225485 � Slopes 22�4$� G-1734 Counoil �le No................�.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposeathemakingof thefollowingpubliaimpmvement by the City of 8aint Paul,vis.: Changing the..�rade of W. NEBRASKA AVE. from Marion 'St. to Rice St. to conform to the grade as shown ..-•-----------------•-•-------------•--•-•---••-----------•--._....._._..----------..._..............................----_................--------•----------••-- on the profile_on file in the De�artment of Public Works. Also condemning and taking an easement in ._... ..--- --_. ..--- ....................•--.._..._..__....._.................. ....-- •--.......... .......... the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including rigf�t o remova of��ateral��support from suh;�..land._or._.r�ma.ind�x...th�xes�£..QGaa&is�m�s�.hy...��s.Y.a��.s2t1�._tX1��4�.4?F..�4nstruction of_,slopes i� the grading and sarfacing with bituminous material W. NEBRASKA AVENUF from Marion Street to RiceSt�et.:........................................................................•---......_...........---._........................�.............................._...........----•---_......... Dated thie....5th............day of......October......................................................... 19 ..65 � •-•--•................•--:�-���..� ... . ._.:...._.... ��an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Changing the grade of W. NEBRASKA AVE. from Marion St. to Rice St. to conform to the grade as shown ...._------------------•------•----------•---••-----••--•----•--•-----------------•----- _.... ..-•--•--•--•--• ---•---...--- •-•- • --.__...... ._.. on the profile on file in the Department of pu��ic �or�CS. 8�so concTemn�.ng anil talcing an easement in the lancL.n�,cessa�..£ar...the_.s1o}�,es,.._cuts...encL_fills,..inrlu�ling..right--nf--xsmiaua]...n�£..l.az�el_support from subject� land or remainder thereof occ$sioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes _.--------•-•-----•.........................................•------•._...___.-••-----•----•--•-----.........------•-------------.._...-----...---. • ..............----------- .......--- in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material W. NEBRASKA AVENU� �rom Marion �treet to Rice Stzee�.._......._--------•- •-•-------•......................................................................•-------•---....._---------- ------•......................................____. f having been presented to�the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..................._........._...............�_...�_....._.___...........__...__._ = .therefore, be it f •� -• RFSOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and ia hereby ordered and diseated: 1. To investigate the neceseity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon sll of the foregoing matters to the Commie�ib�r of FYnance. �c� 5 �� Adoptedby the Council........---•----------••-----------•--•------•-------------------------••-•- Y�es � . Councilman Dalgliah ��' 51965 $olland Approve�................ : ................................................__ � Loas Meredith � � Peterson oaen ^ .......... ............. ... _------------_. _ ..�.._.:......._._... M$. PEPSBID�NT Vavoulis v Mayor. � 7-b4 1965 pt1BL1SHED OGT 9 o� ���