225510 . ' ORIGyIAL TO CITY CLEIiK ��^����0 : CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN IL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM , �RESENTED RY � COMMISSIONE DATF i WHEREAS, John J. Gibbons , an employee of the Board of Water ; Commissioners for��the City of St . Paul, was injured in a third party � "accident on Llecember 7 , 1964, while engaged in the performance of - � his duties ; and � � I WHEREAS, the Ci�� has incurred medical. expense in the amount � ot $-155 .50, and -said.lemployee �aas disabled for work -for a period of � time, being paid compensation in the amount of $405 .00 ; and � � WHEREAS, a settlement has been negotiated bet�veen said employee � ; and- the other party involved which provides for a net settlement to � the City o£ $337.50 � now, tfierefore, be it ! . RESOL`V�D, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized ' to accept the sum of $337.50 in full settlement of the subrogation rights of the City unde'r t}ie Workmen's Compensation Act growing out . of said third party accident, said amount to be credited to the ' - Workmen's Compensation Account of the W�.ter Department Fund. , _ - - � � p • . ; . Corporation Coun I � ; OCT 61965 � COITNCILI�N � Adopted by the Council 19— ' Yeas Nays � Dalglish --�''�cT s � Holland Approve� 19— . Loss � I Favor Meredith � � '� '�'�!0–'''� ' Pete rs on � MAyOr A gainst �ef�►l� �� �'�'si:�yes��i}C;;�'av'a�ii��asj=seu=9 /� (► �p� 1 Mr. Vice President � ��@�§@$� C/'"...����V ��, ^�� �V� � �C7 ion� e-as i � DUr�GT[TO MtINTtR � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�N�� NO..��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�t�,rEC�r COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, John J. Gibbons , an employee of the Board of t9ater Commissioners for the City of St. Paul, was injured in a third party accident on December 7, 1964, while en�aged in the performance of his duties; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of �155.50, and sF�i.d employee was disabled for work for a perio� of time, being paid compensation in the amount of $405 .Oa; and WHEREAS, a settlement has been negotiated between said employee and �he other party involved which provid�es for a net settlement to the City of $337.5Q, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept the sum of $337.50 in full settlement of the subrogation rights of the City under the �Vorkmen's Compensation Act grawing out of said third party accident, said amount to be credited to the Workmen's Compensation Account of the W$ter Department Fund. - 0 CT 6196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� � ����19— Holland Approv� Loss S rn Favor Meredith Peterson � M�yOr �a A gAlllBt �......�`Piesirient,Va�%oi�li�i::�•+ ,/� .�dce President (�AB�} �/"..vi�✓LQ p�-� lo�[ �-0!