D001485. _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contraaor _ - Project Manager (CPMI) A . G �. - y� - � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-40 ADMINISTRATSVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which pioved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Exnansion, CP-4 Buildin¢ Construction known as Contract L-_City Project No.015117 M.A, Mortenson, is composed of the following: t. Aedo shotcrete at southwest wmer of Stair 13 per Contractor Proposal #4J0 - Part A. $20,398.00 Note: This is for subconVac[or work only - MA Mortenson work still under evaluation. Reason: Shotcrete too faz out for corridor wall. Total $20,398.00 r1 U ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 20,398.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the conffact, known as contract L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. APP AS TO F � ist ity Attomey Expansion oor inatin Committee Expansio o in ting ommittee Director of Civic Center �n� rchitect and which amount is to be financed from: `'3G 19�1'� 19 � � �� 19� 2�,�!�998 � M.A. Mortenson Contractor B v � N° 51546 ilM cLi Q� ,. oEnw�e+rq�rtcEicouna� � oare � RiATE ••w • t � V . ; � �_�,- 1 30 9B GREEN SHEE INITIAUDATE INRIAVpATE CONiACi PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAR7MENT DIRECTOA � CITY COUNCIL ' � �`�'/�+-�'� �.98 syo9 XUNBERFOR CINATTORNEY aCfTYCLERK BE ON COUNCIL AGEPIDA BY (DATE� pp�N� BUDGET DIRECTOR� � �� � F1N. & MGT SERVtCES �IR. OflOEP � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANy]�/ �// '/ � � P,c.r� �"_ TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATiONS fOR SIGNATURE) Z��, �� ACTION RC-0UESTED: � D roQ.e r #�f � /� /� /��0 /-f e� a'�- RECAMMENDATIONS: Approva (A1 ejen (a) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: �-. _ PLANNING CQMMISSWN _ CIVIL SEiMCE CO ISS N �- Hes thiS persOnfirm ever Worketl Untler a Contrad tor this tlepaNriient? ' _ Ci8 COMMIiTEE � �'x �"— YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a city emDloyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ o15��Cr CoUar _ 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answers on seperate aheet anE ettach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTVNITY (Who. What. Wlren. Where. W1ry): K � (//// ' / v / �� T/ (/ � � � � � ✓ / ���� NTAGESIFAPPRpVEO: ., :Et�����L i S F��S � ` Z �9�� � ��� $�i` � ��� �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ` RECEtYED MAR 121998 LL CITY CLERK ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. 3=^- e.�' �' , - � JAfd 3 � i998 ���� �� ��a��°��, 2 y / - 7� po � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � ✓�v • COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUN01[iG SOURCE ��-C � L�c�s / T�� AC7IVITY NUMBER P 7- 93G - 90�3o�-a��� �T FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E% IN) I'�B �S��^-b� � � CONTRACT STATUS � . � PROJECT: CONTRACTOR Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota M.A Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original ContractAmount: PO # 015117 PO # CO No. C4.01-01 C4.01-02 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-05 C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4.01-09 C4.01-10 C4.01-11 C4.01-12 CA.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4.�1-17 C4.01-18 C4.01-19 C4.01-20 C4.01-21 C4.01-22 C4.0'f -23 C4.01-24 C4.01-25 C4.01-26 C4.01-27 C4.01-28 C4.01-29 C4.01-30 C4.01-31 C4.01-32 C4.01-33 C4.01-34 C4.01-35 C4.01-36 C4.�1-37 C4.01-38 C4.01-39 C4.01-40 Deduct (4,535.50) (4,422.00) (9,016.00) (23,313.00) � Subtotal (41286.50) Total $1,511,579.06 $33,973,000.00 385,700.00 Add 34,475.00 151,969.00 29,684.00 10,193.00 24,598.00 86,610.00 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22, 000.00 15,460.00 50, 000.00 3,253.00 24, 705.00 29,188.00 40,889.00 8,883.00 19,081.�� 5,531.00 8,734.00 4,718.00 21, 389.00 14,593.00 18,700.00 10,723.00 182,948.00 354,744.56 28,970.00 37,566.00 13,097.00 23,813.00 187,332.00 8,219.00 14,459.00 3,124.00 2�,398.00 $1, 552.865.56 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 24 December 1997 CP-4A1 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 CONTRACT STATUS CJ • PROJECT: CONTRACTOR Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 PO # CO No. Deduct $33,973,000.00 385,700.00 �.. DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 24 December1997 C P-4.0 I Building Construction Mulfiscope 1S January 1996 Net Amount of Contract inciuding this Change Or der: $35,870,279.06 � V� l��� � • �� CON7R`ACTOR'S PRO-POS-At Contractor Proposal No.: RFP#4.70 Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 A cha oFaG�� ApR �" 4 � 2. De� Contract No.: 4.0'I of the work is requested as indicated below: the completion date be (x) extended, O decreased, O unchanged in the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabfe�. No.: 4.70 ; FO No.: ; PCO No.: Basis ot payment: ICheck one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is Adequate supporYing detaifs and information must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and materiai per contract, but not to exceed () Actual cost at completion of work S 31,963.00 (Increased) {Deductl S Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: '� ') _ Con�� �� � �� � Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change wil! not be made. Explain: 3. 4. CPMI Job No.: 3225 S) Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabfe. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( i Basis of payment shall be $ () The following modification is recommended: () Change in compietion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. O Change is acceptable with no change in compfetion date. ( 1 Other Reason tor Change: () Design Change ( 1 Client Request () Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explainl Is this a part of the original contract scope? S) YES 4) NO Is Contractor's Estimate attached? () VES () NO AJE consulted. ( 1 YES () NO Prepared by: Approved by Approved by (Owner) Qate: Approved by: (Owner� Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Centeq I.A. 0'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1 "Lyy cc: Chris Hanse� Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- • . q�g�g� St. Paui Civic Center 6cpansion Summary Change Proposai ���0� oo Fa��srns ErC CENTER EXPAN oa�o: ss�oaz T��� SAINT PAUL. MN 55102 /'� PX: 612/293-9154 FAX 6/L393-955i Description: RFP#4-70 r '�`� '`—`� 1 ` Tttle: Adjust CP-7 Shotcrete Adjacent to Stair 13 5 Amount Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) General Condrtions: SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. Ambassador 0 /V! 1l � �NGEG�P�' $ 107 v� $ 513 0 � $ �- $ 3,445 D!L $ 192 Ok� $ - ►4,R77 i u. SUBTOTALSubNend $ I G� 2? 4 l $ 8,522 $ - $ 1,003 $ - $ M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: SUBTOTALFee Total Material & Equipment $ M. A Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: $ �ees" cj ls 2 $ `f,429" s � � 26� I �'(p 7% $ - SUBTOTALTax SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SUbNend+Fee $ � Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Perfottnance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72lfhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77ffhousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593ffhousantl) § 2 $ 1 5 � 3 299 �� o� • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ • � � � O� 5g' Page 1 • 11'i13%96 15:15 F.� 612�a87807 �3SSaD0R STEEL p�oovooi � r�t� 7 �-1�� � oa ooa ���� ��oa o 0 0 t9t3 Broadway Street NE - Minneapolis, Minnesqta 55473 � bt2-b23-0302 • F 3 6'(2-6�-3�� �n �� j� r IS 4Y� � �.S I �J �l � �:-. •.>�: :��. ��.-,� nnm�: 11/13/96 R6vISID 'lY}: M. A. Mortealson soa Eaglg stxeet St. 1 MN 55102 A7'TN= Heather Tensen SoB NUNffi�; Z59S033 RE: St. Paul Civic Center St_ Paul, PIN Q7anqe Proposa No. 55 I REViSED } '�'�--�w.�� CHANC�`E PROPOSAL NO. 55 REVISN� THIS QiANGE: $100_00 + tax . DESCCtIF'PiON OE' PROPOSAT, REQUF.,ST Material furnisheci to Mpxtenson fpr Ames CpnSTxvction Co. NOU 2 3 1996 M.A. [v10RTENSON C0. RFP 9.70 Shaw 64 -#4 corner �s Z'-0'.�t2 12eq. On 11/12/36 u*e were instructed ta furnish 100 pcs. by Greg Anderson, Asst_ Job Supt. � 7 00 + tx'tx � � ��', MATERIFIL WAS PICI� UP AT OUR PLAN'i', NOTE: 1'Z�EASE, Cbl�'IRh1 THTS PROFOSAE. BY SIGNTNG ONE �pX ANi) REP[7RNTNG IT `I'o OUR OFFICE. AN AC[¢doWLIDGF� CDPY WILL B� RE,T[IRNID R� YOU FOR YOUR FSLE,,. ��' AMBAfi STEEL COftPC7RATION f �� /� BY: &Y: 4 '� (/- � '117M CS�GARIS T7TLE• TI'PI,E' SALES REPRES`IIrTPAT i �.J ➢ATG C1ATE: - �I�!/ �"`' l,� rj���r/� TRUE HApPINESS OEPENDS UPON A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOO � i November 7, 1996 AMES CON5TRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LH, NIINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 M.A. Mortenson Company 300 Eagle Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: Heather Jensen Subject: RFP 4.70 - Stair 13 Adjacent Shotcrete Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion - CP-4 Mortenson Job # 951 �42 Dear Ms. Jensen: Total 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 We have reviewed the changes made by the referenced document. RFP 4.70 calls for the removal of about 10' horizantally of existing shotcrete wall The sandstone is then to be shaved , prior to the shotcrete application. The saw cutting of the existing shotcrete is to be done by others. This also appiies to the anchors, shotcrete and reinforcing steel. Following is our additional cost for this item. Labor & Equipment Case 9Q3Q Backhoe CAT 953 L.oader Triaxle Truck Concrete DisposaVLoad Laborer Total with , Should there be any quesrions, piease give me a call. Sincerely, ���� Michael Moelier Project Manager. i n ��, ..e:., _ - � � :� s' ._` __ _ _ _ - � : 1 s A�0 �J � � [` `�--' �J� �r ,�� j : �.:��;"i� . . � J :.i�. Rate $95.00 $80.00 $50.00 $72.00 $27.22 Subtotal 15% Mark-Up Extension $190.00 $80.00 $50.00 $72.00 $54.44 $44b.44 $513.41 ,qn Fqup[ Qpporn�niry Emp[oyer OEF[CFS IN: DENVER, CQLORADO • PHOENIX, AR[7ANA • SALT LAKE CI1'Y, UfAH � i�.8 � � ATLAS FOUNDATION CO. - Formedy Arlas Pile Driving fo., /968J988 - M.A Mortenson Co. 70� Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440-0710 Box 117 Rogers, MN 55374 (612) 428-226t Eax:(6l2) 428-4754 Job 96230 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project No. 951042 � Base Contract Additionaf anchors needed 8@$175.00 ea Additiona! anchor mobilizations 4@$200.00 ea (10111, 10/15, 10124, 10125) lnvoice No. 970'118 invoice Date 1/14f97 invoice Due Upon Receipt y� �=q'M1;=ss{0.j �: �.. .�AN 1 � 1991 PJ�a�,. �'�� ��;aY.'�+.,:. $21,250.00 1,400.00 800.00 Additional Shotcrete Mobilizations 2@$1050.00 2,100.00 • Additional Shotcrete 30 cy @$315.00 per cy 9,450.00 Waiting Time (shotcrete crew) 7.5 hours @$33.60 per hr 252.06 10/3 3 men, 2.5 hrs ea Waiting Time {anchor esew) 14.0 hours @$35.00 per hr �-" 10/11 2 men, 2.5 hrs ea ��� � 10/24 2 men, 4.5 hrs ea � 560 00 Returned Concrete 10I3 8 cy @$70.00 Concrete pump standby 10l3 2.5 hrs @$89.25 per hour Overtime Work: Saturday, 11/2 (premium cost only) Foreman 9.0 hours @$12.04 per hour Crew 8.5 hours @$9.83 per hour Total, this invoice � Note: 1 1i2°lo interest per month charged on past due accounts. r_ ., .., - J � JOB �F 5J8 J08 SIC # PAYITEM COS—pE CT Gn' # — ,/ `' . 223.13 �: . . . 36,717.05 - z� ,zso.� �`. ! S 46� •OS ..._ � - _ ��,�� �o s �.., . , :. _ _ `9 ib .ri. =....� : � _...,..... .�ti. .�—� ��, :S¢.x.f.. ,,��; t , j��..' ' '. �� _ - ' - = - .. � . .. ' : . . - � . ;*§`_ .- . . - . . ' .'"`„ 4C�� ���rW. � � . - . , �._ a,.�. �/� _ s p�, r - _ = `� ' '�., T �z a� =RVICE+.PEOPLE � DEPENUAtsIt11 `r • tuutrmtnf • QUALI"['! J9 S MPU'iERiZED BIDDINGlACCOUNTING • KNOWIEDGE • SAFEfY � �• �ti � ia1 Park Blvd., (612) 557-0824 Plymouth, MN 55441�910 � ` � Y ��`��0� ;�. �=� '__� - �� :�. ;�: � ° ` SOLD TO � � O. NO. GREG '� • , � „�. � a U r �' VJ �, �y v pC � 3 4 t996 i �� . A. @3�ORTENSON C�' JRNL DATE MAMORTE M.A. Mortenson Company 700 Meadow Lane h. �tinneapolis �t� 55440 OUR OFDEFi NO SAIESMAN Job# 962238 DAVE Saw Cut Shot Crete Wall SLO"t .1�6 # Sv8 JOB S!C A 44� foo T4 � l'� /-� PAY fSEM COST CODE CT /� � � `� C,fL M APPROVAL � INVOICE INYOICE DATE aoe J tocanoN TERMS Net 10 days � o �', �"% �` ' � � D c J -� � 0 i99� p �, �, i<:��Z���`�'�G�� jy y 1� •' � � Y�� � 5�R' .��� 70 Subtotal Sales Tax Labor Equip Rgr Freight Amount Due 027356 10/29/96 St Paul Civic Center DAiEORDERED Thank You 10-22-96 S1,88�.00 o�v � �, �t . �� � �o�� v � � e $ $ $ . � 0 $.00 S.00 S.QO $1;,885:� =: _. _ : � :.._�;: Tax ldentification No. 41-1'LSSazs _ n.«..,...,..��_� .ena.n��n .ou. n�n must be resavea wmnn to myn :. �e �t. � � 1 . . p , � ���� � i"��P.C� !�'��� ac SQZUl�►�NC. 1 NOV 2 01996 SERV(CE•PEOPLE•OEPENDABILiTY-EQUIPMENT•QUALITY ;S ���� COMPUTERIZED BIDDING/ACCOUNTlN6 • KNOWLEDGE • SAFETY tl`r`�l� i i2813 Industriai Park Slvd., (612) 557-0820 Piymouth, MN 55441-3910 � SOLD TO � �O NO • MAMORTE V[.A. N[ortenson Company 700 Meadow Lane h. �tinneapolis 3t\ 55440 OUAOR�ERNO SALESMAN 3ob# 970008 BE�:�ETT � IN4010E INVOICE DATE JOB J 40CATIDN TERMS tiet 10 days wall Saw 2- 5' Cuts 12" Deep In Shot Crete Wall �r�b1-�^'� 3,� JRNLDATE � J lo4z- ,yQB y S�8 JO�S S!C % , 94S OO P _ PAY I7EM COST COOE CT G/L # a ����i�� 11 � t�OV 2 C �=.�6 ?u'.w. 7.�;.: � t c.!'��0�� CO � V � (� � ���� L t ��� �'�, 1� . Subtotal Sales Tax Labor Equip Rpr Freight Amount Due 027530 11/18J96 Civic Center _� \ ,����, DATE ORDEiiED Thank You 11-01-96 5735.00 S735 $.00 S.00 S.00 $735.00 Tax fdentification No. 47-1285923 • .Pf[6.d�pC� . . Br Stxt,ut�,�btC. SERVIGE • PEOPLE • DEPENDABfLITY • EQUIPMENT • QUAL{TY COMPUTERIZED BIDDING/ACCOUNTfNG • KNOWLEDGE • SAfETY 12813 industrial Park Bivd., (6y2) 557-0820 Piymouth, MN 55441-3910 1 r�auoxTE so�o �•A. Mortenson Company To 700 Meadow Lane '�. V[inneapolis 14\ 55440 L 'O NO. GREG � OVRORDERNO SALESMAN Sob# 970086 BEti*�ETT Wall Saw 2- 17' Vertical Cuts In ShOt Crete Wall TERMS � }i.bLiuC 3' Y �� C� QStou JOS � SJ8 JOB S1C it qqs too9.c� t M PAY ITEM COST CODE CT GIL q � �f� Kzo ; �����t��D NOV 2 a 3996 �.�� i6YUi 6�91t�C3 � INVOICE 027529 INVOICE OATE J06 f LOCATION —J Ivet 10 days � ( �' t r� i i R �` 4J � ry � � ``� � ;i � ti:✓' .: l� y 3 Nov � � ��gs � .a. � co � � ��: v ,v / r, � � �L�� � �� � � .� f Subtotal Sales Tax Labor Equip Rpr Freight Amount Due 11/18/96 Civic Center DATE ORD£REO Thank You li-OS-96 S825.00 $825.�� 5.00 $.00 $.00 5825.00 Tax tdentiiication No, 41-1295923 LEC 1� '9t [3=13F'f1 r_" � � ( C O i�R P A N Y Re£. File # BW��g s d06•248-4367 406-248-8330 (FAX) • Page 1 of 1 Bid Date: Project IYame: Pro,jecf Address: .• � i : \ � � ( � i �l ' � �.' �_ : Decembez 18th, 1996 St. Paul Civic Center Eapansion, CP-4: St. Pau1, Minaesota. Minne�polis 6'f2-87'2-4656 672-872-6824 (FA� Spokane 509-922-9t2t StY9-827-5984 (FA?C} Gen. Contractor: M. A. Mortenson Company Inc. G.C. Address: T00 Meadow Lane North Pdone # 612-293-9 t 54 Minneapolis, MN 55422-�t849 �'aa # 612-243-9557 Attention_ Heatl�er densen Bidder's Name: �i4TE� DOCTTMF.NT: R(`QPF, ot W OR'K: Descrip 'on: Simon I{ Kihanya This price proposal is foc labor only including necessazy FquipmenVTools for the Erec4ion/Sustailation of the Scope of Work as tabulated in the CE3ANGE 012DER DOCUMENTi<)1lofed belo�v. 1ZF.P. t(4.70 Adds. $ 192.00 Lump Sam PrEce. ConcrcLe Reiuforcin� Steel: RFP #4.7o Adds 64 #-4 aomer bazs rnr 264 pounds of Rebar. Piease issne s change order to reilect our nddition�► cost in instatiation of note work per above refetented doeument � i���J F•-4,�H L.N. Sowles Company 2&1a 8ryant Avenue South MinneapWiS, MN 55408-2724 � � {485 �-�/ � C� r� coa.st�rroz 9 April 1997 � cu APR 1 4 1997 cPr�! �S - �4-.� BUILDING DIVISION Minneapolis Ofiice 706 Meadow Lane Nonh P.O. Box 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Min�sota 55422-4899 Telephane: (612) 5224100 Facsimile: {612) 520•3430 • Susan Sones CPMI c/o St. Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth SKeet St. Paul, MN 55102-1294 . Re: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 Subject: RFP# 4.70 - Adjust CP-1 Sho[crete Adjacent to Stair 13 Deaz Susan: [n accordance with RFP# 4.70 dated 24 October 1996, the 21 October 1996 response to RFI#G-399, and discussions involving CPMI, HGA, AET, LHB, and Mortenson throughout the month of October. 1996, we quote the sum of Thirty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-Three Dollars (-r$31,9b3.00) for rhe added work. Enclosed are copies of subconffactor quotations and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need additional information or clarification on the enclosed. Please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the costs of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and aze excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truty yours, �XJI�-�� ~� Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMI fyJj RFPtf 4.70 . MinneapolisSeattle•OemerColoradoSprings•Milwaukee•GrandRapidsSanDiego•San Francisco•Honolulu•LOS Angefes