225467Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 22546 COUNCIL FILE NO. " PRESENTED BY a' ORDINANCE NO. 3 An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to "C111" Residence District, to -wit: "Lots 1 through 49 Brenner Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota ;" situate on property located on the east side of Clarence Street and north of Maryland Avenue. - •� Section 2. This ordinance is`her_eby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ` A Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss M2T� Peterson Rosen Mr. Presiden (Vavoulis) Attest: - ,. Cit3* 10lerk IM 6-02 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Approved: 5 OCT 211965 n/cl l In Favor A gainst ` OCT/ 211965 Ai'l, - Mayor PUBLISHED OCT 2 3 1965 J X Note; CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrti 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE �S The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the J rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223 -4151. (Please tune or Arint) Date; July 21, 3.0� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall' " City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota f Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- .ing Ascribed property; (legal description and street address) from f- District to C? District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or oper ting the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATTT" T,(" RT,nr.K - AnnTTTOV M Subject Property; and sworn to before me this 218t. day ofn July 1965 1 Address; 1272 Clarence S , St, aul J Telephone No. PR 68817 Not y ub 'c, Ramsey County, Minn. My ommission.expires June 2, .1968 Approved as to form 1/4/65 FGI 1/5/65 ` ERICKSON. = Rb�V; A, Office of the Corporation Counsel I r4ot6ry Public, Ramsey county, Mlvn. Ny Corn &ssien Exptres June 2, 1968 State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ( ss 'Chi MerrM Westergren being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 2 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and-correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. l If - Subscribed and sworn to before me this 218t. day ofn July 1965 1 Address; 1272 Clarence S , St, aul Telephone No. PR 68817 Not y ub 'c, Ramsey County, Minn. My ommission.expires June 2, .1968 Approved as to form 1/4/65 FGI 1/5/65 ` ERICKSON. = Rb�V; A, Office of the Corporation Counsel I r4ot6ry Public, Ramsey county, Mlvn. Ny Corn &ssien Exptres June 2, 1968 4. • { '�• CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE LTA I Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223 -4151. (Please type or print) Date: July 21, 1965 ' TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall 7 City of Saint, Paul, Minnesota • f Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of•50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal description and street address) from District to District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) A� RECORD OWNER gTr.NATTTR.F d�''�' MT TMOMr AnnTTTOTT S b' t roper y: ` L I State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey ( ss Merrill. Westergren being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 2 pages; that the parties described above are•the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above•are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st-day of July 3.965 t Address: 1272 Glare St.., St.Paul Telephone No. PR 6 8817 y ub ic, Ramsey nty, Minn. y commission expires June 2, 1968 Approved as to form 1/4/65 ROY A. ERICKSON, Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 Notary Public, Ramsey County, mirm. 1%4y Commissbn ExplreA June 2, 1968 t I �1 t �110ARD OF ZONING, CITY- _OF�.SAINT PAUL _•.tiilif `223.4151 Room 20 CITY HALL A COURT HOUSE Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, 55102 �1� 'Z� �� JANALS J. September 16, 1965 _ `-.1,: -4t fC Er. i Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. City Clerk Building Dear Sir: `a ::ot . — � 1, This pis., -in the .matter_ -of the petition of Merril E. Westergren to rezone from "AW residence_to 11C -1" residence district property located on the east side- of,arence Street and north of Maryland Avenue. The property is described as �as Lot 1 thru 4, Brenner's lst. Addition. On August 10th, 1965, the Commissioner of Finance reported the petition sufficient with 17 of a possible 20 property owners (85 %) of tracts of land within the prescribed.1001 radius having - signed the petition. + Previously-,; ;there was.a_ - petition to rezone subject property from "A" to "C" residence. On may 27, 1965 the City Council voted approval of the request of the. appl icant to have, the_ petition withdrawn. `. trici . _ ill.a, Y _;�;.i r}: sl-: ! c;S; r'qd yr The Board of Zoning considered this matter at-'its regular meeting on Septem =r ber 21; 1965. r.The- staff reported that the properties to the west across Clarence Street are classified in a "C" residence district and have been developed with apartments. -The area to the south and adjoining is classi- fied "C" "residence and%is being used as the site of a nursing home; east and across an,unimproved_ public alley are several undeveloped lots classified "A" residence which:front on Etna Street; farther to the east are single - family homes in -an "A" residence district.'.Immediately north and adjoining is a;largejvacant tract of land which is classified "A "_residence district; farther to the north, northwest and northeast are single - family homes. In consideration of- the.zoning and development of'property.to the west and the south, the Board of Zoning recommends, the grantirig_of the petition to rezone the above, described property to the C -1 residence district. ! Sincerely, NRH /mm N. R. Heiden Encl. Z.F. # 5855 _ � V City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 September 10, 1965 File 16927, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. °aul at 10:00 a.m. on September 23, 1965, on the rezoning from "All Residential to "C -111 District on the following property: Lots 1 thru 41 Brenner Addition for the purpose of constructing apartments. The property is located on the east side of Clarence Street north of Maryland Avenue. For further information call at Room 20, Court House or phone 223 - 41.51. JAMES J. DALM ISH Commissioner of Finance i Honorable Mayor and City Council City of St. Paul State of Minnesota 1 September 14, 1965 Concerning the advisability of amanding the zoning code of the City of St. Paul by changing lots one thru four Brenner Addition from Class ?'A" Residential to Class "C 1" Residential. The property is located on the east side of Clarence Street north of Maryland. The following property owners would like to go on record as opposed to rezoning the above property. J - e?-te�-e —4 ,� 4 6� j, -1-2 FILED '65 SEP,/,0+ A,m 9 ,t EWS Of f ICE. SA ;,ALJL, ,W 1,NN. I la'? 1 �,�' -29 -2- _ - h F 12- y _ 1311 1 1 \-Q FI "65 SEP 24 Am 9 2s CITY CLERX'S oiij; E N esf FILED A-A- '95 SEP 24 A H 9 2 - -! %�• rte' � �, -- ����� � UINT PAWL, 3 r 1st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. (---Adopted Yeas Nays s Nays Dalglish alglish Holland 25 Tolland Loss Loss Peterson .- Rosen— 6. U �Vvo ........ .g6 al... ...... :-Vice President (Rosen) �Acdiusom Peterson Rosen U r. President Vavou is