225492 w r . ���_ OR161NA1�TO CITY CLERK � � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONER / // i p�� Octflber 4= 1.965 6�vc�S-'�—' RESOLVED, That tlie �urchasing ,Agent be and he is hereby authpri�ed�, with the consent of the Mayor and the �Comptrollerx to purcha�se from J, L,, SHIELY �ompany � i 250 tons,� more or less as requireda, Rip Rap Rock to be delivered tfl Shepard Road and �� i i - Chicago Great �Yestern Bridge at $5�00 per ton„ Dr a tDtal of approx: $1250*00 1 I � �rithflut competitipe bids puxsuant �o wect�on 291 of the �har;�er of the �City o� 5t.;� Paul as an emergencp exists cuhere failure to act promptly v�ould work hardship ', . { i to the best interests of the City, � . � �ode: P...W. 1200-305 I /`� I ,APp �LS T FORM: �?,PPRO � C I �i ASSISTANT ORATION COUNSEL ��� Jms��l� J. Il/I���.hell C''.y� Coxazp�rco�lee �y - - - CQI�R LER e• 'cy oayay��:sot - . i PUR ING AGE (Deputy) � • i I � OCT 51965 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays � Dalglish , OCT 51965 Holland A oved 19— Los s Favor ` Meredith ' Pete rs on U Mayor �o� Against �UBLISHED QCT � 1g�` Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-ds � DUrLICAT[TO NtINTER � ���������' ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FI01�UNCIL NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM COESMHMiTEDONEe DA� OCtO�MT �t �.9B�S �pLY�A� Tlu�t tho Purcha�i.� R�ent b� and f� is hereby •uthori,�od� with the eoc+sont o! th� ltayor snd ths Cdrptroller� to purch��• Pro� J. L. �I�LX Oo�p�n� Z60 tons�; roansor 1�ss a� syquirada Rip Rap Rodc to b� doliv�r�d to �hepsrd Boad and Chi+oago arat N�st�rn Hrid�� a� *8.00 p�.r toa� or a total of approx� ;].ZS0�00 � �ithout �o�titivs bida purswint to �atioa 2�1 ot the �r�Qr of th� City o� St,� PAU1 as a►n �nerg�uc� �zists ��ro failure �o act prorptlq �puld wort hardship to ths bsst int�rMt■ oi ths Mtqr 4 y COdsS ��f� 1'200-90� A��O �1[t AP��OV�D . AQ838TANP IRPOi�ATIQN ODUi�I. YA3lOR .. . 1. . . _'._.__di l. �. �W.-ti�♦ � Yl✓ / 1�.+ � al�.. ...yy l, il3p�h�Of F't' t i �qtCHA6Iti(� ALi (D�put ocr � �ss� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� � ��C� Dalglish Q Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � MAyOr o�� A►g81IlSt Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� o-es