------•----- ' �$C�... i Ymes Councilman Dalglish �CT $ 13� � Ho11 and Approved__--------------------•--_...---.....--------.._...:.---...-•---.�-___ Loss ; -�Meredith -�%r-�� -�a�tt�-- ._��i . �/1�.� �(/�'i� �— ,� --------•---. ----- --- --------------- �'�� _........._.....__...__ ' M$. RF78IDmNT �.a�ot�-�V�/��� . _ Mayor. � �c#i�g 3000 7-b4 ' �� � PUBLISHED OCT 16 � ,