225482 r ~ ����V� ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ' ,; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � COEMM SS�IONEQ ..�./�i..1�_ pA� September 28� 1965 � RESOLVED, That upon requisition by the Dept. of Libraries, the Purchasing ,�qent be, and he is hereby aufihorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, for the St. Paul Public Libnaries, from time to time as required, for period of one year, such B O O K S as may be necessary to meet the Libraries' needsr without advertisement or competitive bids, � pursuant to Section 290 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul as fihese are copyrighted. Charge: Libraries. �� . APP O FORM: APPROVED: (I 6.�.�.��VV1 ,.,�.,1�, ssistant ration ounse � "� �ptro � � urc asing e�ri Deputy , COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council �Cj 5 �g�9 Yeas Nays Dalglish OCT e� �9� Holland r roved 1g_ Loss t7 Tn Favo1' • I Meredith Peterson �y�r I �OS�� Ag��t PUBLISHED QCT 9 1�� Mr. President, Vavoulis _ IOM 6a2 j l DUrLIW(T[TO rRINT[R °' '' �, CITY OF ST. PAUL F,O'�UHCIL NO ���'`' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED tY SA�t�IiiD�P �S� �9E�S COMMISSIONE� DA� . R�SO�.�/�D,, That upon rmquisiti�r� by the Dep#, of Libmries, th• Purchasir� AQerrt (»; and h+� �s her¢by authori��d to purchas�; wtth the cor�sent o� the �omptroller, for fh� $t. Paul Fub{i� Lib�ari:s, from tim� to tfine aa rmqtiired j for p�riod of on� year, a�ch B O O�C S a: may bs nsc�ary to msst th� Librnrf�s' n�cls, withciut adv�rt�isem�t or eanpstitive bi.�ls, pursuartt to Sectiorr 290 of the Charter af the City of S�. Paul as th+� are copyrighted. Cl�argec 1�3bnartes. AP TO FORM: APPROVED: - �tant t on� our�� ro a� � s o� r s n� �rt� Q�T 51965 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Q�,t� 5 �965 � Dalglish � Holland Approo� 19— , Los s Tn Favor Meredith Petersou � MAyOr A g81II8t ��� Mr. President, Vavoulis ioa� e-ds